ITT hot takes

Xenoblade, X, and 2 are all fun games.

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that's a cold ass pussy take, not a hot take you pussy ass bitch
a hot take is XC2 is the best JRPG of this generation

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That's not a hot take? All the Xenoblades are considered good games. XC1 is considered one of the best JRPGs of all time.

True, but we still need X2.
Also, does somebody know if the DS remakes of Xenosaga have fan translations?

I unironically agree, most fun I've had in a while

more like hot dump

I never saw the appeal. I hate story heavy games, I dislike JRPGs (even non-turn based ones), and I absolutely loathe waifus. So I never understood the praise.

I loved 1 and X. 2 didn't really hook me, though. It took forever to get going and I still wasn't very into it by Chapter 5, which I'm assuming is near the halfway point.
Maybe I'll go back and give it another try, although I'll have to start from the beginning, as I've forgotten almost everything since playing it over a year ago.

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Really going out on a limb there, fellas.
A real hot take: Dragon Quest XI waifus > Xenoblade 2 waifus.

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Now that's just incorrect, Akira toriyamas style is ass

The real issue XC2 has, is it's gameplay. You don't unlock most of the major mechanics until the end of Chapter 3. Beyond that, you don't unlock your full party until Chapter 5. So up until then, you're stuck with really 2 Drivers, and a Nopon with an artificial Blade that can't get it's 3rd form until the endgame. Skill/Affinity Trees are tedious to complete, and in general the gameplay could have been sped up. Torna perfected this, damn near.

>Xenoblade Chronicles gets its own page in the European Nintendo eShop

Get in Xenochads we will get our
remaster in less than two months!

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Nice hopefully I'll be alive by then

>hot take
>doesn't say a hot take

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All Xenoblade games are ludo kino regardless of which one if your favorite.

>mfw DE soon

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Breath of the wild is greatest game of all time

Maybe if XC2 didn’t have Nia, but as it stands, none DQXI’s girls even compare to her.

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Nice. Does this really mean anything, though? I guess in combination with the ESRB rating it got 2 to 3 weeks back, this might mean it's coming soon? No More Heroes III has had an E-Shop page for like, forever though.

It was a korean rating board, not ESRB.

Indeed. Also friendly reminder.

>2 didn't really hook me, though.
I loved 1 as well and I thought 2 was just ok. 2 had more mechanics, but it's combat was just too easy and simple really. I never had to put much tactical thought into it like I had to in 1 and that was really disappointing. Combat just consisted of spamming blade combos and then breaking the orbs as soon as the boss became engraved, healing was just potions which on touch heal everyone and they come out often, and for buffs/debuffs they were automatically cast on you by your blades or you just buy pouch items. And seals were completely useless never used or needed it for the main game only used it for that elma mission in the LoC.

God damn am I ever fucking glad I never played with the dub for a single second.


Xc2 is great but I hate the combat.

Is Xenoblade 1 cursed? The shit it went through just to come out in the US was absurd. Then it is rereleased as a New 3ds exclusive. And now it will be coming in the wake of the modern black plague.

Mel deserved better.

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>Modern black plague
Coronavirus doesn't even compare to it, the black plague almost killed ALL Europe.

Toriyama's art is so bad I avoided Dragon Ball for nearly 10 years because of it. You're objectively wrong with shit taste

Fallout 4 is genuinely a good game
>Inb4 todd

Mk11 is pretty fun.

Fuck Kronika, though. That bitch is no fun to fight.

Nah, plus people can still get it digitally if they want, that'll help with sale in Japan with the vouchers and all.


Do High Entias lay eggs? Asking for a friend.

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If she has a belly button no

That all of the Xenoblade games are good is the normal person take. That somehow X or 2 are some sort of horrible awful abominations is the retarded contrarian Yas Forums poster take.

Persona 5 is literally the best game ever

Based user
Yeah she has a very cute one. I don't have any pics though.

That stupid face of Pyra's is too goddamn cute.

Is X worth going back for? I have a Wii U so I could easily pirate the game and play it, but I don't know if it's worth my time.




Could you repeat the question

>Do High Entias lay eggs?
Nigga you what? Of course not, remember they can racemix with humans.

X is fun until you realize it's not.

This, but unironically.

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>Dragon Quest XI waifus
They're all so trash I just married grandpa instead. No regrets, he has the best scene anyway.

I want to motorboat Pyra's tits and rest my head on her thigh. I want to feel her body warmth.

Another low effort waifubait thread from TGBC


Xeno hot takes?

Xenoblade Chronicles 2 is only memorable for the waifus and Counterstrike (song that plays during big moments). The story has gigantic holes and falls into the trap of trying to ramp up the danger posed by the enemy and completely overdoing it. Morag and Jin are both auto-win characters, and it makes no goddamned sense that Rex ever gets a win against them.

Additionally, the gameplay is too simple, and worse, too passive. Players barely have to interact at all.

The worst sin is that the Blades system is completely fucked. They would have been way better off revamping it such that each driver has set blades they could unlock through sidequests, or allow blades to be swapped between drivers at any time. The system they used is the worst possible approach.

Lastly, Rex is the worst protagonist in the series. His singular trait (hyper optimism) is boring and he's only saved by the fact that (with the exception of Morag) everyone around him is far, far more interesting.

Imagine if we actually discussed hot takes in video games instead of having another thinly veiled XC2 thread because you know damn well the thread wouldn't survive without drawing in people that don't give a shit about it.


Average TGBC response to criticism, along with boogeyman naming, and writing it off as a shitpost/troll

Dub or sub, if you liked XC2 you're alright with me. Sub is better by miles though. Hot take: Tora is most fun Nopon we have ever had and I hope we see more nopon characters in XC3, with more in- depth connection to the story for the Nopon party member.

>Is Xenoblade 1 cursed?
>Mel deserved better.

What the fuck are you talking about schizo?

I don't encourage pirates, but I do encourage people to play X. Make a good playlist to listen to though, because the game has like 12 songs, and the ones you hear the most loose their charm after about five minutes.

The story is tied into an eldrich knot because it wants to have a twist every ten minutes. However, the world building and exploration are fantastic.

The entire scene was.

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>Japanese humor

>Rex is the worst protagonist in the series
That's what happens when you make the protag a special snowflake mary sue shonen protag.


>protag a special snowflake mary sue
He's literally not though