What to play in the Coronakino pandemic? It's rainy outside and the world slowly goes to hell;a perfect mood for vidya.
What to play in the Coronakino pandemic? It's rainy outside and the world slowly goes to hell;a perfect mood for vidya
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When you were partying, I stayed alone in my room.
When you were having premarital sex, I stayed alone in my room.
While you wasted your days at the gym in pursuit of vanity, I stayed alone in my room.
And now that you're under quarantine, you have the audacity to ask for help?
I swear to god i am gonna beat up the next mainlander chink i find
Based and red pilled
Is Days Gone any good? I am so tired of having nothing to play. Why has nothing new come out since November except fucking Kakarot?
Death Stranding is essentially "USP delivery men during Coronavirus apocalypse" simulator.
Resident Evil is literally about C-Virus.
Fallout is shit, so don't play that.
Also, masturbate that. Use this time to give some love to your dick. He needs comfort.
Will Corona-chan affect REmake3 sales?
Is the idea of a city scale viral outbreak hitting a bit too close to home for people right now?
Pathologic for the real plague experiance.
Death Stranding and RE2
Does the virus spread through Steam? It has large crowds of people... if not, why should sales be compromised?
i got a week left to get Animal Crossing I just hope shit doesn't fall apart before it arrives.
NEETs rise up
well for one, people are buying more toilet paper and sanitizer than other things. maybe RE should advertise itself as a must have for bunkers all over.
i'm just about to play the haruspex's route after doing the bachelor
>boomers die
>we get seniority status for living through a worse calamity than the greatest generation
>all further gets will have to suck our dicks in the history books
Feels good
As someone who always had enough horror in his personal life not to need any artificial stimulus, for me this game is worth p. much exactly the same as such
Im playing with your mom
Based boomer remover
nah, everyone will be scared and indoors and they gotta play somethin
pathologic baby
it ain't fun but shit it's engaging.
it also comes in two flavours: HD and 2
Should I play HD or 2?
2 seems a bit more manageable but the art style looks a bit soulless.
2 is actually much harder, the only thing 1 has over 2 is the music.
Why the fuck is everyone hoarding TP? You don't need to wipe your ass to survive.
Just cut up a bunch of old sheets to wipe your ass and then clean them afterwards or something.
>Peoples laugh at China for using totalitarian method to fight corona spread
>Actually and manage to curb the spread and cure most the patient, even close down their make shift hospital.
Maybe you should let the government welded your doors shut
if ur gonna be at home just take a shower everytime u take a shit, which shouldnt be more than like 2 times a day
Damn I forgot, meant to beat it in Jan, so much to do, perfect time now
its gigantic amerifats who have to wipe up their poo poo dribble every couple hours. they just dont know any other way of life.
You should make another wojak edit but he's a virus or something.
Also, St. Patricks day is coming up, maybe a leprechaun wojak or an irish wojak
>tfw university cancelled
>tfw back to being NEET
If anything, it makes me more excited to play REmake 3
destroy them all
It's not just TP, boomers are just buying random shite in a panic.
I went out today and a boomer in a facemask was going though the store with a two month supply of apple juice and a bunch of other random shit.
There was another guy who had two trolleys filled with easter eggs, and all the tinned food is gone.
The first guy let me take one of the apple juices since there was none left on the shelves and I asked nicely, I'd have been disappointed if he hadn't hadn't since the whole reason I went to the shop was for apple juice
Personally I have stocked up on alcohol for the upcoming quarantine so I can get completely plastered for as long as I need to be
take my fucking games, use temp emails
-January 2020- 1 choice remaining
Dirt Rally 2.0 + 3 DLCs
Whispers of a Machine
December 2019- 5 choices remaining
Ancestors Legacy
Dead in Vinland
Dark Future: Blood Red States
X-Morph Defense
Desert Child
Also December Stuff
Regular Human Basketball
Sword Legacy Omen
Fluffy Horde
The west would try to overthrow their governments if they tried it, despite draconian measures basically being necessary.
There's a huge update for State of Decay 2.
> koronakino
It isn't too bad, it's the best open world single player zombie game available rn
This. I still have to study for exams and have no idea how I am going to do so since I can take the neetpill
>Work in IT for a medium size company
>CEO sent out a letter at the beginning of the week saying that our jobs are important and continue coming to work.
>People start getting sick at several locations
>Management freaks out and decides to have people work from home.
>Might be going on for the next month or two, depending on how bad things are.
I fucking love not having to drive and playing PC stuff when it is slow as shit. Just hope to fuck I don't catch anything.
Do you WANT to do that? I'm as informed as one can be, but I'm sure as hell recommending my parents to go hoard toilet paper. If I'm gonna be in the apocalypse, I wanna be as comfortable as possible.
based riamuposter
Maybe one day Capcom will fix the PC version of RE5.
It was fixed centuries ago, you'd know if you didn't live under a rock.
I ragequit after the game saved with me at near 0 bullets fighting a cockroach monster.
I tried restarting the level and guess what? I had the same amount of ammo so I couldn't do anything
The average American shits 7 times per day. 7 times per day the average American squeezes a greasy log out of their obese colon.
Physically impossible
Fan mods don't count.
I'm playing Metro 2033.
Deus ex naturally.
Do like I'm doing, and marathon the Raccoon City RE games in anticipation of REmake 3.
>RE2/REmake 2
I'm going to assume you're just uninformed and not terminally retarded and tell you they re-released RE5 on Steam with GFWL cancer removed and with all the patches and DLC from console versions.
Then what's the alternative? Look at how fast it spread in Italy. If the method works, why not?
I was actually thinking to play some RE2.
Based anime NEET.
I thought we were talking about how it was a bug-prone mess, not GFWL.
"Come on user.... Just let me into your house..."
i wonder what is the worst, a chink commie corona infected zombie insectoid or a tranny goblin subhuman or a nigger dindu
>be social chad who regularly lifts
>get virus
>get mild cough and headache for a few days
>neet gets virus because he really thought that 2 centimeter face mask would protect him while he was stocking up
>dies because immune system can't work properly on account of being a fatass
RE0 sucks
TP, especially the big cases of it, takes up a lot of space, so they don't stock as much, it's not that people think TP is the most important thing, it's just the first thing that runs out so there's high demand for it
>thinks neets won't get it
Oh, it's too late.