What made this game so good?
What made this game so good?
>inb4 contrarians try to circlejerk over how bad the game is again
you posted it
It has an actual message, so its a work of art. The creator wanted to say something and did it well. That makes it good even if by all metrics, its actually mediocre
Best girl.
I want to marry and impregnate A2 as much as any reasonable man should, I really wish her clothes weren't her skin
You're incredibly low standards
You called it, man
glorious booty. that's all.
It was middling good at best
tits and ass
writing, music and graphics were good, and was very meta which people go crazy over
but the actual gameplay is mediocre as hell and people only tolerated it because of the flashy animations, ie people bitching about how repetitive and boring 9S's gameplay is (despite 2B being no better but had flashy animations going for her)
You tell me.
Finished it recently and have no strong feelings for it.
The music.
>if you aren't mindlessly jerking off the game as the greatest thing ever created you're a contrarian
Hope you enjoyed your first Taro game you faggot ass secondary.
>trying this hard
Also, the game is objectively good. But keep on seething you silly troon. How's that purity spiral on somethingawful treating you?
>The creator wanted to say something and did it well
What exactly was the message of the game? Seemed more like a best of of philosphical topics explored through the lense of kinda having heard about the general gist of them 10 years ago, without ever bothering to think about them.
Not even that, man. I love Automata but it’s not the greatest game ever made, but it is a genuinely good one. Also, I bet you didn’t even know about Taro before the E3 trailer.
it's fucking horrible. that's why you only post fapbait because that's all there is to the game.
I gave up during that stupid fucking factory escape mission. Shit is like a goddamn maze. One of the worst designed areas.
>you cant enter my secret club without the password.
Not just ass, but waist to hip ratio
Lost the will to play after finishing 9s route
Should I go back and finish A2?
Intro was nice but ehhh
I don't know what happened
Got hooked to Yakuza zero instead
>and was very meta which people go crazy over
I hate this. Everyone thinks it's the deepest thing in the world when this happens. Like Doki Doki Literature Club. Babbys first meta. Shit was so dumb. If someone thinks it's deep, you can be sure they spend 99.99999% watching sports, star wars, and game of thrones.
Yeah except what you're saying isn't what the vast majority of people who fellate this game say. People genuinely think this game is the greatest thing since sliced bread and unironically call it a "masterpiece" when it's flawed and clearly unfinished. Not like the majority of people who think this ever heard of Yoko Taro before.
>it's only a work of art if it has an "actual message"
The music was great, the story was good enough to keep interest, and the combat had some amazing animations that always looked smooth and intentional while making you feel powerful.
good gameplay, good characters, good story, good music
you know, things that make a video game good
things that Yas Forums forgot about years ago
Why does it matter? He's not "the vast majority of people", he's speaking for himself and never said otherwise.
I image the same people who really like this game also really like something like GitS.
Entry level philosophy.
Holy shit is dorito man actually a chad?
Yeah dude. A2 is the best, her combat is the best and the story comes full circle with the next few endings.
>tfw played through every ending of gestalt multiple tmes
>couldn't even bring myself to finish automata
what went so wrong?
You became a hipster
They're both really good games but yea the end's close and I think it's good
>Everyone thinks it's the deepest thing in the world when this happens
What's more mind-boggling is that you fuckers unironically use the word "deep" to judge such works in first place. You talk about "babby's first meta" and act like critiquing something based on how "deep" it is actually makes you sound smart (newsflash: it makes you look like an armchair philosophizing twat).
Imagine instantly trashing something because it uses something similar to something you experienced before.
Should I beat Automata?
Gestalt's only good ending was Ending B though. C barely mattered since D was the obvious intent.
I love my wife Taylor Swift.
Yeah, I don’t see why not. It’s a pretty good game.
Yoko Taro is one of the greatest minds of our time.
It wasn't, every platinum game is the exact same. Pathetic coomers online just needed their cartoon porn.
9S did nothing wrong.
And I also liked the bullet hell sections.
It doesn't change how Automata pulled it off effectively just because some people overstate its positives. Just because some dumbass might misconstrue or exaggerate their experience doesn't mean the game didn't provide a worthwhile experience.
Explain to me how Wonderful 101 and Vanquish are the same. Or how Automata is the exact same as Astral Chain.
>Responding to twitter meme shitposters
Eh, I have nothing better to do anyway.
press square to win, press circle to dodge when boss winds up
cope harder coomer
It's not that good really. Its ok, average at best.
it wasn't, thank god they started that kickstarter so they can get back to making good games
The only thing that's good about it is the music and characters. Everything else is either just good or bad.
>Wondeful 101
The game had quite a few problems, and I couldn't really say that it was good. It was held back way too much.
Yeah? Like what?
>local Yas Forums contrarian shitposts about games they never even played
Tale as old as time itself
Not him but the game does have some genuine problems, mostly with the enemy variety and RPG elements. I still really like it but I wouldn’t be against Platinum fixing up these issues in another game.
>too many cutscenes
>too much overall story
>combat has too much style and not enough substance (aka flashy graphics shit)
>disgusting DRM
I can't give this a game 10/10 recommendation just because it has titties in it.
Astral Chain is the game Automata should have been.
>>too much overall story
That's one of the weirdest complaints I've ever seen of the game.
I mean, the game's good mechanically and all but the story's one of the bigger draw points.
On what? PC?
>too much cutscenes and story
>in a Taro game
What exactly were you expecting? Also, 2B isn’t even in the game half the time.