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Other urls found in this thread:


You're a monster!

And yet, Sega had to use the faggy Metal Sonic instead of this guy.

Mecha Sonic is cooler in every possible way.

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Does anyone have the dick flattening meme, but with sonic and Super Crown Mecha?

>this 3 ft tall robomanlet that's just a shitty-looking Sonic head on top of a circle, four lines and pizza slices for feet is still used over the absolute beast that is Mecha Sonic

Why is Metal still pushed when he looks like a shitty prototype for an actual good robot Sonic

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Thread Theme

Blame Japan and their retarded obsession on making everything "cute".

Also, somebody with better photoshopping skills should do a Virgin Vs Chad meme on these.


Cool to see Mark's working on the series again, but I bet 100 bucks he's gonna cry about something dumb down the line and go on hiatus again.

Excuse me plebeians, actual thread theme:

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Of course, the best robot Sonic is

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“It’s him! He’s here!”
“Who’s here?”
“No! You don’t mean...!”

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This actually predates both Metal and Mecha Sonic.

>axemkeks in 2020

at least he appeared in lego sonic.

Mecha Sonic is so much more intimidating than Metallix, I seriously cannot believe Alvin changed him. Easily the biggest mistake of the remake so far.

Hey, an average of three episodes per decade is good enough for me.

It's taken 4 years between the 1st and 2nd reboot episodes and people are still sucking his dick. The reboot is already doomed lmao, how is that not clear


Pathetic, all of you

I'll see what the wait is between 2 & 3 since the way he's working for now seems a lot better for productivity. If we get 2 in April/May and 3 by August then I'll feel good. We know he has a very clear idea of Reboot Ep3.

nah, is the right choice given the OP.

>gets replaced with a cringeworthy Megaman X sprite edit in your path
Nothing personnel... Mecha.

Metal Sonic looks 1000x better

Only poorfags disagree

Yes, we all already know
Just enjoy the ride while it lasts

Koopa Bros?
More like the Koopa Broken!

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If you're strong you can fly, you can reach the other side of the rainbow.

All Metal Sonic versions are chad incarnate.

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>looks like Sonic's NEET little brother

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That compressed record scratch sound takes me back every time I hear it, dude.

>Bowser and eggman betray each other at the same time
>both of their armys fight while they are in giant war machines
>on top of all of this the main heroes and mecha are duking it out admist the chaos

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Rounded edges are complete dogshit. Give me the original or some sharp variant

More like they underutilize Metal Sonic.
Metal's design is genuinely perfect in every conceivable way, it's the very antithesis to Sonic's design. Yet Sonic Team almost never ever does anything with him. Even in Forces as a boss he was only a mirage with a very underwhelming fight. He hasn't had any importance since Heroes in the modern games. His status as a rival was usurped by Shadow and never got it back. He's as irrelevant as every other mech in the Sonic series.

what fights do you want to see in the future i want to see mario and bowser team up because metal sonic wants tries to kill peach

I want to see Super Sonic show up for more than 5 damn seconds.

Metal Sonic works best as a sleek and slick doppelganger who seeks to outdo Sonic on his own game.
Mecha works as a brutish enforcer, he looks too clunky to be fast

it would be great if mario and bowser teamed up but bowser is way more of a villain in smbz than he normally is in the games where they team up, it'd be a change

I want to see luigi carry a fight. Vs someone strong like basilisx, bowser or eggman

>it's the very antithesis to Sonic's design
Wat. They're both smooth and circular in shape. Mecha's sharp, angular and actually distinct looking.

Looking at this form. I feel like this is the basis of current Mecha, just a bit more red. Alvin needs to make him a little sleeker.

>Faggot never played Sonic 3 & Knuckles


Fuck off, Mecha Sonic is just some edgy faggot robot. If it was used today, you would be mocking it on how edgy it is just like Shadow. Metal a cute and is better and doesn't need to rely on the master emerald to take out a fucking echidna.

>calls what is supposed to be a heartless killing machine "cute" in the middle of claiming it's good like this is a good thing

Nice I don't even have to talk about why you're full of shit when you do it in your own fucking post, imagine calling a T-800 cute like that's supposed to be good design

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maybe eggman tries to mind control bowser and luigi gets in the way and fights mario it might be cool

That's not fast he's as I said brutish enforcer, I'm saying Stardust Speedway worked because Metal Sonic raced Sonic, not trying to beat the shit out of him

I know, you just can't come up with an argument. That's all you had to say

If your cold unfeeling murder machine looks cute then your design is trash, you illiterate faggot.

That was actually a better exchange than the original.

That just makes him a stupid, pointless boss then. Much like the rest of Sonic CD. Completely pointless, and was slapped together without any sense of thought or care in the world for design whatsoever.

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Shit taste. Metal is based.

>t. Zoomers who haven’t seen the OVA.

It falls directly into the "Super Mario Maker" school of level design.

I'm saying if you're going to make an evil doppelganger, copy the original's strengths. Mecha Sonic is just a really strong badnik that looks like Sonic. Having it be a race plays into Sonic's strengths instead of yet another jump on him till he dies deal.

Why the fuck did Mechafags become such intense contrarians all of a sudden? Metal’s design is objectively kino and was chosen as the main design from sega for a reason.

>be mecha sonic
>can't kill an echidna the first time
>recover senses and uses the master emerald in attempt to defeat said echidna
>fails again
No wonder they never used this stupid robot after Sonic 3 & Knuckles. Mecha is shit, his design is edgy and dumb but I guess people with shit taste like (You) would find him "cool".

Good thing Metal isn’t cute.

>be Metal Sonic
>Die from running into a wall
Metal's fine Mecha just looks cooler

I find Metal cool and cute

>be metal sonic
>never accomplish anything of note because you fucking suck
>get multiple upgraded forms despite this, actually end up as the final boss one time
>still can't accomplish anything because you still fucking suck

Metal lives up to his faggot twink design by never being anything other than a bit player after all the screentime he's gotten, at least Mecha looked cool while doing it.

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Your taste is shit and you're "objectively" retarded. Fuck off

>be the main antagonist of a game
>bit player
Bruh, honestly the real complaint was letting him ever talk

None of these mental gymnastics will change the fact that metal is better in every conceivable way. Mecha got his shit kicked in EASILY and was rightly forgotten. Keep. On. Coping.

I'm curious to see what new music he is going to add to the reboot.

Also, on a completely tangential note
The top 3 Sonic Soundtracks:
1. Sonic Adventure 1
2. Sonic CD (JP)
3. Sonic Rush

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>Metal objectively jobs every time he appears without fail
>mental gymnastics

Concession accepted

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Metal Overlord is a top tier design tho

Yeah Overlord is pretty sick

>be mecha
>absorb master emeralds power
>try an defeat a mortal echidna
>dies, forgotten never to be remembered by anyone
LUL, Mecha a SHIT!
seethe harder mechanigger

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>mecha jobbed the one time he had a chance
>promptly forgotten
You could have just gone ahead and TOLD me you were intentionally shooting yourself in the foot.

Mecha fights you 3 times in Sonic 3 in the same level and still manages to come back again. The fucker doesn't give up.
Metal has to kidnap little girls just to be a threat and gets defeated by a wall. You keep coping.

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>forgotten never to be remembered by anyone
Then why is this thread up, you stupid cunt?

SMBZ. That's it. Otherwise he'd be in tone to Silver Sonic.

>it's a twitchfag

>showing up one time and jobbing vs. reappearing over and over so you can job forever

Not hard to understand which is worse

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>Otherwise he'd be in tone to Silver Sonic.
I don't think that's right at all, user. Silver Sonic just looks like a bland, shitty precursor to Metal Sonic, whereas Mecha Sonic has more of his own thing going on.
They're both solid designs for their own reasons, they set out to do similar, but very different things. Really, I'd love to see Mecha Sonic brought back as a more power based alternative to Metal, who would be more based around speed in this sort of scenario.

Was it kino?

mechafags like you are a minority

Why do you act like such a baby about people liking a design you don't?

Can agree there. I'd like to see the Metal cast interact with one another. Still surprised Mechs wasn't in Mania.

You think we'll ever get a transformation for Metallix like Chaotix's final boss or Metal Overlord?

Honestly, I've thought that Mecha could either be brought back to team with Metal, or re-introduced for a game as having retooled himself to be more like Knuckles after having been defeated by him.