No mileena, reptile, rain, ermac, smoke, cyrax, and sektor

>no mileena, reptile, rain, ermac, smoke, cyrax, and sektor

What were they thinking?

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They wanted to make a grand storyline instead of a good game. They SHOULD have made it an RPG in that case.

Apparently they thought
>Let's make the best selling MK Game of all time

>no mileena
jokes aside, sometimes i think NRS hates Mortal Kombat...and yet i bought 11 in the premium edition and spent 130 hours into the game. I hate myself

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They fucked up royally with 11 and I think they know it. Not getting into EVO should've been a major embarrassment for NRS.

don’t worry user, 12 is probably going to be MKT again just like 9, plus kotal dvorah and erron

They'll probably find a way to add 2 Jacquis to it

It was obvious from the start that this game was rushed out the door with quick cash grab in mind. The skins sucked. The customization was worse than IJ2, so they was incoherent which led to a reset
and the gameplay slowed to a crawl. The only saving grace was Jade.

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what the fuck, the jade i saw in the game looks nothing like that. she looks like a straight up man

What was he thinking here?

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>Final chapter is Jacqui
>She became the new thunder god

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>”when is this faggot going to come out as a tranny and cut his dick”

is an edit user

>final chapter is Jacqui
>She becomes the one being

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Turning Kotal into a cat is still just the biggest WTF

There was concept art in X that had Kotal morphing into a cat, but ultimately scrapped due to time constraints. The idea was there

They wanted that since X but they couldn’t because idk NRS is weird

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It's an edit sadly. There was some for Frost and Cetrion as well.

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Was MKX the beginning of the end for MK? The whole time skip and Shinnok was a blunder worse than Raiden himself. The Kombat Kids were forced onto us as the new protagonists only to have half them sit out and have the other be on the sidelines. It was a clusterfuck. Still better than MK11 honestly. At least the gameplay was fun.

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I just want MK12 to not have dial combos, I hate the shit so much which sucked because I genuinely enjoyed the game but the combos were not satisfying and it led to shitty habits in other fighting games.

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In theory X should've been cool. Advancing the storyline 25 years into the future (beyond when even Armageddon would've taken place) and having new characters show up. But they fucked it up with the kombat kids and heavy emphasis on Special Forces and new characters like Erron and Ferra/Torr barely got any development or screen time. With Shinnok and the Deadly Alliance gone they could've done anything. There were tons of possibilities. Then they threw it all away and did this stupid time shennagens they went with only to end up with ANOTHER fucking reboot at the end. So what was even the point?

Will this game even have a KP2 after people are to starting to realize the game isnt as great as they initially thought. The hype is gone and Spawn seems pretty underwhelming.

MK will always have dial a combos, user. Just like it will always have a block button. As stupid as both are, they're not going away.

I know and it pains me. Horror is my favorite aesthetic but I just couldn't keep playing when it was fucking with my ability to play all the other fighters I play.

>block buttom stupid

bluck buttom is a good thing, i dont give a fuck about going back to defend because that is retarded.

block button is a double edged sword, on one hand it makes cross ups pretty fucking useless but on the other it allows you a new way to avoid throws by crouching them without blocking. I can take it or leave it honestly but dial a combo can just fuck off.

Well they wrote themselves into a corner in MK9 with killing half the cast and then essentially tricking fans in X by saying "look they're alive again and aged jk why did you believe us lolol" also the whole Jade subplot went nowhere. They kept hyping it up only to change their mind and say "nope she was always a revenant just doing some other stuff while MKX was happening" even the 3D era had interesting concepts in their story.

>avoid throws by crouching them without blocking

Why would you want this? Just tech the throw.

I didn't say I wanted it, just that it could be argued the block button did bring something new to the neutral game.

Remember in Deadly Alliance where you could block throws?

They thought Kitana and Dvorah could fill the void when Kitana is lame and Dvorah is pushed too hard

Most of his move ideas are given to other characters like Spawn, Shang And Erron Black while his Forceballs are consumables. Least he didn't die or job to anyone in the story.

Someone at NRS loves fucking with people who want him back. Enjoy Cetrion instead.

Shang took Ermac's lift which is basically his core design element.

This one is weird. Why Smoke isn't in when he's just as much a Revenant/Cyborg/Human wildcard is anyone's guess. Maybe he could be DLC because it's not like Shake is an important Smoke move anyway

Wasn't enough time to put them in, had to focus on a bigger fan favorite Jacqui Briggs

he already did, one Kombat Kast they randomly started calling him by a girl's name. Steph I think

Remember when you could stab someone with a sword and they would slowly bleed to death and you could wait them out

Yeah, that was cool.

>Kitana is lame
Seethe Mileenafag. Shes not coming back anytime soon.

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>have dark raiden again
>drop it as soon as the time shit happens instead of having both interact

That's Boon user. He made it clear a while back that he sees him as a joke character and doesnt understand why the fans like him. To Boon, he's down there with Hsu Hao and Drahmin. Fun fact he was supposed to be playable in X as the writers really liked him, but Boon scrapped the idea, so they redid it and added NPC fightables in the storymode.

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>Have a Jade subplot that ended going nowhere
>Teased Dark Raiden in X only to drop him 5 minutes into storymode
Why is NRS so incompetent in their storytelling and yet their praised for a lackluster job?

Mileena is the only MK girl worth a damn
and she is KUTE

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It's really funny to me that even without a mask she is the cutest girl in MK9 because the weird face at least makes her look exotic hot and way above the rest of the manface cast.

I miss Smoke :(
Fuck Subby for forgetting him.

Considering the state of your ass and tits that's fine.

You're only going to look worse with each mk game. Enjoy being retconned to being an actual transexual in MK12

I would rather have Rain than Cetrion.

>old timeline Mileena>>>>>nuMileena
We all know this to be true anons

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Because cinematics and being the first one to try harder than most.

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Those legs could need some work and polishing. Other than that, very good work. Saved.

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Mileena confirmed for KP2

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love that pic, pretty much how I'd react if I saw best girl Mileena

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That was after Boon said there would be no fights where the opponent wouldn't be playable, too. Fucking Boon.

Best costume coming through

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>Kitana is lame
Haha, what a FAGGOT. Her combos alone are much flashier anyway. Keep crying.

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>when the cosplay is too good for the cosplayer

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Teeth or no teeth, she is easily the best girl.

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>What were they thinking?

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You deserve a visit from Corona-chan for this.

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