This is my mom

this is my mom
please say something nice about her

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she has a very nice, thick, large cock

Nice ass. You work out? Dancer, you say.

your mom got bla ked by rodin

She's actually you from the future

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Playing for the first time. On chapter 5. Real fun and challenging game. Will bayonetta 2 come to ps4?

No. You could probably grab a WiiU for 50 bucks and Bayonetta 2 for $10.

Better yet, get a Switch instead.

Did you look up how dodge offset works?

So platinum and nintendo got a tight contract with bayonetta? A friend of mine told me he heard mgr revengeance is coming to switch. Plus switch has astral chain. Platinum games is the only thing making me want a switch.


The only reason Bayonetta 2 was made is because Nintendo shelled out cash for it while the WiiU was floundering. W101 is getting a port because it sold only 5,000 copies in Japan on launch.

Uh, what the heck? That's actually my gf (mom)

Looking up now, very interesting. Thank you very much.

She has a really nice soundtrack

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Makes sense. I thought for a minute b2 would get a port because w101 was getting one. Then i heard about the kickstarter. At least I'll get to play w101 finally.

TW101 was a really odd thing. The game pretty much failed when it released, meaning it was a low risk decision for Nintendo. Nintendo told Platinum they would port the game but only to the Switch. Platinum wanted as many people to have a chance to play TW101 as possible so they wanted to port it to more systems. Nintendo agreed on the condition they pay for all the ports themselves.

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Very cool. Can't wait to play it. The gameplay looks nuts. I dont understand it?

Just try to get in the habit of holding down attack buttons when doing combos. There's a lot of damage in the charge properties of your weapons. For some weapons like the default pistols you might want to use the charge properties all the time, others like durga's for example are more situational.

Once you are comfortable with using those the only thing left for dodge offset is simply dodging while the buttons is held.

Also you can offset into the panther form if you double tap RT.

You draw weapon shapes with the right stick, there's Team Attack and Unite Morph attacks. It's very hard to explain without writing a big essay but don't worry it's not as chaotic as it looks.

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Yeah, yesterday i was getting better results holding down the buttons during combos. RT is R2 right?

Yeah, which ever button is used for the dodge.

can you give me some tips on how to get good at your mom's game?

See Or watch the first 10 minutes:

Also make to buy the Bat Within ability as soon as it's available.

Tutorial from one of the best Bayonetta players in the world

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Thanks for the info and chat anons. Cant wait to play again tomorrow after work. Well im off to bed.

my actual mom literally thinks she looks like Bayonetta (the Bayo 2 look). she suffers from 50-year old life crisis due to being divorced and in turn she resorted to studying the occult, hoping to find the answers to the universe or whatever. then she found out about the wicca culture and started seeing other 50 yeard old women who were also in the same boat, getting together in parks, making rituals, prscticing hexes, praising hekate the moon godess and all that shit.

the instant she found out about Bayo being a witch using the moon as a motif who fought angels and demons and mystical shit she became goddamn obssesed with her. she even started reading the bayo wiki and asked me things like who jeanne or madama butterfly were.

she actually resembles bayo a lot face wise, mainly her bayo 2 look, but she's not tall or curvy, she's smol and flat but I and many of her suitors think she's very cute for her age.

I used the opportunity to bond with her more and I'm starting to slowly introduce her to vidya. she plays fire emblem 3 houses with me supervising her at weekends.

Can I date your mom

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yes no big deal

she's really cute for a giraffe

Post pics or bullshit

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>Will bayonetta 2 come to ps4?
I played it on PC via Cemu. It is 99.9% functional


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I never got good at Dodge Offset. Fucking game has damaged my right trigger too. I tapped out at infinite climax and will move onto Bayo 2 tomorrow.

She was a loathesome little goblin as a kid, wasn't she? That face makes me want to plant my foot on it so hard that the word "NIKE" will be permanently stamped on her forehead.

She likes Kirby and that means she's good in my book.

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I hate gracious and glorious.

When’s her next game coming out?

I like that Hideki Kamiya's personal wank fantasy is possibly the best hack and slash action game ever made.

With W101 being ported we still hace tons of questions we don't know about.
Will the nintendo references stay in?
Will Bayo be cut?

I love them, the best enemies in the game.

you love to hate them, but damn don't I love that satisfaction when I pure platinum their fights.

how did they make a female protagonist, that actually is feminine, so fun to play as?

Samus is a female protag but really shes just a body of armor

Bayonetta is super girly

who wants to play tag climax with me

please i'm a baddie and i need halos

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She sounds cute.
Go hug her user.

Unironically because the gameplay itself is extremely "feminine" in a way that matches her character
It's all about grace and confidence in a way that Bayonetta herself embodies
The same way you'd never see Bayonetta just eating shit from a claw to the face in a cutscene even if she's not trying to dodge, it feels right to constantly weave in and out of enemy attack ranges in a way that feels like it's just an intended part of your combos

Why would Bayonetta be cut? SEGA still owns the franchise IP and the Bayonetta featured in TW101 is the Bayo 1 version, the Bayonetta on every platform.

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Ceraza, is that you? you're not old enough to be here young lady!

They would have to re license it, sega has no involvement with TW101 outside of that, who knows how much they have to make this port anyway.

When is Bayo 2 coming to PC with a new highest difficulty that actually removes witch time?

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I really do like these characters that always have some goofy and cool oneliner for every situation they find themselves in.


Go to bed Joker

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I'm worried that Platinum is gonna kill themselves with ambition.

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It came out they were and are working on a new in-house engine. They started two years ago.

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currently playing bayo 1 for the first time after playing bayo 2 awhile back and its clunky its weird

I want to kiss your mom after she's sucked off another man

I swear her voice actress did the pickle rick thing but the audio eludes me.