GTA IV Remastered Collection releasing for free for current GTA IV PC owners

>GTA IV Remastered Collection releasing for free for current GTA IV PC owners
>Yas Forums is not talking about it

Uhm.. Hello?

Attached: Steam_KJoymwmaIj.png (908x803, 687.81K)

>Remastered Collection

Bruh I see nothing about them fixing the games, just reworking it combining base + DLC and removing multiplayer

>removing multiplayer

You can still play your old fucked up copy if that's what you want.

I'd rather not play either because I already played it ten years ago

>they remove the multiplayer
>remove licensed songs
>think Yas Forums should be excited

are they just changing the name and removing features?

Attached: panico.jpg (283x354, 44.1K)

i can just imagine how fucked up the moddability of these versions will be

I guess they're finally gutting out GWFL for good because the game simply doesn't work on modern systems because of it, no idea why they can't keep multiplayer, probably too lazy because they know nobody's gonna play it anyway. Music is probably licensing shit as per usual.

I'll be happy if someone eventually mods back the complete radio songs on it.

>You can still play your old fucked up copy if that's what you want.
>Starting 03/19/2020, Grand Theft Auto IV: Complete Edition will replace both Grand Theft Auto IV and Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City wherever it is currently digitally available.

that's for buying, steam never removes games from your library and you can always reinstall them even if they're not buyable anymore

probably won't work anyway because GWFL is aids

Dense faggot.
>Grand Theft Auto: Episodes from Liberty City will be removed and replaced with GTAIV: Complete Edition in the launcher library. Update file size is expected to be approximately 22GB.

>launcher library
doesn't sound like steam to me

>GTA 4 will finally not run like shit
>multiplayer is gutted
I'll take it I guess

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This is from the Steam website.

It's not getting "remastered" they're just removing gwfl and packing the DLC together, it'll still be the same shit port you know and love, just without MP

There's nothing in the news post about them optimising the game.
The only changes being made are removing multiplayer, removing music tracks and adding achievements.

If they make it not run like shit and it's trivial to patch songs back in I'll take it.

Nothing says it will get "remastered."

>its a downgrade

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Take-Two is full of money thanks to GTAO and they keep treating Rockstar's PC versions like shit.

Where does it say it's a remaster?

Call me when they make a good PC port. because GTAIV was fucking atrocious on PC

No one called it a remaster you low IQ subhuman filth.

Mods will fix it anyways

Not him. OP(haggot) did just that.

>Its just a repackage of the game + dlc with features removed and without any fixes of the absolutely fucking horrendous PC port

Are you legit retarded?

the OP said it you dense fucking cockmongler

Attached: remaster.jpg (1284x326, 100.37K)

You cant be this fucking retarded.

I fucking hate that Games for Windows Live won't download my fucking profile now that I have a decent internet for the multiplayer.

I wouldn't be surprised if they secretly changed/omitted even more radio stuff, I've been saying for years that GTA4 has gone under the radar for the amount of transphobic jokes it has. I played through the game a few years ago, right when the SJW-shit was taking off, and I noticed how every other commercial / talk radio programme in GTA4 was poking funny at trannies.

Nobody gave a shit about tranny jokes in 2008, but just wait, people who play the game in 2020 are going to raise a shit fit over it. Mark my words.

Do retards on here really take what random anons say as fact? Some user calls it a remaster so you think it's an actual remaster? When it's not called that anywhere on the store page information. Go jump off a bridge you retards.

OP did, faggot

Good thing I have my retail copies of Grand Theft Auto IV and Episodes from Liberty City.

It takes balls to re-release a game that always ran worse than a game they released 5 years later and change exactly nothing about it.

>op literally posts the rockstar statement in the pic
>mouhbreathing mongoloids believe the op over rockstar themselves

Stop pretending to be someone else.
You are legit a retarded 12yo
Go to fucking sleep already

If they removed the shitty multiplayer and added steam achievements I may just buy it for my new account, honestly. It's a really good game and the atmosphere is spot on for NY.

we get that you can't comprehend text on a screen but just for the future you should be able to tell that people are directing their posts at OP for calling it a remaster when it clearly isn't

>>GTA IV Remastered Collection
How many songs were removed from the fame?

>and change exactly nothing about it.
Don't be so harsh! They removed the multiplayer and radio stations.

Who the fuck wants to play the worst GTA game again when it's over a decade old and they already have GTA 5 on PC with the best multiplayer rockstar has made?


Independent FM or whatever the custom music radio was called.

>with the best multiplayer

Attached: 1555179819339.png (512x468, 15.57K)

GTA is for niggers and tween white kids
stop playing this garbage

is it getting patched or fucking what

t. plays nothing but gacha shit and coomer jrpgs

It's still being played 5 years after release, with one of the biggest player counts of AAA games. They must've done something right, at least.

I honestly don't know if it's that good - I finished the story portion of GTA V, but only played like 1 hour of multiplayer.

>all these people bitching about how shitty the port is
Just overclock your CPU to 4+ ghz and enjoy your 30 fps you selfish fucks

thank you for adding nothing to the conversation greentext poster. You could at least try to refute that it is their best multiplayer experience to date.

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Grand Theft Auto IV's multiplayer isn't GaaS shit.

>remove GFWL
>add mandatory rockstar launcher

it's grindy garbage where you pay millions for anything fun and if you try to do anything you just get killed by some retard on a mong-mobile like the flying bike anyways. As an added bonus there's a 99% chance it killed any singleplayer DLC for GTA.

Yeah, play gacha shit about anme little girls like REAL MEN instead.
Fucking faggot.

pick one

unless it's 30 fps, then pick none

explain how its not that?
also im a boomer i dont play that garbage either

GTA 4's multiplayer was extremely broken, on top of GTA 4 being a broken game in itself. GTA 5 MP runs like butter and actually gives you a shitload of content to do in the entire map unlike GTA 4.

I don't know why people complain about it being pay to win. I played 10 or so hours and it seemed fine. Granted, a hacker did rape my avatar and then drop $5M in front of me for it afterwords, but still.

Fucking slut. Probably asking for it.

I didn't know butter took ten minutes to load and needed to load even more if you want to do literally anything

>Mod in older stations

Wow so hard!

>you pay millions for anything fun
Retard. Join one of the hundreds of invites for heists, races, missions, bunker dlc, facility dlc, nightclub dlc, bikers dlc, or just play the actual open world like you would in single player going around killing players and hitting pedestrians with your car.

Nah, they're gutting GFWL because they can't generate more keys for the game.

You either have a toaster of a PC or your HDD is complete shit. Get yourself a new hard drive or better yet join the 21st century and get an SSD for your steam library.

>Buy game
>They replace it with something else years down the line

That's the digital market for you.