

Attached: 20-57-56-ESEgyo8WsAYv4-I.jpg (429x600, 35.49K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Feels wrong not having the bandana there.

what's your favorite pokemon girl, op?

Attached: 1584120842228.jpg (721x1046, 117.65K)

sauce pls

here's more of allister and bea

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She’s only 12.


What's she saying there? I hope it's something about her bra fitting tightly.

Imagine moving to Littleroot and befriending a girl your age with tits the size of a snorlax on your first day.


Attached: 1536595387770.jpg (724x1024, 57.76K)

Source, other than fanon speculation.

Haruka? May.

IIRC from a previous thread, something about her bras getting tighter and tighter and May having to go on a diet (something something 5 meals).

I translated this in a previous thread. It says:

> Ugh... it's starting to not fit again...
> Guess I'm gonna have to go on a diet...

Hello user, I remember you. Maybe this is a sign I spend too much time on Yas Forums...

She's lamenting that her bra doesn't fit her size again and regretting eating so much.


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>gonna have to go on a diet
Kinda loses the flavor of
It's supposed to be funny, you're supposed to think 5 meals is way too many in the first place, goofball!

I didn't post in that other thread but yes, we spend too much time on Yas Forums when we can remember threads from days ago.

unf, yes, I love girls complaining about their boobs getting bigger. That's the stuff right there. Thank you.


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Breasts too large


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Her name is May. Fuck nip names

HAHAHAHAHAHAH lmao I found the fucking faggot. Go vote Bernie or something you fucking smalldick cuck.

I already voted for Bernie and huge tits are based

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>no diaper

You made this exact thread all ready.


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What is wrong with you men. She's under 18. She's literally a child. Doesn't matter how big her breasts are why the hell are you not going after women YOUR OWN AGE

it's literally a drawing

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Not an excuse


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Real women fucking suck. I don't want anything to do with them.

You gonna arrest them over a fictional character?


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I like both 3D and 2D women

You know this is wrong. Why don’t you just admit it?

>Mickey Mouse

Attached: image.png (644x1106, 454.56K)

Attached: May icecream.webm (332x604, 134.32K)

except it isn't

oooooo im hurting some static image representing a fictional (not real) character! Lock me up and throw away the key!

She is almost 30 now. If she’s drawn like an adult, that’s a drawing of an adult.

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same dude


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Does this look like a 12 year old to you?

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I love the Pokemon world where it's illegal to ask for a Pokemon trainers age.

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>Yas Forums is now invaded by pedophiles

Even worse than 2016

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Made for sex

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>Loli legal in almost every 1st world country
>somehow its still wrong and makes you a pedo

found the seething twitter libtard

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There a source on the comic? The art style looks really familiar.

imagine that ice cream but instead my dick haha


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For me, it's Hypno

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