What were the big issues keeping this one from being a mega hit?

What were the big issues keeping this one from being a mega hit?

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the combat blows chunks

no niggers

ultra realism is a boring design choice only liked by redditors who like "immersion" because their lives are absolute shit full of boredom

historical accuracy instead of fantasy garbage

It didn't have quest markers and wasn't hack n slash so lots of plebs got filtered. Either way it's a eurojank masterpiece along with STALKER.

It actually wasn't historically accurate, which was maybe my biggest problem with it. If you're going to market your game as historically accurate, don't then go and create a revisionist setting that doesn't line up to the history. If you're NOT going to respect real history, just go the extra mile and have fireballs and dragons.

seething bozgor

>It actually wasn't historically accurate

Really came down to 2 key problems for me: overly complicated, unsatisfying combat and awful optimization on PC. My rig should have been killing it on 'high,' but the same problems were occurring even when dropping everything to 'low.'


>Pay $60 to be a peasant who sucks at fighting
the systems sound really cool but I'm not like a "tractor simulator" kind of guy

game is fun to play now and then but is set up for episodic instalments which ruins the whole story that literally everything built up to. ending sucks ass. still fun, buy it on sale

It's downright fucking boring.
And the characters got the deer in the headlights look to them.

Haven't played the game, but also curious what wasn't historically accurate? I mean most of it probably, but anything standing out?

What "Leave it to Beaver" or "Andy Griffith" are to the 50s, Kingdom Come was to medieval Europe. It presents a fictionalized version of the history and setting that has been dreamed up and popularized relatively recently, and gravitated towards by certain people that I'm not going to get into. It is not historic - and that in itself wouldn't necessarily be a grave sin, but if you're going to market yourself as historic, and you're going to deviate from history, your doing so should be a net benefit to something, and it wasn't. It just made for a setting that was more bland and homogenized than it needed to be. Abrasive behavior from the development team towards their own players when asked about it didn't help much. It's harder to enjoy a meal you know was prepared by an asshole.

Is there any way to make a sword game have realistic combat, but also be fun, and functional vs. multiple opponents? Or is the Hollywood wire-fu kind of standard, the standard forever?

>It actually wasn't historically accurate, which was maybe my biggest problem with it
Really? I was under the impression the devs wrangled a herd of history autists making sure every fucking thing imaginable was realistic

They basically made it accurate to a mistaken and relatively modern imagining of what medieval Europe and it's history was actually like. It was like a man who has only ever watched Power Rangers, creating what he believes is a "realistic" representation of fighting and martial arts.

There really isn't anything wrong with quest markers, and people here rage at them when their actual problem lies elsewhere in those games. Getting stuck and having no idea where to go isn't fun, and doesn't have any place in an entertainment medium. Nobody watches a movie where you have to solve an opaque and poorly defined puzzle to see the next scene.

>Main Quest is way too linear, especially in the beginning and end. Way too reliant on cutscenes. Game also ends on a shitty cliffhanger
>Group combat is broken. Guy sprints past you and Henry does a ballerina spin and enemies get a ton of free hits. Sometimes the shitty camera makes group combat borderline unplayable
>1v1 fights, on the other hand, become a joke when you learn master strikes. It is very easy to get OP gear if you just wander Skalitz for a bit. Kill some cumans and you get the second best bow in the game
>1v1 against high level enemies is easy but boring. They will master strike nearly all your attacks so you are incentivized to just wait for them to attack so you can counter them. Excessive slow-mo messes with the pacing of the fights
>Quests are clearly designed around fast travel because they will send you across the other side of the map and back over and over. Becomes tedious to play if you want to avoid fast travel
>Survival mechanics become more of a nuisance than a challenge. Carry weight is ez if you have a horse. Food? Just eat some soup from the pots. Sleep? Just take the insomniac perk, most perks suck so it isn’t a hard choice
>For most skills it is very easy to end up getting all perks anyways, perk choices aren't meaningful
>Hard level cap at 20 makes buffs worthless, useless perks are even more useless
>Unfinished combat systems. Axe and mace are an afterthought, no perks for bow, no visible polearm skill, can’t even carry them. Empty, pointless combat arenas everywhere
>No crossbows, wtf? Crossbows were some of the most common weapons in this era but are mysteriously gone.
>Guards are psychic and magically know when you stole something and frisk you

>It presents a fictionalized version of the history and setting that has been dreamed up and popularized relatively recently,
> a mistaken and relatively modern imagining of what medieval Europe and it's history was actually like
>gravitated towards by certain people that I'm not going to get into
What exactly do you mean by that? Cite a few examples of what you are referring to.

Didn’t it sell surprisingly well tho?

There is when it ruins your feeling of solving something all on your own. People who know and like that feeling don't want to see it go.

>Becomes tedious to play if you want to avoid fast travel
Well yeah, of course it does. Fast travel is meant to remove tedium, and if you voluntarily avoid it, you're going to get tedium instead. That isn't a flaw in the game itself, that's a flaw in the people playing it, intentionally giving themselves a worse experience.

It did.

There is a quest where you literally retrieve the Necronomicon to banish some ghosts

Are you dense, user?

It's should be easy to give a few examples if it's so obvious.

Lockpicking killed game. You couldn't even progress from the first couple of missions until you could lockpick which was impossible. FUck that.

its a meme, he;s literally being vague as a shitpost

What do you mean? Lockpicking is super easy.

Maybe it was pickpocketing. Either way I had to go into some guys house with all these dogs and... cant fucking remember cause i stopped playing over something broken or too hard.

It had some well documented demographic problems that you can't really discuss here, because then the Yas Forums people come out of the woodworks, and the janny gets mad, and actual discussion between reasonable human beings just gets drowned out by edgy teenagers who don't know their history. The Europe of Kingdom Come is apparently one in which there is no trade, no immigration, and only one culture, and while that is very appealing to certain types, it isn't accurate, or particularly nice to see. And seeing the developers make asses of themselves when confronted with this, and actually cozying up to those types, detracts from the experience - sometimes you can separate the art from the artist, but I shouldn't have something to push out of my mind just to play your video game.

Unironically too difficult for zoomers who were mad about a lack of subhumans in it.

lockpicking is super easy and pick pocketing was the best i've seen in a game

I'm sure it sold well enough for Warhorse to survive, but the first person medieval RPG is a criminally under-served genre, with Bethesda really being the only ones doing it. A tweak to the left or to the right could have launched it into that Witcher 3, Red Dead type of stratosphere. It was 90% there.


Are you retarded? It wasn't about one culture. It was about the cuman/hungarian culture invading on Czech lands

It did, but Warhorse was bought out by Deep Silver who have a long history of caving to SJW demands, and there will be no more Kingdom Come game anyway.

Main character looks like some cuck who streams on twitch

He's just b8ing, don't give him (You)s. He'd have an argument if the game was set in Prague or something, but of course those backwater little towns, as are they often still are today, are usually culturally and ethnically monolithic.

Giving arbitrarily different names to the same culture, based on arbitrary lines on a map, is meaningless.

"This game doesn't only feature Americans, it has people from North Carolina, AND South Carolina!"

Sounds to me like you are just a sjw who bitches about the game and would have never played it otherwise. Listen in europe at that time there would not have been many blacks. At the most there would be the token moorish trader. People did not usually travel far from their homelands. Just like there were almost no whites in Africa, so to were there alsmost no blacks in europe. Eruope did have many diffrent cultures from Jews, Huns, the Czhecks, the Germans, etc. Just because all the people are white does not mean they are not diverse.

>you see all of europe in KC:D
lol it's a tiny chunk with a handful of villages
could be homogenous

Okay, so you're just trolling.

I feel like the game was rushed, it has many mechanics and all of them feel like they could use some more polishing and playtesting, personally the lack of companions was a bigl letdown as well, there's that quest at the beggining where you get your buddies to beat up the drunk and I thought that meant you would get some followers later on, if you consider that they were going for a realistic feel it would only make sense, no person in real life would go on the missions the MC goes alone, the fact that fighting multiple people alone sucks is another reason why having companions makes sense.

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Is this a copypasta from resetera or something? The entire game takes place in a few square kilometres around a couple of bumfuck villages, and even then people from other cultures like Germans and Cumans do show up.

If you go into rural Czechia today you’re not going to find a lot of non-Czechs, nevermind 600 years ago

user, there weren't black people in medieval bumfuck Czech Republic

Oh yeah, blacks being an important part of the population in Central Bohemia (not even Prague) of the early 15th century - I remember that one.

No. Every time anything of this type comes up, the standard script from you types is "teehee bait teehee, nobody could possibly disagree with me honestly, teehee". Do some research, trade happens, immigration happens, intermingling happens, yes even in Medieval Europe, it shows up in their stories, their art, and anyone with any understanding of actual history understands this. So stop "b8ing", and pick up a book, or shut the fuck up.

Attached: medieval art.jpg (1200x743, 261.94K)

You are retarded, go take your liberal arts degree somewhere else. The world is more than just blacks, whites and asians. Each of those groups has a plethora of subgroups inside them that are completely diffrent peoples who are distinct and fight amongst themselves. Go educate yourself and stop being ignorant.

>tfw the sequel is going be dumbed down to potato now that warhorse has corporate masters

You level up too fast. You can get max level before you even start exploring the full map.

I'm not saying that the demographic split should have been 50/50, I'm just saying it shouldn't have been 100/0, and that making it so took away from the game. It made it feel less real, less historic, and more like Andy Griffith's medieval RPG, and allowed a miasma of bad PR and childish developer responses to overtake the merits of the game itself.

You fucking imbecilic retarderans just can't help yourselves over muh immigration muh niggers idiocy. Go suck your amputated cock as a pacifier, retard.

Nobody said it was "all of Europe", if you need to make things up to support your argument, you probably don't have one. My point still stands.

When you grow up, you might realize that people in the world are able to look at things differently than you, and you might come to understand it as something other than "trolling". Here's your last (You), by the way.


>European media responded to some aspects of the criticism. A commentator at the Czech newspaper Lidové noviny called the accusations "out of place" and claimed that most Europeans would respond that there were very few, if any, black people in early 15th-century central Bohemia.[35] To evaluate if non-white people lived in 15th-century Bohemia, the German magazine M! Games asked the Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz. According to them, there were at most Turkic peoples, like Cumans (who appear in the game as enemies), but otherwise the presence of non-whites is "questionable".
The funniest thing about Blacks is that they have literally no history worthy of mention so they have to demand that media about the past has Africans artificially inserted into it so they feel better about themselves. Blackwashing history is real and it is everywhere.

stop responding to the troll, you shitmunching retards

Do you get off getting called a retard? Then enjoy, retard.

>the lack of companions was a bigl letdown as well
RPGs with no party/companion do feel lonely/empty, but I feel like the combat system and the AI in Kingdom Come would have caused a companion to be more bad than good.

Idk, saying Slavic and Cuman culture are the same sounds pretty racist to me - are you sure you're not the second coming of Adolf Hitler?

Did you play the game? The whole premise is asian nomads invading the protag's village

>It's harder to enjoy a meal you know was prepared by an asshole.
no it isn't. you're a faggot.

>Is there any way to make a sword game have realistic combat, but also be fun, and functional vs. multiple opponents?
I dont think so.

These are all making basically the same point, and are wrong for the same reason - yes, I'm sure Czech lands have their demographic majority, same as anywhere, but there was still trade, immigration, co-mingling, etc. The setting portrayed in Kingdom Come is historically inaccurate, but worse than that, it makes it feel static, un-alive, like there isn't a bigger world outside of what you see in the game. Think of the role Akavir serves in an Elder Scrolls game, for instance. Kingdom Come would have benefited from that, and the reasoning for NOT including it was asinine.

The combat currently sucks, at least you would have someone to share the load with and not have to fight multiple enemies alone, it worked ok for that mission when you assault the bandit camp.

>will be no more Kingdom Come game

honest question, why are you so upset that a bohemian dev mad a game about mediaval bohemia and the main characters in the bohemian villiages are white? i'm black and i don't even get your literal BLACKED mentality. why are you pushing this so hard and typing like a faggot.
>wow one picture BTFO!
fuck off, for all we know you're the OP because you obviously came prepared to concern post like this. sure you're reluctantly regurgitating lefty talking points and have blacked "medieval art.jpg" saved on your drive.

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Real life combat against multiple opponents is not fun at all.

lol that central asian cope. You are literally unironically from central asia and not European

Where i'm from, on the island there is only 1 black family, that's it and they're the only ones there in 50 years.

Lying in the advertisements

What you said has nothing to do with what I said. Yes, there are subgroups. And yes, the portrayal of Kingdom Come's European setting was small, cloistered, inaccurate, and boring.

The impact of a big open world is sort of lost, when every location is the same architecture, the same NPCs, the same looking everything. You see everything the game has in the first ten minutes.

Companions suck ass. Retards like you are why the 2010s sucked for RPGs.

Source on that picture?

Warhorse always had investors, there's no difference. They may well still dumb it down to chase a broader audience, but simply being owned by someone doesn't mean anything. They always had financial/corporate masters.

>functional vs. multiple opponents
you are basically fucked against more than one or two people in an armed combat situation irl

I don't know when gypsies come to Czechia. But spoting black man outside Prague is rare like seeing UFO.

it's a triangle

realistic ------ fun ----- multiple opponents

Pick 2. You can have realistic fun combat but it's only duels. You can have fun combat with multiple opponent but it won't be realistic. Or you can go the KC:D route: realistic combat with multiple opponents, but it's not fun.

Sure - and how likely it was to happen in 12 km2 area, not even close to Prague or Kutná Hora (centers of trade at the time)?
If anything, black people would be depicted as slaves in chains - would you be happy with that kind of representation?

Did you? They certainly aren't Asian.

It was unfinished and buggy at launch. It's also a causal filter game so not many people will try to play it for fun.
t. 800 hours into the game.

People really are mad when you don't put niggers in a game huh. I thought it was exaggerated

you're missing the whole point you absolute shit brain.

The story was about Henry, not the whole of Bohemia. Even if some filthy nigger ended up in Bohemia at some point for some trade and to scream "yo where da white women at?" he likely wouldn't have been noticed by some 18 year old kid who just had his whole life turned upside down by a bunch of cumans when all that is left of his home town is some chests girl who was about to marry a guy twice her age all for money.

Are you that much of a cuck that you have to shoehorn a black person into a setting that is barely bigger than what constitutes a village these days?

btw I don't blame you if you have to stop reading this to go prep your wife's bull.

They certainly are my central asian friend. In fact one of my gripes with this game is that it featured anglo voice acting, and as well know, anglos are also central asiatic like the cumans and hungarians.

He doesnt care,if there arent any blacks then he dislikes it

Not everyone can compartmentalize shitbag behavior away.

The game is literally set in bumfuck-nowhere in Europe. No one wants to go there NOW let alone 500 years ago.


Probably a mix of