Reminders: >Aile is the Canon pick. >Zero 1 is flawed but as enjoyable as the other games. >There's no need for a Zero sequel, BUT a prequel for a segment pre- or during the Elf Wars. >There are several mods available for the PC version, from the remastered tracks to the Japanese dub for ZX and ZXA. >Thetis wears a pair of white thighighs. >Cubit Foxtar is NOT a female. >Ashe's booty. >There's an ongoing translation run of the ZXA manga on rockman corner. >Phantom died too early. >Give your hands a break every now and then while playing these games.
Any other discussion regarding the Megaman, Gunvolt and Dragon marked for ded series is welcome too.
To the user in the last thread, I think Powered Up flopped just like MHX - because it released on the PSP with little marketing. Not necessarily because of the art style.
Again the psp was not a good place to be for megaman games. Until the Vita came out, in which case it was not a good place to be for any kind of games.
Your prayer has been heard! You can. In a fucking online card game maybe.
Josiah Thomas
The harpy reploid lady from Command Mission I guess
Caleb Evans
That's fine, but that also means nobody really cares
Bentley Baker
Leviathan. She creams in joy every time she gets hit by Zero. The rest might be horny but just for 1 guy. She is the only one that enjoys pain.
Leo Baker
tomycase's art is more akin to makoto yabe's drawings. my guess is this is either toru's or hi-go's artwork since the latter is pretty good at replicating nakayama's style.
Blake Kelly
I'm on Yas Forums talking about the game. This is a MMZ thread, as far as I can see, not a speedrunning, glitch-hunting thread, trying to find exploits to trigger the credits sequence as fast as possible.
Logan Diaz
I don't think enjoying a single guy beating you classifies as slut
As far as I know, only Mega Man 1 allows you to trigger credits prematurely. It is fine if you don't like utilizing glitches to go fast, but again, nobody cares where you or I stand on it.
Oh right, MMBN1 has a little glitch that allows you to skip Life Virus fight, that slipped my mind. It's a pretty free fight on a speedrun though, since all you need is buster.
Ciel and Roll on a girl talk. >Roll: if you like it why don’t you just jump him? >Ciel: Its complicated he is still sufernig over his last relationship. >Roll: The more reason to do it! Mega it’s my brother and that did not stop me. >Ciel: I guess you are-wait you are kissing your brother? >Roll: Wouldn’t say just kissing.
I do, I care about people playing the game. If you don't care, then what the hell are you doing in this anonymous message board intended to discuss videogames?
Just because the devs intentionally allowed the cape to work like that doesn't mean it's not skipping the fucking game.
i'll ftfy >Ciel: Welcome back >Roll: Ok Ciel, what'll it be? >Ciel: I'll save our data! >Roll: Are you sure? >Ciel: Give me a second... >Roll: Ta-da! All ready >Ciel: Please...Don't do anything reckless ok?
Mega Man has been a fighter in MvC1, even Vollnutt was playable in TvC.
Jose Hughes
what kind of fool would make a robot you can't fuck?
Jonathan Torres
I'm interested in sharing experiences about the game, its level design, the music, visuals... If you make the game spaz out and show the end credits, well, good for you, but this is not the game, this is just skipping through. >look guys, I triggered the credits sequence in 3 seconds because of an exploit in the chinese release of the game what is there to talk about that? haha oh wow what an oversight, and that's it?
Do you have any actual arguments, or are you just going to keep vomiting plain lies?
friendly reminder Ciel created Hitler X and is responsible for the events of Megaman Zero and the deaths of thousands if not millions of innocent reploids subdued by the Neo Arcadian government and the Eight Gentle Judges
Adam Nelson
I don't know if that counts as breast envy, but god i hope it does
> or are you just going to keep vomiting plain lies? Did you have a stroke while writing this?
Saying "using a developer intended movement trick like the cape in SMW isn't as bad as using a glitch to skip through the wall" means I'm "vomitting plain lies" now? lmao dude