Just picked up World of Horror tonight and already have fallen in love with it. Thoughts on this, Yas Forums?
Just picked up World of Horror tonight and already have fallen in love with it. Thoughts on this, Yas Forums?
Man I know the exact story this enemy is referencing. Shit was wild.
please share world of horror version 0.9.12
You can bully me for this, but lately I've been getting into actually paying money for games and music to reward people for their effort and encourage them to make more cool stuff.
please share world of horror version 0.9.12
I like it but it feels like there isnt enough content in the sense that I've already seen all the mysteries and what feels like most events
Granted ive only beaten it once over like 10 playthroughs
You are rewarding one of our own sons from AGDG in this case.
Can't give you something that doesn't exist.
Guess I'll post some images
Did care for it. Nice art, though.
love the game, just waiting for updates at this point
That's very cool. I hope more people buy his game. I'm enjoys the spooks and mysterious chills.
Cool art and music but the game doesn't really have much staying power.
Yeah, it's legitimately great. I can see why folks like may not care for it. It's not for everyone.
Best girl
.. not even yourself
The endgame needs to be fleshed out a bit more, the climb up the lighthouse feels very uneventful
>Paying for music
>he doesn't support underground dungeon synth and black metal projects on bandcamp
Life can be good sometimes.
And sometimes you gotta eat
Just played the scissor woman tutorial. I liked the little spooksidaisy in there
>tfw want to play this out but Junji Ito's art style has a tendency to creep into my head when I'm trying to sleep
I know it's not Ito's work, but it may as well be.
I had dreams about this game for a couple days after playing it a while.
>early access
Not interested.
Why would I want to play a demo when I can wait for the full release?
I can't answer that for you, user. Only you can answer that for you.
Experience is worth a lifetime, terror only creeps at nighttime, user.
Same thing happens whenever I check out stuff from Snatcher. I wasn't scared while playing it, but it definitely seemed to unsettle me after the fact. Fucking good game though.
Everyone pimps Ito but this style of horror reminds me more of Kazuo Umezu's work.
>fallen in love with it
just say you like it, what the fuck is wrong with reddit
Yeah that's about the way to describe this game. It's not "scary" and there's only a couple jump scares that are very tame. It's just creepy and unsettling and the low bit grafix and the great music all contribute.
God, he's a fucking creepy looking bastard and all.
What annoys me the most is the confusing continuity between events. I get that it's random and all, but the story of each case is barely followable.
If only there were text on the main navigation screen that kept tabs on the current mystery... hmm...
Cute teacher
I've gained an eye eel fetish I never knew I had
How the fuck do I get the dog ending? I get the gem, I explore seaside and run out of stats without seeing the fucking event. Am I missing something?
Its okay for the first couple of hours but after that its becomes not as interesting. I dont know what to do beyond just solve mystery -> go to lighthouse. I keep getting the boring "durr ur safe for nowww" ending.
Almost like it's early access and more fleshed out endings are coming.
Explore seaside, get Lighthouse Rumor event (it feels like a normal event so I could understand if you missed it), go to school, get the ayy lmao in the window event, go to forest until you get abducted. Allegedly the DOGGO seed helps but I can't confirm.
>trying to pick a best girl but all of them are legitimately a 10/10
I have no idea why I find every female protag so cute.
I do. I NEVER get the seaside thing.
It's Mimi.
Probably because the backdrop behind the girls is filled with Eldritch lovecraftian horror that amplifies their cuteness.
>Ayy lmao in the window
Welp, time to get to bed.
It's a bit of a shitshow to get, yeah. There's no special trick to it.
Just bought it recently and it’s pure kino
I love it but there's way too little content right now, I got 80% of the achievements in like two days.
Forever unfinished flub fest
I really want to say that because a little bit of crazy is super attractive and she has a super cute face, but Kirie and Kana are basically equal because Kirie is constantly upbeat looking in her portrait despite basically any curse and Kana is just a bro tier bad bitch. I could get into what personality I kind of extrapolate from my playthroughs with them too but that's too autistic for even me to post.
That probably has something to do with it. It's some serious contrast.