This is what you look like according to the love live game, user

This is what you look like according to the love live game, user.
Is this true?

Attached: yuu.jpg (3187x4096, 709.99K)


Isn't that just the nico nii girl

That's one of the newest characters, supposed to be (You) in the new game that came out, the tip of her twintails were green and i'm npt sure why they're not in this pic
She's shit btw, Nico is an actual character

No I don't I have gray eyes. Well it says I have... well it says I have blue but I decided I wanted gray eyes.


This is literally me

Meccha GOING!!!? Moar like Meccha COMING!!! amirite?

Why am I making milf tiddy grabbing hands?

Why isn't it a guy instead
I thought people love to self insert as a guy surrounded by cute girls

but i'm not a girl

Men don't exist in Love Live universe.

wtf i don't want to get fucked i want to be a guy

Too late faggot


Never mind
Getting fucked as a girl is fine
I dont care any more

Who cares, you're already old and busted.

Attached: LL3.jpg (2000x954, 524.89K)

Where did you get this picture of me about to grab Rin's butt?

Attached: Literally_me.jpg (360x450, 19.05K)

i lost to cock and can't go back now

How do you lose to cock in a world with no men? Are some of the idols futas or something

there's still faceless men that aren't really people but are still there

If you don't have a face you don't have a cock so my question remains.

Then how do they reproduce
Do they have frozen sperm samples from extinct men

I'm cute?

>If you don't have a face you don't have a cock
prove it

you're cute and very popular with the boys!

Like this.

Attached: __watanabe_you_tsushima_yoshiko_sakurauchi_riko_and_takami_chika_love_live.jpg (850x412, 87.06K)

that's me

wtf i don't want this to be me

You can find all sorts of pictures of men with faces with their cock out. They can prove it's theirs. But there has NEVER been evidence of a faceless man's face and their cock in the same photograph.

okay but cocks still exist even if faces don't

>we want the im@s community

Now you need to pick a name.

Attached: 1584144013993.png (1920x1080, 3.19M)


I'm just saying, mathematically speaking they must be futa cocks. I've crunched the numbers sir, I think you'll find my equations quite airtight.

God I wish that was me.
I wish I was an idol girl who was manipulated into sex by her manager. Not liking it at first, then eventually getting really into it, begging my manager for sex at every moment. God~

yeah that sounds fun but have you ever considered abstinence?

It's the industry dude. Not my fault. You have to do some stuff in order to become an idol.

you're the yuri rapist character

Here's a photo of me and my best friend, Maki

Attached: Boomed.png (1012x569, 1.04M)

Because you're gay.

It's an important step in every young woman's development to grope milf tiddy

>all those Yuu

Now you are, sorry sister

i will not allow them to take aqours away from me

Attached: anchan flip.webm (1280x720, 2.97M)

>That instant you can see her beg herself not to fuck it up

Attached: nervous.gif (498x484, 770.18K)


Attached: E73-Active_Beherit-Manga.png (450x665, 82.31K)

Of course, I'm not suggesting otherwise. But it is by definition gay.

it would've been soulful as fuck even if she did choke. like the time rikako's onstage panic attack turned their first live into an instant kino

Are you saying we should go get dicked for it to not be gay

No, he's saying embrace the gay and grope every milf tiddy we can find

Not at all. There's nothing wrong with being a tiddy girl.
This user gets it.

>live in the LL universe
>I dont get DD+ tiddies
Just kill me already

but i don't want to be gay


Attached: 1583547324288.webm (600x336, 2.98M)

me in back

Attached: i hear crying.jpg (764x533, 89.44K)

she cute

Your hands already stuck in the groping position. It's far too late for that.

I dont get it

aaaaa no i don't want to be gay aAAAAAA

Attached: simplethink.png (264x247, 2.02K)

One of her best friends has giant tiddies

Attached: D-HH9wSUYAAMMyy.jpg (512x720, 100.83K)

>tfw you're such good friends she grows giant tits for you to grope

Be as that may however this man represents im@s players and strikes fear into love live freaks

Attached: image.jpg (400x225, 17.34K)

now you should repeat the favor and grow gropeable giant tits as well

But her hands aren't stuck in the tiddy groping stance, they're in the "please grope my tiddies" stance

what is the point of magically becoming a woman if you don't don't get your tits groped though

Just ask Maki to do it. You look so much like Nico she'll probably leap at the opportunity.

but maki is a girl and that's gay

Nah, I’m a blue hedgehog Sonic’s Worldian

Attached: 34A5D283-3380-4BFA-89E5-611648E6CB06.jpg (500x500, 132.63K)

If (You) were a girl, I'd go out with (You).

What do they even mean by that?
Is this a player avatar or something