ITT: we discuss a fictional game that doesn't exist

Can we all agree the story of the game is a incoherent mess? Why did the king king try to destroy the kingdom when everyone was still loyal to him even after the elder king tried to frame him and banish him? Why the fuck did the ninja queen try to assassinate the pirate Prince when his her fucking son? Why do the fruit farmers hate MC so much when everything he/she did dramatically benefited the village so much that the village basically had choke hold on the economy?(unless you picked the dark route) I'll say it the missions are fun as heck but the story makes no sense at all!

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Have sex incel

okay simp

i havent done a single run without the dark route those farmers fucking deserve to get their ass cucked
im guessing you have literally never done a single run like this if you actually think the story is dogshit go play dark route or scoot your ass back off to

Sorry I was speaking in rhetoric, you won't actually ever have sex my sweet summer child. But you can try anyways

stop going off topic we’re talking about [GAME] here

The Ninja queen was in the right to attempt to kill her son, it's in the lore that the heir has to kill their predecessor to take the throne and he was trying to do it peacefully, thus making the Kingdom weaker. Read some of the in-game books and you'd learn something you fucking faggot.

>he hasn't found the cultist journals
>he hasn't unlocked part two
>he's not even close to the secret ending
Fuck off OP. Literal children can understand and 100% GAME. Leave, and don't come back.

have you considered the underlying backstory of MC in the first place when it was prophesied to the city unknowing to MC that the descendants of his family are fated to be scourges to Hillwood? no matter what, unless if you choose at the end of the story to take the artifact that can rewrite fate for yourself then they will always be aggroed to MC, and for good reason too. dilate.

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that dlc was shit fuck you

Bendyspear bros, where you at?

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>it's the devs fault the publishers made them release early so they had to make DLC to fix it
Come on user, it's the best they could do. There's no point bitching about the base story being bad when it was the best the devs could do. Just because the DLC's gameplay was weak doesn't mean its story shouldn't count.

>we discuss a fictional game that doesn't exist
You really don't want to do that, chief.

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isn't that just a whip with a sharp tip

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Did anyone else completely miss the tutorial info in the second Farmer escort mission that explains fruit stat effects?
>mfw I’ve been hoarding fruit after 40 hours of gameplay and just found out they serve a purpose after watching a random letsplay on YouTube

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>m-muh bendyspear bros..
dagger variant has better dps, especially dragon bendydag.
keep shilling for bendyspr, mongoloid.

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>he takes farmer escort missions

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>romance the childhood friend farmer girl
>she betrays you and tries to bury you alive
>have to choose between killing her and letting her go
What the fuck? She was the MC's friend from the start of the game, it's bullshit that she would take his kindness for granted and try to turn him in for the fruit bounty.

Nigga fuck the nomads. They're represent everything wrong with all societys . The story still doesn't make sense in the dark route!
>why does the pirate king help the wandering chief when he keeps stealing the boats?
>why does mack the whipper enslave the dipper tribe when they where the only people that where for him when he was orphaned
> Why the fuck does Sammie the janny make my dick so hard? Why is she so hot???!!

>he doesn’t try to build rep with the farmers
Bet you took the dark route too you edgy faggot


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who cares about her story all i care about is some good ass r34

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Radonias violation of the nuclear arms treaty was absolutely random with no build up at all honestly why the fuck did they decide that radonia should go "HEY I AM RETARD I NUKE SMALL GORIEL BECAUSE LOL"

Sammie's fuckin ugly

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>why does sammie make my dick so hard??
>farmer girl rule 34

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Yas Forums is always fucking contrarian.

Fuck you, this game is a fucking masterpiece and you just ruin it with your inability to control your libido.

why always japanese games have fucking anime girls why they cant be like my ugly rosties.

what’s your definition of a contrarian opinion in reference to GAME?

You're a retard. Radonia was no longer herself when she went ape shit with the nukes, but your retarded ass didn't get the part where she was possessed by Dargocorlon and had her soul eaten. Hell, I bet you thought Dargocorlon died then. What an absolute dumbass

GAME isnt weebshit, user.

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this game looks cool and has good things from the old game, but Yas Forums like always hate new things and dont even wait to the realease date to shitpost.

I'm not a bendybro but bendy spear is better.
Bendy dagger has shit range and if you use it you'll slit your wrist multiple times.

>tfw you finally enter the Sealed Tower
>tfw your descendants show up to help
Say what you want about the story but holy shit, what a great final dungeon. Never thought I'd enjoy a boss rush, but god damn was it good. Absolute Kino

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Any hopes for a extra ending with the DLC where the MC actually destroys the world

meh, the chapter 13 was better, when you join THE GUY to kill that traitor bitch that sold you to THE BAD GUY.

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>swords need 3 iron ingots
>rings need 6 silver ingots
excuse me, what?


That's the extent of most discussion on Yas Forums, don't need to know the game or even read your post.

Can someone explain the chapter that opened with unedited footage of 9/11? Am i too much of a smooth brain to figure it out?


what exactly did you enjoy about dodging mr. epic final boss's lethal but ridiculously slow move over and over until you brought him down? it was even easier than the shadow remnants from the forgotten citadel

you’re talking about that one fangame people think is superior to GAME. get the fuck out, schizo.

save hex


Pay attention to the tutorial blacksmith, silver ingots have impurities and you have to extract the purest form of the silver located in the ingots. Fucking idiot.

Go back.

you know that you can spare him and unlock the other chapter or you really kill him fag?


you are fucking ruining the game faggot, nobody here reallys uses that shit even if he is redditor you need to really go back.

>you know that you can spare him and unlock the other chapter
Not him, but is that really true?

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Now that's authentic Yas Forums-tier discussion.

look here it’s at

yea you need to hit him until he es half of health and then show him the picture on the castle wall right the door, he will talk to you and say that:

"he lost his path and is not more required in this world to end it"

so he will open a portal to lead you to the real enemy.

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Zombie slaying one-liner spouting fit girl in a jacket who really likes weapons.
But we’re all wondering the same thing:

Best girl?

no it's not, he's bullshitting you. no matter what your dialogue choices are in that episode you always end up having to fight him

no, best girl was the store girl.

You're retarded

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alright faggot but explain King Dragon kidnapping Prince Horace and Lysanderoth's betrayal of Archibald being used as a setpiece to give Dennis the power to kill King Dragon in one hit

Meh. I guess. Although Kyleen does have the best fight scene when she fights and kills a semi truck sized zombie with nothing but a fire axe

yeah you know, when you have a otherdimensional illness you cant do too much.