Post your Nioh characters!
Nioh 2
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Using based is cringe
Am i crazy or are most of the dual sword skills kinda dogshit
I think you're just dogshit
What should I be putting points into first? Whatever boosts my favorite weapons attack? Or Health and Ki stuff?
I want to fuck Nobunaga
Here, the lunge seems pretty shit although there might be some use for it somewhere.
Does Strength no longer boost Equip weight, just Stamina? Seems that way right now
when is your mom going to be a guardian spirit? she's a yokai, i want to fuse with her
how much anima does it restore?
just looking through them, none of them stand out
did nioh 1 have any standout skills for dual swords?
Reminder that the DLC will be PURE KINO
>there might be some use for it
like looking badass
bros, I think I'm in love...
Is there a faster way to upload PS4 screenshots than transferring to and from USB?
Strength has always had a minor increase, stamina was the one for obvious gains for weight
>(you) are wearing the first samurai armor set
>its going to turn out that (you) were the one who sealed away the final boss to begin with
>and that (you) were the first samurai
gotta love time travel
Anyone wanna join for twilight mission enenra?
I've always hated that fucking sword
>Either buy the game on my piss4 or wait 9 fucking months
timed exclusives can blow my asshole
Can anyone give me the quick rundown on Axe?
On DLC2 in Nioh. I feel like my HP is too low (3k) and I deal shit damage, but I don't want to quit the level and respecc since I'm pretty far into it.
I went from 1.5 to 6.0. I forgot to mention it's a 1kat only grapple too.
The most important thing of all.
This will singlehandedly decide on if I buy this game or not. Is there a usable whip weaponset? I can only play Belmonts in Soulslikes
You're only hurting yourself
Post the code already you asshole. Every thread with this.
Other than posting to twitter or something, no.
So if you want the native quality that's your only real option
Based as fuck
Unfortunately there's no pure "whip" weapon, the closest thing is the Kusarigami
i like how (you) actually have facial expressions in cutscenes
So there's no spirit stat anymore, what unlocks the extra skills for each spirit? My favourite way to play was 1Kat+Spirit and I want to do something as similar as possible. No magic/ninja shenanigans, just one sword and the nice passives my spirit gives me.
Is the first Nioh worth finishing if I never finished it or is 2 just worth going right into?
>make another account
>send image to the other account
>download it from the playstation website
Can I play online co-op through the game?
How bad is the diablo loot shit on this one?
It's not even bad. I don't know why people are so upset about it. I don't even like Diablo but I really like Nioh.
Learn to use filters or get filtered, brainlet
There's no real whip, but there's the Kusarigama which is a small scythe on a long chain with a weight at the other end.
It has a pretty cool moveset.
favorite weapon?
favorite GS?
just buy the game on ps4 user
its worth it
Fuck this game rocks then.
Fuck yeah, that's close enough and it looks fun as hell. You've won this round, Nioh shills!
>mfw hatchets
What a waste.
>all the cute girls I can make literally brap in this game
>mfw just got my special edition copy in the mail
Stupid question but are yokai core stats always active or just when you use the ability?
what weapon to go with tonfas
I want to play, but at the same time I'm too autistic to play 2 before I finish all of the DLC.
I'm doing Tonfa/Switchglaive. Spear is pretty cool too.
Anyone who didn't beat Gozuki then and there is a faggot.
When do you unlock twilight missions? Still on the first chapter
Another tonfa.
Tend to be active when you're in devil trigger
I'm not exactly sure. I'm halfway through the second chapter atm
r8 my yojimbo
Am I supposed to be dodging or blocking in this game? I was going alright until the snake boss, but every hit I block seems to completely destroy my stamina.
>female with max muscle still has twig arms
after the last main mission in the first region (vipers den)
You can do both but I opt for dodging more.
So is summoning and being summoned just broken right now?
Why the fuck did I choose odachi, fucking thing sucks.
Where the fuck is william
How many NG+ cycles are confirmed? Will we be able to get ethereal items in the 1st one?
Also my character is pretty much one of the presets. The brunette was so cute
literally git gud
Switchglaive is a beast
>he didn't play the first nioh
Anyone rocking the first samurai set?
I dunno man, i haven't seen a visitor in about 3 hours
>summoning on first boss kill
>odachi sucks
things i didnt expect to do this much damage 101
These threads have been great. For the most part everyone's been having a good time and already discussing builds/combos/strats and shit.
Loving this game so much, Nioh 1 was incredible and this just builds on it.
Just wanted to say that
I was for ages until I switched to Golden Boy set.
>not rocking the Lone Wolf Set for the Imported Set vibes
If the homie that carried my scrub ass through big snake is here, thanks senpai
The kick followed by the perfectly timed double slash tends to absolutely wreck enemy ki and comes out pretty quick. I relied on it a bit against enemies in the first game. Aside from that, Sign of the Cross for the rude wake-up is about standard
>all those people who think hatchets suck while being a cringeglaive omnyo shitter
that yokai abillity is amazing during those sub missions where waves of enemies attack.
It knocks so many enemies at the same time
If I max out a soul can I just feed that soul to the next higher level one I get to instantly max it?
for how much the fucking thing costs it has to do actual damage
If you're somehow having trouble with Gozuki, you can just throw hatchets from above where you kick down the ladder. He can't touch you.
>Not going Hatchets/Glaive and only pumping magic/dex
Whats some good ohmyo skills? Been using the stamina regen talisman but everything else seems shit. Carnage talisman looks good but I cant unlock it yet.
Fuck, the yokai core abilities look so cool. I'm about to stop playing Nioh 1 and pick this game up knowing full well I'll drop it when AC comes out next week
You are a faggot for summoning beofore beating the boss yourself first.
it's fucking key for when you get swarmed by lots of little enemies, just wipes the room clean.
doublechecking to make sure I didn't fuck up somewhere
when do I unlock onmyo skills/points? nearing the end of the second main mission where I'm assuming you get blacksmith chick. found a ninja hair lock but no onmyos yet.
Reminder that humanoid bosses have a chance to drop new skills now.
Always get the monster defense down tali chuck that shit at bosses so you can pump up your damage.
Sloth has been nerfed into oblivion but defense downs are always nice.
mid stance has a skill that lets you block one attack for free after ki pulsing
can i make a cute boy?
Having RNG stats at all is the problem for those people.
You have to use consumable items such as bombs and fire talismans until you get 1 point.
How are the boss fights and enemy variety? I thought Nioh 1 was okay at best. The boss fights were mostly very bland and there were hardly any enemies. The enemies that were there were boring to fight as well. I want 2 to be good because I want more Souls-like shit and Nioh's combat system is very fun but if it isn't much better than the first I'm not going to bother.
just as in betas you get points for using normal items, like bombs and normal buff talismans
So now that /ourlad/ and renowned internet celebrity moistcritikal confirmed Nioh2 is a superior game to Sekiro will sekirats finally stfu?
Is that bull horse thing optional? I already killed it, I just want to know.
Much more variety, like it’s actually not an embarrassing foray of recolors this time around to burn you out.
Yeah you can go around.
in the first stage? yes
Code plz
you get a trophy for killing both
Why do you think the boss fights were bland? They were the best part and there were plenty of interesting fights in my opinion. The enemies did get boring to fight fairly quickly though because there were so many reskinned enemies.
What's the stuff the Digital Deluxe edition comes with?
Same as before, they made no improvements. The game is shit.
>wake up to this
Is kamaitachi soul core still good?