What was the last good Blizzard game?
What was the last good Blizzard game?
Brood War
MoP was when Blizzard still had an ounce of decency left in them.
Wings of Liberty
probably wings of liberty
but i still didn't really like it that much
Starcraft 2
Though honestly Heroes of the Storm is pretty fun
I second this opinion. MoP was a blast. There were so many good players invested in the game because they could shine with access to so many mechanics for their class. Every 1v1 had so much personality since they could be played in different ways.
Heroes of the Storm and Legion
HoS is a good game, it's just lost in a flood of Dota/Lol
Heart of the Swarm and Legacy of the Void were both good, they just took way to long to come out that people lost interest.
You aren't funny.
how do you do fellow blizzard consumers
They dropped the ball so fucking hard with MoP that they never regained their fanbase after they quit when they announced gay ass fucking pandas. I love how based you faggots always think this expansion is but it killed the game.
>A Belf poster with a shit opinion as usual
You're delusional. The raids were great up until SOO which ran for too long in a content drought, Timeless Isle was great, PvP felt sweet, they introduced Challenge Modes for dungeons, new lore from actual old lore that didn't crap on anything else.
>but muh pandas
Literally the cherry on top you could make someone reel from asshurt if you killed them as a pandaren character.
>complains about belf
>hypes pandas up
you are the fanbase he's talking about lol
post some panda lewds because i know you have them saved, fuckin furry defense force
>mfw MoP was the pinnacle of class and gear design
I dont care about Belf players though theyre funny. They got introduced to the game because the Horde bitched about not having enough people on their side so Blizz caved in and gave them a pretty race. I just said he had a shit stance which a multitude of them do. Its entertaining.
>KFP argument
Youre gonna have to try harder than that retard that ones 10 years old.
>10 years old
yeah so is kung fu panda
MoP is literally kung fu panda and if you can't see that you're the retard here lol
>not kung fu panda
okay so how about some of DPS monk spells
>Fist of the white tiger
>Rising sun kick
>Chi burst
c l a p p e d
If you can formulate better bait that isn't rooted in your own ignorance I will give you one more (you).
diablo 3 with all its expansions and updates is a pretty good game
>can't even link post
>can't comprehend all architechture/clothing style is of chinese origin
>can't even distinguish chinese voice acting
>can't understand MoP was Kung Fu Panda
stop embarrassing yourself
You tried and failed.
constructive, you sure told me champ!
The one and only reason monks don't get invited to M+
Im so fucking triggered, even sarcastic praise of reforged pisses me off
why are blizzard so SHIT, they had to ruin my boy
unironically a good expansion
Overwatch was legitimately fun until they added competitive mode. It's been 100% downhill from there.
I fapped to OW porn a few months ago, so there is that. Currently on nofap, but I'm tempted now that I think about it.
Legion is severely overrated in light of how bad BfA is
it is known that it was in Wrath when they merged with Activision. At that time they had to make drastic changes, not for quality and creative reasons, but to manipulate players to keep paying a monthly subscription. They rushed and canceled content at this point. Every following xpac continues this point. Blizzard was shit at the time MoP released.
it fell flat, but cataclysm had a ton of content
Burning Crusade was the last Blizzard game before the Activision cancer comes out, so...
Artifact weapons did nothing but try to add in talent trees they removed years before. The talent trees of the weapons were not even interesting. They added mythic+, but the morons couldn't apply it to the 100 fucking dungeons in the game, so you're still grinding the same 5 dungeons the entire expansion. All the obvious good decisions they are saving for a rainy day are now wasted because everyone gave up on the game a long time ago.
It's like apple finally releasing the waterproof iphone 10 years after google or samsung. Sure, some retarded iphone drones will still be around to buy it, but holy shit.
It's insane how it's 2020 and people still haven't played Warcraft 3
I played for the first 2 months and the last 5 or 6 months and enjoyed it
Wasnt 10/10 but if every wow xpac was atleast that "ok" I think the game would be doing 20x better
I only played BFA for the first 3 months and then a month before classic launched(which I only played for like 4 months) and it was really just not fucking enjoyable at all
Atleast when I resubbed at the ass end of WoD Ashran kept my attention for a long time
Its a solid 7-8 that can be entertaining for a week or two every once in awhile
Which is leagues better than vanilla D3
I liked the concept of artifact weapons. The initial questlines were cool for the most part. The talent tree was a good idea in order to keep a progress at maxlevel. Getting hidden skins was hilarious, especially some of them like the unholy DK skin and the retribution paladin skin which took a fuckton of time to find.
Artifact grind fucked it up though.
>They added mythic+, but the morons couldn't apply it to the 100 fucking dungeons in the game, so you're still grinding the same 5 dungeons the entire expansion
Adding mythic+ to all dungeons would have created way more problems. And Legion dungeons were great so I don't think it was a problem.
A legitimate problem was its connection to AP how you had to grind Maw of Souls over and over again for AP
Not like you can play it in anything but that godawful '''remaster'''.
Then again, the right way to play was in Gameranger with pirated WC3.
Warcraft 3: Frozen Throne is their swansong. WoW was the beginning of the end, popularized an awful genre, paid subscriptions and got progressively worse, until the writing degraded to SyFy Channel original degrees.
Agreed they become soulless when activision took over, but MOP was indeed the last good wow
Face it faggot MoP is the last true expansion that Blizz put actual effort into.
Warcraft 3 and WoW up to burning crusade. Now blizzard pnly makes comfortably mediocre games that their aging fan base won't mind dropping disposable income on and the impressionable zoomers will also get because they saw their favorite twitch streamer play it and pretend to have a good time.
Pandas are just gay,bro. Replace any of the nations in Warcraft 3 with pandas and it loses any sense of drama or interesting plot. They only exist to appease (man)children and pedophiles.
MOP is a solid log of shit in a boiling sea of diarrhea. Yeah, it's better than the liquid shit, but it's still shit. Boring rehashed themepark gameplay with a story no one gives half a fuck about.
unironcially the first few months of cata
Burning Crusade and Starcraft II were alright
otherwise vanilla WoW
Good Blizzard games:
Lost Vikings
Warcraft O&H
Vanilla WoW
that's it
>Warcraft 3 isn't good
Why not? If we're just talking the base game, I can see arguments for and against, but the the mid-to late 2000s custom map scene was a golden era we're never going to see again.
>Good WoW expacs
Burning Crusade
Wrath of the Lich King
Mists of Pandaria
>Bad WoW expacs
Warlords of Draenor
Battle for Azeroth
Holy shit, cata before the nerfs was great. I still wasn't a fan of the talent tree purge, but the difficulty was on point.
As far as I'm concerned, every other xpac after Wrath was good.
>cata, WoD, Bfa bad
>MoP Legion good.
Hopefully this means Shadowlands will be good.
talent trees werent purged in cata
I would no doubt waste my life away if MoP Classic ever comes out, it was honestly the golden age
The only thing to really come out of that was fucking Defense of the Ancients (dota), and that in itself is a fucking inexcusable sin.
If Belf players weren't overpopulated race on the Horde that attracts immeasurable amounts of twats, then it would be Undead instead. Seriously, Undead players are the fucking worst in Classic
they were pruned down by like half
They were massively pruned and it started the cookie cutter shit.
>What is island defense
>What is shopping mall td
>What is rural zombie onslaught 1+2
>What is werewolf
>That 1 fucking game werewolf was based on where you're all farmers and 1 player is secretly a demon or something
>What is World war z
>What is dawn of the dead
>What is azeroth wars
>What is LOAP
>What is eras zombie apocalypse
>Etc etc etc
I've had a lot more fun playing the custom maps on battlenet than most shit I have to pay for.
>Blood elves bad! Undead bad! Fur affinity redesign of worgen good!
i loved tbc and vanilla but started losing interest in wow during wrath then quit and sold acc during cata since it was crystal clear that this was was no longer the same game that id played from 2005 to 2010. I really did enjoy launch overwatch but with the exception of anna, i feel every new char and comp catered update just made the game worse
I just like the tribal Horde aesthetic.
I'm one of the few people that actually give a shit about the story, so I've always thought it was a little dumb that the blood elves and forsaken joined the horde and the night elves joined the alliance. I just find it funny that people bitch about elves, but pretend that the diaper baby gnomes, pandas, and worgen aren't pure shit. And they kind of fucked the horde aesthetic when they had them become basically as technologically advanced as the alliance. We went from grunts to orc paratroopers with the equivalent of assault rifles.