This shit needs to end. Its around me every fucking day of my life everywhere I go on this site or the next. Even my friends call me a fucking furry just for playing Sonic or Spyro. I fucking cant enjoy any of these games knowing theres degenerate assholes out there jerking off to the characters I grew up on. Youre actually ruining these games for millions of people and you should be ashamed of yourselves.

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I feel you there as a sonicbro. Instantly associated with creepy furgins because of it

If you like Sonic, you're either a furry or autistic. You aren't furry, so...

I want to coom in spyros asshole

Well with Sonic there's no possible way you could be sticking around for the gameplay.

i enjoy this fan art

Same, it looks really nice.

I genuinely like the characters and music and stuff like that. I just have to accept that the sonic autism umbrella includes deviants and I’ll be seen as one with them, it’s whatever at this point

You are new on the internet, uh?

>seethes and spergs out

>Crash just goes for a tan with a smug as fuck grin
Appropriate as hell.

If you honestly seethe and sperg out about what gets people off and what others think of you then you really should just get off this site and kill yourself.

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What's your point?

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furries deserve death

How much will someone pay me to draw all these characters fucking?

These games aren't made for you. Leave.

kill yourself furfag

Not as badly as the ones who obsess over them.

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>tfw you don't have shitty NPC friends that won't let you enjoy quality platformers just because the MC isn't human

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You first you sensitive shitstain.

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You have people personifying fucking viruses and sexualizing them, and you think this will end? Kek. Don't delude yourself please, degeneracy has no limits.

Whats your art look like?

The Internet is not some kind of abstract mind that does things on its own : we all chose to make it the way it is!
If Yas Forums is full of trash it's our fault, if furries are do present it's our fault, if coomer art & Internet whores are so present it's our fault (for giving them the attention & money that makes them think that they can continue doing their trashy content).

Ratchet never pandered to furfags.

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It begins...

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I wouldn't even have a problem with furries if people didn't keep associating me with them.
I'm an art student and all my anthro animal art get's a lot of dumb furry jokes thrown at it and I fucking hate it.
I'm not gonna stop, but it's really annoying and I'd wish it would stop.

You ever notice how like every other kink or fetish doesn't have this much of a negative association around it?
There's a reason. Footfags don't abuse feet like furries abuse dogs. Armpit degenerates don't branch off into shit like diapers and scat like furries do.
Its completely understandable why some people don't like furries and are vocal as hell about it.

Welcome to the internet, zoomie.
Deal with it.
Back in the day, we would insult you with image macros.

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You're not a person and you don't deserve rights.

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Most people who are into anthro girls just wanna fuck them and nothing more. Those furries are gay and wear a fursuit you're lumping a minority of retards in with dudes who just go by the Captain Kirk model of fucking exotic humanoid babes.

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Youll soon find out I'm the most human here.

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>have this sort of character autism where I don't really care to see lewds of characters I've become really attached to
Not sure if I hate it or not but it sure doesn't line up with how others view said characters

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I feel you sorta, I like everything about splatoon but the gameplay

And that's my favorite part. Where you try to separate yourself from "other furries" instead of just admitting you're a part of something with tons of disgusting, dark fucked up shit.
You're all furries at the end of the day, you lumped yourself in with them when you wanted to fuck a squirrel with tits.

what about game devs who purposely make fur characters who are sexy?

i thought the onus around furries was because they literally NEVER shut the fuck up about it, they always shoehorn their shitty fetish into everything regardless of what it actually is
just look at sonicfox, imagine if another player showed up in full bondage gear. it'd be funny as hell but it'd be disgusting

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thus sayeth the tranny

Think is I dont give a shit who I'm lumped in with or not personally. You think anything you're apart of doesnt have somebody in it who does weird shit with the characters and material? You'd have to be completely new to this game to think otherwise.
>you lumped yourself in with them when you wanted to fuck a squirrel with tits.
Hey thats not true, just bandicoots and a mink girl from my childhood.

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Anything is sexy to someone so that's not really a fair argument

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no i mean like there is a difference between a anthro video game girl and a patron anime furry girl. im talking about the devs purposely making a anthro furry girl for the sole purpose of selling copies cause they know people want to 'fuck' those characters.

>I fucking cant enjoy any of these games knowing theres degenerate assholes out there jerking off to the characters I grew up on

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>you're lumping a minority of retards in with dudes who just go by the Captain Kirk model of fucking exotic humanoid babes.
>I don't care who I'm lumped in with
Okay, so just accept that me, and many others lump you two together as the same thing, and stop being such a pussy about and accept it.

How come Conker doesn’t attract as much furry autism despite having berry and ms sunflower with big tits on it?

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Point blank period, gay furries are more autistic then straight furries.

That would imply I care about what you or others think in the first place as I said in my previous post.

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There's people masturbating to everything, yes, even to the fucking Elections. People cumming all over Trump's face in picture form.
Why the fuck would any particular media affect you more than others then?

I remember like a week ago Ratchet trending on Twitter because Sony had a PS2 anniversary. Do you think Sony took notice and will give us more Ratchet?

Every character has porn and people will fap to it. You're just a low iq bitch who cares about what others think rather than enjoying something you like. You deserve to be made fun of.

Clearly you do since you tried to separate yourself from the "more degenerate" section.
Lmao, you furries are so funny.

It's inevitable.

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No I was expanding on a point and sentiment others have felt and shared. But as I said I personally don't give a damn as I watch people on this board writhe in asshurt from hot anthro babes.

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Why does this same exact thread get made every day?

All the Tails porn in the world is mostly shit.

Because its Yas Forums.

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I'de literally fuck every childhood character of yours in the asshole desu. Let people have their fun you lamer.

But Sonic is sexy.

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