Why is it bad for games to be easy?

Why is it bad for games to be easy?

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It's not. This board is full of autistic manchildren posturing to other autistic manchildren.

What I want to know is, why can games be "too easy" but never, EVER too hard? Why do people think upping the difficulty to a factor of 11 would somehow make a shit game a good one out of nowhere? You can make the simple act of walking down the sidewalk harder by blindfolding yourself, that wouldn't make it more fun.

So many fucking retards were clamoring for pound me in the ass tedium difficulty to be patched into Terminator Resistance. And now it sounds like the game is unplayable because of all the bitching, when a million other things could have, and should have gotten patched first.

>What I want to know is, why can games be "too easy" but never, EVER too hard?

See Outside of this board it is possible for games to be too hard. It just happens very rarely nowadays due to playtesting.

I want a game that challenges me.

because a game being easy means it's not engaging, and if it's not engaging then it's not a game.
It's the same reason exorcise shouldn't be "too easy". If it gets past a certain point of ease then it's not worth doing.

I want a game with trianer so i can exploit the lobby

It depends on what type of game it is.

Something doesn't need to be difficult to be engaging. It just needs to be interesting in itself. If you have to add difficulty to make something engaging, then the player may as well go play anything else, because difficulty isn't unique.

Okay, but do you think a game could ever be too challenging? And why would making a normally shit game super difficult, either through mods or patches, suddenly make the game better? Do you think if you tried playing Battletoads and every time you ran out of lives, someone would reach through the television and then smash your testicles with a hammer? Would that finally reach the criteria needed for the most elusive "too difficult" status?

What's the point of assembling a puzzle if every piece is the same color and they all interlock with each other?

easy is just boring and not interesting to talk about or reminisce with friends
nothing wrong with baby games like animal crossing but if that's all you play you're probably low testosterone and don't have an interesting personality

>make the game better

Because some people just want a challenge and don't care how they get it. There's satisfaction in beating a game the harder it is. The only time where difficulty isn't good, is when it's tedious like you lose 30 hours of progress and have to do it all again or it takes 10 hours to kill a random fodder enemy by repeating the same combo

then smashing me isn't related to the difficulty of doing a particular task.


There's literally nothing wrong with an easy mode in games. My personal belief is that games designed to be muh hard should either have an easy mode that doesn't unlock anything in game or achievements when you play it like Strafe does, or allow only a certain amount of the game to be playable on easy to get you accustomed to it like some old games used to do.

That's just personal preference, just because a game has an easy mode doesn't mean you can't play it on hard. Once a year I'll pick up a cheap used copy of the previous year's CoD because beating all of them on veteran has been a ritual for me since last gen. I can't imagine playing them on an easier difficulty, but just because I like playing them that way doesn't mean people shouldn't be allowed to just experience it like an interactive action movie if that's what they enjoy.

shut the fuck up you goober

the masochism is still there, if not in the same form.

but you're allowed to play games on the baby difficulty, you're just kinda pathetic because it's designed for a child or any modern games jouranlist to stroll through
it's unrealistic game play, unsatisfying gameplay and ultimately you would be better off struggling through a game like cod and never finishing it because it's a war game it's not meant to be easy that's the point

Maybe you're talking to an actual child user, those people who are on disability with the mentality of a 9 year old. Grown man who wears diapers. They're the people who play games on easy mode.

it's just sad people can't overcome a challenge in a fucking video game
it's not like you have to train years to get good at it like a professional sport just learn a fucking mechanic like dodging and a few combos and you're good it's fucked up

It's not. It's bad for games to have shitty pacing. And if the game isn't introducing anything new, isn't keeping you engaged and isn't trying to do anything but pad time, that's bad.
Difficulty is one way of controlling pacing. Also games aren't difficult, people are big babies.

>but it was easy for me!
no one cares faggot

easy games are fine, its the people who want every single game to not be even remotely challenging that are stupid.

It's only good when I'm tired and not in the mood for something a little more exciting.

it isn't

Some people like difficult games, it gives them pleasure to struggle and beat a challenge.

Other people are fucking losers who literally have no real achievements of any kind and somehow manage to convince themselves to be proud of being good at fucking games, something no nonretard could possibly care about.

>just because a game has an easy mode doesn't mean you can't play it on hard
The problem is a lot of games are designed for easy mode and their hard modes are a pathetic afterthought. Often poorly balanced to the point of not being fun because of things like health sponge enemies.
Of course in an ideal world games would all have difficulty sliders that perfectly fit each and every player, but in the real world we have limited resources and i don't have faith in devs to develop games with two separate functional difficulties. so i'm going to prefer them focus on making the hard mode interesting. If you want games to be easy you can always watch a lets play on youtube.

what's the point in designing an intricate combat system if the game never asks you to use anything other than basic attack? Difficulty is the most basic form of engagement, it may not be the only one, but it's a bad sign when a game completely lacks it.
>Difficulty isn't unique
what does this even mean? I feel like you think you made a point with this but it's just nonsense to me.

>Of course in an ideal world games would all have difficulty sliders that perfectly fit each and every player
Plenty of games have custom difficulty and it's not hard to implement at all.

I can only feel pity for a retard who quits video games because he's bad at learning


Because it's boring. Games that require minimal input from the user it's just like half a step away from just watching a movie, and in the case of vydia, a very badly written one.

>what does this even mean?
If difficulty is all a game has to offer to keep the player engaged, then it's probably not a good game. There are so many difficult games out there that a game being difficult doesn't make it special.

Yeah, just going to have to flat out disagree with you. the most interesting system in the world gets boring as shit if you're never asked to use any of it.

>Thief 4
>Dishonored 2
>Dragon Age: Inquisition
>Xenoblade 2
>Hearts of Iron IV
>Arma 3
>Sniper Elite 4
>NBA 2K19

All of these games and more have custom difficulty

shut up diaper boy

Sorry, i meant "bullshit, it is hard to implement, and no games have ever done it well". not "no games have tried".

>playing video games to learn
you'd make a much better use of your time by just reading a fucking book

Difficulty is part of the video game design. Adding difficulty selection is some corporate's fuck idea that a videogame should appeal to both babies and tryhard speedrunning "git gud" faggots alike. The best thing is to make a videogame the way the developers intended and start from there, and if possible, make difficulty not just increase enemy HP but properly change the game.

An easy game is OK if it was the intention.

Only when there's an expectation of challenge, casualised sequels and the like, otherwise no I don't care if a game is easy.

Most of the time the easy games are also not fun. For easy games that are fun, just look at the Kirby series

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No game should ever be forced to add an easy mode. Nor should they be forced to add a hard mode. In addition, there should never be a game that is for everyone. That's how we end up with bland boring sludge of banality.

There should be spreadsheet games, and action games, and movie games, and kiddy platformer games, and everything in between. And if you want to enjoy that, accept it for what it is.

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b-b-b-b-b-but muh sales, muh AAA industry

The comic only makes sense if you're talking about multiplayer games. A person having an easier time completing a singleplayer game has no effect on your experience other than you not being able to enjoy gatekeeping people for no reason.

I don't care about people playing games however they want, what I found obnoxious was the guy who worte an entire fucking article bragging about how beating sekiro with an easy mode proved that easy modes were necessary, or something.
If you want an easier time, you can most likely make one for yourself, but don't try to force shit on others. Not trying to force shit on others would be a good rule of thumb for everything

That means nothing retard, you're just consuming some fat lards words he put on paper. It's no different entertainment than consuming a video game. One take practiced skill one takes a grade school level comprehension to read any book.

I like easy games because it gives me something to do when I don't feel like doing anything.

>ITT room temp IQs with learning abilities lesser than chimps provide mental gymnastics as to why they are incapable of learning basic mechanics in children's video games

Here I made macbeth easier to consume for you. After all, it's only you reading it so it has no impact on anyone else right?

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>A person having an easier time completing a singleplayer game has no effect on your experience
For most time because of pandering to casuals some game mechanics gets cutted/main game battle system becomes useless(which is basically either too easy or too long, because games should be balanced about core mechanic, not numbers)

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It's not.
I think it depends on the demographic you are going for. If you are going for a casual audience, difficulty isn't a big deal. Just make some bits a bit harder so they feel accomplished.
If you are going for a more hardcore audience and want your game to be more than than a popcorn movie equivalent, you need to add challenge.

you're wrong, single player games that were once challenging are also being watered down to improve sales to a wider casual audience

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Because when a game is too easy not only are you never forced to make proper use of its gameplay systems but you often end up with games where you can't make full use of it becuse enemies die too quickly.

Are you talking about this article? He literally never says that but okay. The point was that making the game easier didn't detract from the experience for him.

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I don't think I've ever played a game that was too easy. What games are too easy?

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Most of the yarn yoshi games. That's not to say they don't have value. Just if all you want to do is finish it, yeah your going to.

He says it in the title. "I played a video gam e with a mod" should not be a fucking headline you use to showboat around doing something an otherwise normal person would just do and then maybe comment to their friends offhand not try to make into a """""""""""""""""Games Journalism"""""""""""""""" article.
The fact he has to put "no shame" on there too just goes further into the persecution complex.
Like, look at this fag.

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Hollow Knight.

"I want to be the Boshy" is an example of an objectively terrible, bug-ridden game, which is popular because it's hard and only because it is hard

you dont need good design, story, aesthetics, or anything at all other than difficulty in order for someone to say "i beat it and you didnt" and get their enjoyment out of it.

if you could navigate new york city blindfolded, it wouldnt be more fun, but you'd get some good youtube ad revenue for the go-pro footage

Oh that's a great example. Honestly i enjoyed the Wii U Yarn Yoshi game quite a lot, but the fun of the platforming really fell apart once i realized it was possible to flutter indefinitely with proper timing. How do they mess up something Yoshi's island got right 25 years ago?
>inb4 just don't flutter if it bothers you

You don't have to play on the easy mode.

here is Yas Forums being hypocritical again. You mock Sony for having movie games yet all of you like to jack your dick off to easy games that are so easy they don't really require much input from the player. Games that even a 3 year old could beat without understanding what's happening on the screen. I thought you guys were about gameplay?

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It's not bad and I hate when people bitch and moan when devs add braindead easy modes and cheat options. Personally I like playing on at least hard but there are people out there with physical or mental disabilities who absolutely need those crutches. Just don't pick them. Even if a game is inherently easy with no difficulty options I create my own challenge.