It's generally agreed that 343i fucked up the appearance of the Forerunners.
What should they have looked like?
It's generally agreed that 343i fucked up the appearance of the Forerunners
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Nothing. You don't need to show off and explain every goddamn piece of lore in your setting. Just shut the fuck up and let mysterious things remain mysterious.
You never should have seen them. The absolute outer limit of what they should have looked like.
generic (not)humans with FAT tits
They shouldn't have been shown.
this mysterious beings, let your imagination do the talking. 343 has ruin Halo for too dam long.
>tfw you finally find a sensible post in this shithole of a board
The forerunners were ancient humans from bungie halo 1-3 the 343 came and fucked it up and made them generic aliens. That's why in Bungie Halo you and all the humans were called reclaimers and were able to activate forerunners installation.
The monitor even called you the children's of his makers.
Hiw did 343 fucked it up? They hired developers who LITERALLY DISLIKE HALO to change and retcon Halo as a whole. Mind 343 dramatically retcon the hell out of Bungie Halo.
There's actually no porn of her
I want to fuck the librarian
I think it's generally agreed that they fucked up everything about everything.
From a 9 year old game? Bullshit Im gonna check this out.
343 practically retcon the forerunners. And even the flood.
The Flood were originally from a another galaxy and were parasitic. They were never precursors or whatever.
exactly like humans except with a bunch of cybernetic modification, because the forerunners were suppose to be ancient humans.
that's why all their tech worked for humans and not covenant. That's why guiltyspark referred to master chief as "reclaimer". He was literally reclaiming the lost technology of his forefathers.
Best post
There's none
Or a pet virus from food that made your pet cuter or some ridiculous bullshit? What the fuck are they thinking?
You cant leave somethings appearance a mystery for more than a decade then have its reveal be satisfying
Although I would say the forerunners were post-humans even without cybernetic but your right.
>the flood is space dust
>rookie is dead
>didact kills black team
>What the fuck are they thinking?
Like I said, 343 literally hired developers that HATED and DISLIKE Halo so they can see changes. 343 studio are buch of idiots....
The Forerunners were a ancient Post-Humans civilization. 343 retconned them because idiocy.
How can you fuck up something that never had a confirmed appearance?
>343 retconned them because of their idiocy of catering to a new "audience".
I see nothing wrong with that.
What the fuck is their problem?
Wow so 343 retconned them because of catering and being dumbasses? What the fuck?
>Hiring Developers that hate Halo.
Are they retarded?
>halo 1 and 2
You talking about a developer that thought it was good to make a Halo a T Teen rated game to bring in audience.
Yes they're retarded.
Once you hand off an IP to people who dont give a shit about it then its going to die. This isn't even exclusive to games it happens to movie franchises 24/7
retconned them because of their idiocy of catering to focus groups filled with retards.
Double fixed
No Halo 3 then monitor literally says "YOU THE CHILDREN OF MY MAKERS"
Dont fuck with me,
I have all the Halo novels.
It's even confirmed IN Contact Harvest
That's much better
Bungie said that by Halo, they decided to just make them separate because they thought the Humans = Forerunner thing was stupid like the Cortana take over the universe and Miranda joining the Covenant plots.
>imagine caring about this dead franchise
>No in Halo 3 the monitor literally says "YOU THE CHILDREN OF MY MAKERS"
*by Halo 3
just butthurt
>>Hiring Developers that hate Halo.
>Are they retarded?
They’re beyond retarded. Frankie boasted and bragged about it in interviews.
Like, how fucking stupid do you have to be to say that to your fans, and think it’s a good thing?
Looks empowering
>I have all the Halo novels
>reading novels
Do not fuck troll,
Or fuck with me,
They had confirmed in the novels,
It was already in Halo 3 and so on.
343 changed it after.
Seriously take your inane faggotry of trolling with someone else.
I was a avid Halo person back then before 343 bullshit. What's the problem.
Frank was full of himself.
He always thought he ran shit in the Halo franchise honestly.
>Like, how fucking stupid do you have to be to say that to your fans, and think it’s a good thing?
He must've used reddit or tumblr and thought it was cool but that's my guess.
so has 343 retconned even the original designs of their own fanfiction now? fuck me
>Once you hand off an IP to people who dont give a shit about it then its going to die. This isn't even exclusive to games it happens to movie franchises 24/7
This right here
>What should they have looked like?
naked lolis
Eat a dick, loretranny.
343 is a fucking wreck and honestly they can rot in the ass of a fucking grave mind with infection forms eating their face off.
Fuck 343
Humanity has already reached its peak in terms of sapient evolution. Any other sapient race is gonna look the same as humanity.
Reading the books that's the problem, they were never good and they fuck up the mystery.
No, it's just different models
Go take your inane faggotry with someone who likes neck faggot.
There was no fucking history either you read the novels and so forth or not. Most that played and didn't even care about Halo was into the multiplayer.
I was into both
Don't be calling normal people faggots, faggot, you read the books made for women, faggots, and trannies, no Halo fan alive would be caught reading that shit, you play the games and leave it at that.
343 are clowns
Wrong, people played for the campaign but never gave two fucks about the novels.
>, you read the books made for women, faggots, and trannies, no Halo fan alive
Faggot you speak for me I read the books and it was good especially fall of reach
You dont speak for me zoomer shit. I read fall of reach, contact harvest with avery johnson and more so.
Were you in elementary you fucking zoom or? Fuck off....
I actually read Halo books. It was either that or read Harry Potter books when I was young. The Halo novels are good. Ghost of oryx was based.
You mean that shitty Ender's Game ripoff where Chief doesn't shut the fuck up about winning. The moment I saw Bungie's Chief had a different personality was the moment I acted like the novels didn't exist. First Strike is just further proof, on how shit they are
>Time Crystals
>You mean that shitty Ender's Game ripoff
Man your a faggot....
Just fuck off and go shitpost somewhere else.
Jesus fuck, you're women, go fuck off to reddit we don't need you shitting on men testosterone.
Where did all these fucking books nerds come from in the Halo fanbase, get off of Yas Forums and go to /lit/, homos.
I read Halo The Flood,
Halo First Strike,
Halo Ghost Of Onyx,
And most importantly Contact Harvest.
The fuck are you are representing nigga?
Illiterate ameritard