Why is Nintendo LITERALLY incapable of making enough supply to meet demand?
Why is Nintendo LITERALLY incapable of making enough supply to meet demand?
In this case,Coronavirus
Because they're dead bro
They hate consumers and just want worthless headlines about 'selling out' their 3 units per store.
The fact that this DOES NOT come with the game is the biggest disappointment of all time.
>Can only have one save per system
>Release limited time exclusive system
>Even if I can get the system after they go back in stock, I'd have to restart my town
Fuck that.
Next year for sure soinybros!
Corona you dumb fuck, Switches are made in Chinaland
I mean, of all the fucking excuses in the world, coronavirus is probably the most legit one they could have. That said, it's their schtick, nintendo has always been about forcibly creating scarcity in their products to make nutso hype. Look at how huge the wii was on a fluke, and how they've repeated that line of supply for every product since. wii u, s/nes classic, switch, switch lite even.
> (OP)
>Corona you dumb fuck, Switches are made in Chinaland
Including the ps5 and ps4.
Sony is ramping up manufacturing in a Quarantine zone from wuhan and mainland China. Very isolated
try best buy. picked mine up earlier today
bro, it doesn't come out until Friday
My gf’s switch shipped yesterday and will be here tomorrow. My brother and I are in the same boat as you user and we ordered before she did
Same reason america can't make enough toilet paper to wipe my ass
I went to Target 5 minutes before they were supposed to open and got back to the electronics section because they showed 2 in stock, and then two fucking neckbeards were already there buying both of them.
>casually walked into a Target
>picked up the last one on shelves
>didn't pre-order or anything
so do you think ours actually hasn't shipped yet or it's just the system not updating?
Is this yours? Please open and show what it looks like.
Corona chan. And dont buy that shit its not the V2 switch. Its the V1 model with shitty battery time.
It's the V2 model tho
>and then two fucking neckbeards were already there buying both of them.
Its called artificial demand you dumb fucking piece of fucking shit fuck you
Its not like they said more than one month in advance that a deadly virus was going to cause a delay in production of this already limited system pretty much fucking telling you to pre-order right the fuck now or your already low chances of getting it without pre-ordering fucking plummet or anything
>open it
And lose out on my $300 profit? fuck that.
Is a switch worth buying? Does it have ANY good games aside form BOTW? I have no idea why it's selling well, it seems everything it has is downgraded ports.
it's not limited, they're doing two more runs
fuck you
nintendo HK said they're doing multiple runs of the AC switch
Astral Chain is pretty cool. Captain Toad is honest to god, one of the most polished and entertaining games.
I like FE and XB2 but don't expect a constant stream of games I play like 1 new switch game a year
I sure hope so.
Literally why do people buy special edition switch consoles when there's nothing special about the CONSOLE? It's just different joycons and a painted dock. Why do they package it this way? Just sell the dock and joycons separate from the $300 fucking center device. Oh wait, because god is dead and everything we love is constantly being ruined by jews.
Here's my switch that's actually cool and special looking and not the same thing everyone else has with a different joycon attached.
>Astral chain
Most mediocre platinum game to date
>Toaad tracker
I said give me a reason to own a switch, Ports are not it.
>cool and special looking
Anyone else can go on etsy and get "custom" atomic purple joycons dude, you're not special.
I ordered the shells and installed it myself so go fuck yourself.
And are you really so stupid you missed the console in the middle?
My point is I have something that's ACTUALLY different in appearance than all these other "special edition" switches where the tablet part in the middle is still boring grey. And it cost me $20. Special editions are a fucking ripoff because they don't even specialize the console itself, just the cheap accessory parts, but they force you to drop another $300 like a good little goyim if you want to get it.
You haven't even played it, how are you gonna say it's their most mediocre game to date?
Please show proof. If it's a V1 I'll just resell mine.
The tablet is different though.
>Mfw I buy 3 of them and sell them for three times the price
>amazon told me it wasn't coming until april
>go to toys r us
>cashier told me they had like 15 left
>get one
>cancel amazon order
Fuck amazon. Toys r Us still king
Artificial scarcity is a nintendo exclusive problem. Remember that and save yourself the trouble kiddies
I saved myself the trouble by pre-ordering it.
Scalpers should be lashed to a cross
>preordering anything
Yeah I'm thinking this guy might be a mentally retarded pedophile. Such is the fate of all nintenkiddies. You guys really like enabling nintendo and scalpers
Why does anyone listen to this retard
why you all want this anyway? does it do anything a stock model doesn't? only a poofter would like the colour combo, and invite that many coons into their room.
Why didn't this come with the game?
Hell, why hasn't the game leaked yet? I'm sure it's gone gold.
No, you don't get it. I am a scalper. I am going to make money off of this.
Just got updated to preparing for shipping for both of us. Brother tried to call out amazon help on their shit but got nowhere. Usually they throw gift cards at him
fucking jew, get a real job. hard to blame you though when people are actually stupid enough to pay 2x the price, I guess.
I went to a ghetto Walmart and they didn't understand that the console and the game were different so they were holding them until the games release. I talked to the manager and got one. You just gotta go to the most ghetto place you can find.
was that your estimated delivery date?
or you contaced them?
I'm actually at work right now, but if people are stupid enough to pay ridiculous amounts of money for their toys I'm happy to oblige.
they pay way too much because you bought ones at normal price and now there aren't any, greedy cunt
>look on .ca
>from $699
They pay way too much because they're willing to pay that much. If people didn't pay that much people wouldn't sell them for that much.