It's seems like there is a split decision on whether or not DR threads should be allowed on Yas Forums...
Well, now it's time use your skills as a debater and argue for which side you're on!!!

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Allow me to slice through that ass.

First for Kazuichi!!!

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fuck off danganshitters
Go back to your general

I want Yas Forums to know that /drg/ has since started making a shitload of ocs out of desperation for more content
two fangans and an attempted revival of an old fangan

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People recommend this game to me but the character art is the ugliest shit i’ve ever seen in my life, looks like a retard drew it. Persona is tolerable only because the characters look and sound good.

>another DRautist thread

which ones have you seen that look retarded

Let me be deadass with you brother, we should fuck off to /vg/ until they decide to make a new Danganronpa game. -HH

Sounds like a fun project...why is that bad?

Should there even be a /vg/ general?
I'm pretty sure that there isn't enough content from the games to produce daily discussion.

its pathetic and cringe

There's no real qualification for what games can or can't get a general on /vg/. I mean, fuck, there's a fucking Bowsette general.

>the fujo mindset

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Care to give examples?
How long has it been going on, if they are actually making progress then I don't think it's cringe.

Best boy!

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>character with an arc ripe for development
>doesn't get any
Thanks, Kodaka.

Yeah, I remember that.
Do people really think that /vg/ is a good use of time?
I don't think there was one thread I didn't like. It's all so formulaic and dreadfully boring.

It's pretty much garbage unless the game in question is multiplayer or getting regular updates. Otherwise it festers into a pit of drama and avatarfagging.

After Gundham

Generals are containment for the meta autistic fans. Literally not a single general I posted in was deprived from autistic fucks.

I truly like Danganronpa games, but the fanbase is one of the most retard that I have ever seen. I feel ashamed to like the same games as such imbeciles.

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Not that I condone it, but what would it actually take to get a general shut down?
If it's just taking up space and providing nothing of quality, then are mods not going to get rid of it?

Eh. Gundam's kinda shallow imo. You're free to have your opinion, though

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>implying MP generals are any better or aren't worse
Someone doesn't remember why /vg/ exists.

Even when you survive, you lose.

Pretty much every general is ignored unless it's producing constant doxxes or is /kspg/ tier. /vg/ is a moderation wild wasteland, there's like half a mod for the entire board.
obviously there's shitty multiplayer generals like MMO ones, but generals like /mhg/ and /wtg/ are a godsend.

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so we agree then?
this series should only stay inside never to be seen anywhere else

Yeah, we can agree on that.
Guess you have to put all the bad eggs somewhere or the whole nest becomes infected.

Still got adorable qt3.14 FTE Souda and fanart out of it, so it's not a total loss. More of a wash. Just could have been a lot better.

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/sc2g/ and /lolg/ have been worse-than-/drg/ garbage for over 8 years now. It's not whether a game is MP or not that determines whether its general is shit.

>cancer games get cancer generals

Believe it or not, I have better times here than in that pothole.
>Just could have been a lot better.
That's a familiar quote when dealing with this franchise.

>implying that Yas Forums is safe from the same rpfaggotry that occurs in /vg/
These threads constantly get filled with those fags escaping from their cell.

probably because some faggot links any DR Yas Forums thread over there

Then tell me, what is the best use for /vg/?
Does it do it's job well?

What games deserve generals instead of /drg/?

For FotM games/games that are niche enough to have a fanbase but not so big that they get overwhelmed with living embodiments of the Dunning-Kruger effect.

I do wish that other certain games got generals.

Is it a game?
If yes then it can be talked about on v. And surprise surprise, it's a game

You faggots will just have to deal with the autist in the fanbase if they do come


Animal Crossing
Half life
Death stranding

>Dunning-Kruger effect
Mind educating me?
I think I know what you're talking about

It's true, I'm one of them.
I also hate it there!!!
I just wanna have Vidya discussion

I can deal with autists.
I have a high tolerance for them, even when some don't deserve it.
But I'll admit, it can get tiring most times listening to the same inane drivel that they spew out constantly.

>In the field of psychology, the Dunning–Kruger effect is a cognitive bias in which people assess their cognitive ability as greater than it is.

>It's not a game to me!!!

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>now the waifufags need to come save the thread
now it belongs in if anything

Okay yeah.
That makes sense now.

You think I want to dip my head in toxic gunk?!?


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It sums up my opinion of every DR game, so yeah.

What potential development? He's a joke character through and through, like most of the danganronpa 2 characters.

Is there a worse consoomer than them.
It's almost pitiful if they didn't keep the franchise afloat.

what would her special ability be?

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fucking off to like you should, shitter

Ultimate neck.

Why did monokuma pusb the scrum so hard?

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The kids should have died or atleast helped in saving the brainwashed kiddies.
You feeling bad for your actions won't bring those victims.

cool music

If Smash threads are allowed, so are Danganronpa threads.

who the... nobody gives a fuck about the egirl you orbit faggggooooot!

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I love her more.

Did you do his FTEs? He's putting on a front and being a goofball because he thinks it'll make him friends.

Being my girlfriend

not possible you degenerate troglodyte.

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She's already my girlfriend, sorry.

I love my gorgeous wife!

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