After the kotaku article and the recent developer testimonials on Twitter detailing the work environment at Naughty Dog studios I can not in good conscenince support their toxic work practices.
No product, no matter how great, is worth sacrificing worker health and well being.
It is clear that things need to change in much of the industryin regards to crunch culture and so I will be carefully considering where my money is spent in order to support developers that do not rely oncrunch and avoid supporting ones who do.
Last of Us 2 will be the first of many games I am sure I will need to boycott. This will be my main deciding factor in purchasing games going forward.
If you, like me, see this as unacceptable I urge you to join me in not supporting this practice with your money.
please feel free to post studios and games that we know were not made with crunch so we know what we can support. I will do my best to update the OP with the names of studios that are safe to support
the following are studios we know do not rely on crunch:
- Insomniac Games - Rare - Valve - Media Molecule - Bithell Games - DICE - Klei Entertainment - Iron Galaxy Studios - Remedy (unconfirmed)
Studios/publishers who are making notable progress on crunch and actively working towards eliminating it: - Bungie
Personally I won’t buy TLOU2 because it’s made by and for cringey little faggots.
Oliver King
i play on xbox and i don't like movie games, so i was not going to buy it anyways lmao
Jason Turner
Your main deciding factor on whether to buy a video game in future will be if there was crunch involved during development?
You are a fucking faggot.
Jaxson Anderson
no mp, no buy
Landon Bailey
I'm sure all this very educated and intelligent people are being exploited by crunch time and they have no options whatsoever after working in a tech studio producing AAA titles.
Brayden Gomez
You're kind of a tard, OP, but if it makes your ketchup brain feel better, I wasn't gonna buy Angry Transvestite II anyways.
Jason Carter
Shut the fuck up. I'm not buying this game because it's trash. Fuck the workerinos.
Lucas Wright
I'm amazed that Kotaku would throw their virtue signaling buddies at ND under the bus like that.
Daniel Roberts
I'm pre-ordering it. Join me.
Bentley Price
this tells me right away that the game will have shitty, over-scripted combat and feel like a shinier version of LoU 1 with less depth. The first game's multiplayer was proof that it was actually a good GAME, not just cinematic wanking
Xavier Cox
>it's real fucking Hell, the MP was one of the best things about the original. Still had players years after release and was easy as fuck to find a match in
The "gameplay" videos they've shown just makes it look like you mash buttons while a movie happens around you.
Kayden Baker
Nigger do you even know how much these crunching employees make. Let me give you an idead. An associate tools programmer make 130k per year. And that's a junior level job. For that kind of money given you better be ready to crunch.
John Martin
>implying I was even going to buy it in the first place
It's a dumbed down, cinematic pseudo game. Won't by it based on that alone. Also Druckman is probably the least likeable person in the game industry atm. Balrog is a pussy but at least had a vision for GOW and even Pitchford and Howard are at least meme worthy. But Druckman is just a boring, miserable asshole with the artistic skills of a 10 year old.
Noah Wright
Kill yourself.
Jace Jackson
Where have you been for the last five years faggot
Cameron Murphy
i will not buy game because buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword buzzword
I thought the first game was super fucking boring and shit so I won't be buying a sequel any time probably ever.
Hunter Harris
ok, good for you OP but i must tell you something, eveything you consume was made by exploiting people. Life and capitalism sucks, user
Ethan Peterson
super fucking boring and shit games dont get HBO original series bro, im sorry that your favourite game didnt make it...
Eli Parker
COMMIE. I'll not buy it tho.
Ayden Hill
Easy to get stepped on by upper management when you're a spineless cuck with no testosterone and everyone else you're working with is either the same or a fat dyke with poison coloured hair.
Crunch only exists because they allow it and no one else is going to tell them to go home after spending 36+ hours at the office without sleep. Welcome to your dream job.
Adam Watson
William Fisher
i can't afford a $1000 console so i cant even play anyway
I was done with this game as soon as I saw the infamous lesbian makeout trailer. I could not have rolled my eyes harder at what was essentially taking up several minutes during an event viewed by millions around the world to scream "LOOK AT HOW FUCKING PROGRESSIVE I AM!!!". Even my roommate at the time (who is very liberal, and even dated a girl who was dabbling in FtM trans) thought they were laying it on way too thick.
Samuel Mitchell
>Employees at AAA companies get payed for crunch How cute that you think that.
Blake Diaz
No, I lost a lot of my confidence when I failed to get people not to buy the last Pokémon. I'm out.
Nathaniel Hughes
I am a guy from the left, but i can’t deny most of them are faggot that backstab you
Lucas Butler
Can you boycott something you were never going to buy anyways? If so I’m in
Ryan Adams
The Killary Cuckton loving Demonrats eat their own the moment they stop being useful.
Michael Williams
I already paid for it so........yeah.
Julian Rodriguez
>I'm a brainwashed obsessed faggot that sees political parties in everything
Just kill yourself you insufferable cunt.
Leo Scott
Speaking of crunch, are Crunch bars still a thing? Haven't had one in awhile.
I'm not buying it because the first game is a boring as fuck generic hide behind waist high walls 2006 design shootan with the thinnest veneer of survival horror game
Gabriel James
this no crunch meme is full retard
you think artists like da vinchi or picasso looked at the clock and realized they couldn't keep painting the mona lisa because it was 10 past 5?
Jews are unironically based >make billions of money without working and by exploiting people >kill both the white and black race by promoving interracial couples >take advantage of feminism and nigger to make your product look good, and the throw them out the bus when you don’t need anymore >nowdays they’re DABbing on nazis even if they got holocaust’d in the past truly, the superior race
William Fisher
And I'm buying five just to spite him. I'm with you, bro.
>The head developer literally said his left wing politics would be featured through out the game. ...yes, and?
Cooper Lee
>protesting a video game when there are millions of other valid causes to protest White kids are stupid as fuck
Ryan Hughes
I think you meant to post this back on your home website of ResetEra.
Aiden Cooper
That’s because japan journalism doesn’t make 500 news about how nintendo konami or wathever exploit their employer to make game. Mostly because they have a culture to work themselves to the death and becasue it will make Japan itself look bad. Also we don’t know if japan is crunch-tier level of hell tho
Austin Ross
Camden King
>you think artists like da vinchi or picasso looked at the clock and realized they couldn't keep painting the mona lisa because it was 10 past 5? yes
Angel Rivera
ah is true, sorry my bad. since both places are full of pedos and people obsesed with politics i usually mistake them
Aaron Hernandez
Idk why anyone was going to buy it anyway after the first one was total dogshit.
Jack Parker
>Le enlightened centrist
Lincoln Diaz
>boycotting naughty dog for time crunch by not buying the game that is going to support the people having to work under time crunch I know this is copypasta post but that completely goes against helping solve time crunch. Go for the people who cause the time crunch and make them look bad publicity
Landon King
I'm sorry but as I scroll Yas Forums looking for a specific game thread I stumble upon this, I try to scroll past thinking "wow that's stupid and a waste of time" But I have to come back to let you know as well. Why don't you just discuss and celebrate games you actually enjoy? Why must you make everything some battle? Fuck dude learn to live