Games about extremist ideas propagated on the internet?
Games about extremist ideas propagated on the internet?
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Oh boy is this a HACKERS ON STEROIDS 2.0?
This should be a warning sign to everyone here.
There is going to be a crackdown on free speech soon. The jannies have already been infiltrated.
The haven we know now, as limited as it's become, is about to be eradicated.
>last new board was 3 years ago
Damn. Getting a little stale.
Yas Forums
Free speech doesn't exist in a private space.
Where is our Corona board?
Free speech doesn't exist in a world where only private spaces exist.
Not to worry I bought a dog and ive been safe ever since.
4chink is already censored as shit
It's just reddit where can say nigger now.
shaman firewater leaf and club come and take pup
take clubs
grug need remember 12 smoke hut
The only shit boards that ban you on site for nearly anything is Yas Forums or Yas Forums
Go back to Yas Forums moron
Safe from niggers, maybe, not the glow in the dark ones
Ever wonder how social media sites are more toxic than Yas Forums? At least Yas Forums doesn't make you commit suicide like Instagram or Facebook do
are /lgbt/ and Yas Forums extremist boards as well?
like shit there's even a muslim board on cripplechan
>So we have here a very especial guest his name is user and his an old timer "4channer" user is there anything you wanna say to everybody watching us tonight?
Is there any halfway decent news source left in existence?
CNN is trash.
Fox is trash.
NBC is trash.
CBS is trash.
BBC is trash.
Yas Forums doesn't have extremists, this person is pissed that the msm narratives never take root here. I was reading something yesterday that the abomination that is reddit had a moderator purge recently. Chan sites are harder to purge because we need jannies who will do it for free. Also, the moderation is split into factions, so unless hiro is directly pushed, nothing can actually change (which I think is good)
enough meta Yas Forums
you know the rules.
Yas Forums is TOO mainstream now
We need to pull it out by the roots
Wipe the state clean
Burn it down
>Bring dubs back you chink motherfuckerrrrrrrrrrr
>puh puh project....
Is there any other TREE out there that i can hang arround if you know what i mean hehehe
>memes about Hitler bad
>memes about wy pipo bad good
I barely know the rules and I've been here far too long. No child porn unless its chi chi and november and I remember (every year mods, love you winky face) don't shitpost so much they actually bother to go on a wild bender that makes me reach for the reset button. Make only eighteen simultaneous threads about one game but never complain about the irony of shutting down one thread about another game because we don't want to talk about that game more than once sequentially.
Make sure to always enjoy off-topic threads because we're always super interesting then as opposed to when we're boring as fuck about video games.
That's basically it right? Six.
>Yas Forums is TOO mainstream now
Uh, Yas Forums went mainstream the moment hackers on steroids happened.
Infowars unironically
This is the average poster calling you niggerfaggot on Yas Forums.
Say something nice about him.
hes got a good mustache
When you bring me out, can you introduce me as Gamer?
Yeah, basically
Considering this is the equivalent of branding yourself with a tripcode he is probably the least colossal fucking faggot to bear one possible. Isn't saying much though.
Whiter than you Mohammed
Look at the dislikes,people don't think Yas Forums is a racist website as you might believe. The only part of the website that can be called """extremists""" are Yas Forums,but even then,i don't think Yas Forums is THAT bad.
Another sudden influx of newfags soon I guess
it's difficult to take anyone on Yas Forums seriously. they're like caricatures
The funny thing about this post is my first thought was: Yes they fucking are.
Then came the second terrifying revelation: They would see this and see it as a challenge automatically, not a rebuke.
Yas Forums posts are on so many layers of irony you can't really tell what people actually believe.
It's not that we don't technically have extremists here, it's more that the overton window has shifted so far and become so deformed that opinions that were mainstream not even eight years ago (like "people wanting to immigrate should follow proper procedure and not simply hop the border and expect to be treated like full citizens") are now considered far-right extremism.
There are literal 60 year olds posting their schizo shit. Of course it's hard to take seriously. That said, I still find the occasional thread that isn't just straight up, "NIGGERS AND FAGS REEEEE".
He looks like he watches his gf get fucked by black guys
I work in cycles, last year I was on many layers of irony to the point that people are being unironic by accident simply by losing count.
Now I'm back on "Everyone is actually being straightforward and there is no irony at all"
it'd just be more fag boards anyways.
More like shitanda
wonder if any of my posts were on there
ok lib
This. Even basic bitch neoliberals get called nazis nowadays.
>Extremism is only when it's the right!
I'm going to say something cute and funny.
They are insulting us again, you say? Leave this one to me
Shadow the Hedgehog is a bitch-ass motherfucker.
What vidya would CBS News journalists play?
Nice strawman.
Tell me why you think Chitanda's shit. I'm curious!
You have to parse data from multiple sources to uncover the overlapping truth
Holy shit /bant/ made it on the news
Does it even matter at this point?
Yas Forums is already overrun and has been for a long time.
MSM needs to tread carefully, not all of us are "innaroom" pariahs with no access to video and audio production equipment and software. If they want to fling shit, I'm more then happy to work with other anons to fling it right back.
Honestly, the more niche boards are really great, with the only downside being slower.
Yas Forums is just a trash heap but they get the most public attention, even more than Yas Forums which is basically just a porn board.
I honestly be pretty upset if Yas Forums ever shutdown since I wouldn't know where to go to get unfiltered talk about photography and outdoor shit.
>people get paid to make this shit
Why do you think you deserve or are entitled to free speech?
PS3 has no games
Yas Forums is all bark no bite nowadays, you won't do shit lol
Yas Forums was never about free speech - Guy who literally made the site
>literally a board with rules meant to discuss videogames
>Just make your own platform, bro. Just pay for it yourself out of pocket with your own money transfer service you began yourself out of your own bank that you run. And then host on your own internet.
There are only private spaces.
Just because this place is shit doesn't mean it's a good thing it gets shittier
He looks like he gets paid by CBS to be an actor
That sounds like a (you) problem.
Who is this Mr. "4 Chan"?
so what is the video about
>the twist is those reporters are the ones starting up BLACKED threads and Yas Forums threads on Yas Forums so they can report on it
reddit tier post
because I'm based and you're a kike shill
get ye gone, golem
I wonder how long until they turn off comments for that video.
For the topic on hand I'm honestly surprised there isn't more, especially since every time they get a lot of attention like that one crappy looking side-scroller "Angry Goy 2".
I remember someone made a visual novel that was about "plants" but I can't remember the name and I think it got removed from steam.
hackers on steroids
yes but it's true this time
>that pol posters
Lmao, this are the cucks claiming they are the "master race".
the only people who care about free speech are racists trying to cover up their racism. jews are actually really good people
>t. ranny
Gurren Lagann and its drone-like fanbase suck dick.
You really can't use the gamer word as much as you think, it's basically russian roulette where the bullet is whether or not a faggot cuck piece of shit is in the thread who decides to report you for it.
1. Shut up
2. Reddit is unironically worse than Yas Forums ever was at this point.
when did the internet finally become serious business?