Is BotW the comfiest game in existence?

Is BotW the comfiest game in existence?

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>western art

What's wrong with it?

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What in cold burning hell is going on in this? Did Link just have a random uncontrollable outburst about meat and curry and try to cover it up with casual conversation while she's trying to fucking sleep?

why is link talking

Why is he repeatedly stating his favorite food like a first grader who didn't get a response from his teacher

Looks to me like he's not used to talking and so he practices to not make a fool of himself in front of her.

Imagine being so autistic you go out of practice in fucking SPEECH

What i don't get it is why he'd feel awkward talking to her while they clearly just finished fucking

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Is there more?

Does she wear bras?


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Imagine the next day when he busts out that fucking panty dropper and she gives him his answer... And then he just shuts down and has nothing else to say for six days.

Link officially has no dick?

Don't think they'd draw a penis and put it on a Nintendo book

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not even fucking close

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I played the original all the fucking time at my friend's house, the only reason to ever get a 360.
I never actually played the sequel though, how good is it?

literally an upgrade in almost every way

I got a free 360 from buying some laptop in 2012 that I never opened.
Should I get it? I really loved the first game, especially the axolotl

absolutely would recommend. can find plenty of copies under $25 but if you have an xbone for some reason you can get the collection for even less

Yea it's like $25 on amazon.
I know they did some shit on the ds with it and hard a cartoon but I wish they had made more actual games for it.
That was the last thing rare put out that was actually good before it just got turned into a shell


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bagina bones

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It was good for a first draft.

Why the fuck there's no fanart depicting Link with his canon short and stocky body?

The first and only time I've ever considered a non-mammal cute. lI almost feel guilty never using her weapon, but I'll be damned before I take the Champion's stuff down from my wall.

I also did this, pretty kino

He's way more adorable than he has any right to be.

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He's exactly as adorable as he should be
Could be more adorable though, I guess

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I mean I'm not complaining~

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the postman image isn't even a "tranny" image though. Link just looks cute and you're insecure because of it. It's ok Buddy you'll eventually accept that boys can be as cute as girls.

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they're laughing at the thought of people being shipping them together instead of with ganon's big pig dick

Zelda's diary mentions that Link began to open up to her on their travels, and he talked about his love for food

no. possibly the most soulless as well.

So, did Link drag Zelda to his little Hateno home after BotW?

>white power fantasy projected on fucking children's toy characters
This thread is gay as fuck. Have some furry bara gumshoe instead.

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i'm surprisingly ok with a bear detective

based zelda

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>Yas Forumsshitter gets banned
>Now shitposter gets deleted
are mods finally doing their jobs?

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I personally find the idea unbearable.

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>are mods finally doing their jobs?
Not really, since i'm the guy who called you a tranny, which i guess is something a Yas Forumsshitter would do
What i don't get is why blatant porn posts stay up. You cannot ban me for calling some gaytoid a tranny while also leaving up an image of zelda holding her ass with no fucking context, you retard mods.

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>which i guess is something a Yas Forumsshitter would do
No I was referring to a separate post on Yas Forums
>blatant porn
>Completely sfw image
god you're stupid

>No I was referring to a separate post on Yas Forums
now THAT'S dedicated obsession
>Completely sfw image
>god you're stupid
posting butts with NO context is 100% worthy of a ban. It's extremely low effort. I'm so tired of coombrains always attempting to derail threads in their favor by posting le random butt/boob image every fucking thread. Same goes for trannies who can't stop squirting blood over muscular fish man
That being said, i fully believe that if posting off topic images with zelda's butt is SFW, then saying "kill all trannies" should be SFW. Now do your fucking job, Janny.

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>now THAT'S dedicated obsession
two instances of a mod actually doing their job within hours of each other is a minor miracle, of course i'd think it was odd
>posting butts with NO context is 100% worthy of a ban.
You couldn't be more of a blatant tourist if you tried.

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>two instances of a mod actually doing their job within hours of each other is a minor miracle, of course i'd think it was odd
urrm, tourist much
>You couldn't be more of a blatant tourist if you tried.
posting a butt every once in a while isn't all that bad i'll admit, but when you specifically ban me for calling out a dilating trantoid who can't keep their fantasies on reddit rather than the retard cvmbrains ITT who offer absolutely nothing to the topic, then you're throwing quality out the window.
Delet all tranny posts, thank you.

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Did you get banned?
I mean you probably deserve it for how much you were shitposting but it'd be better if they made more examples out of bad behavior, that's partially why it's so rampant nowadays

i'm fighting the good fight. Mod virgins don't understand.

It's up

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The inconsistency of where Zelda is sleeping on that fourth page still annoys me

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I want to slap both their butts

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I really hope Zelda and Paya meet in Botw2

puffy bulba

it would be if it had side activities like fishing and maybe even light farming