

Attached: 1584142063388m.jpg (1024x576, 79.88K)

Then AC happened..

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>no girl will never tell you these words

Joke's on you, a girl actually said those words but she ended up cheating on me anyway.

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I see you've been raiding my folder

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Post em all so I can save them on my phone

Is there anything that Americans will not destroy?

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Alright, you've convinced me

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Why is Cloud so cool?


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oppaifags aren't tifafags
they just want to be angry because big tits got made into slightly smaller tits
thus they are worthless

How come I've seen better looking fan made models than this?
It looks like some unrelated character.
Not even a FF fan but I feel bad for you fags.

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>cow milk boingboing

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I wish I could hear that.

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Because he always looks pissed and he only gives you attention because you're begging for it
Like if he could be anywhere else he'd fuck right off
And since he's so strong and important he knows he's worth it

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I thought she was smoking a doobie in the thumbnail

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Reminder this chad plowed Tifas pussy

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this, nothing gets you attention more effectively than legitimately not wanting it

Because that fan shit is using the resources of 10 characters from the game it's referencing just for one.

Taking away her huge tits is as bad as making Cloud black. Its not even the same character anymore.

That final scene before going to the northen crater was honestly the most wholesome scene I've ever seen in a video game in my life. Cloud telling everyone to go see their people, friends, family, think about it all and then come back, or not, making sure how much resolve they have and saying how it's fine if they wanna quit. And then there's this absolutely adorable scene with Tifa and the day after you see everyone came back filled with determination.
Really made the final act so memorable.

that was in june
now everyone loves remake tifa

>Taking away her huge tits
well, glad they didnt then

Hes too feminine to take seriously.

nope, he was the eternal best friend orbiter
he held back on confessing for decades so when he finally did it at Costa Del Sol, Tifa had nothing left for him but pity.

I don't like his lips, too girly, but you can't just make his mouth a line if you're aiming for more realistic graphics.

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Turns out that it produces way better results than face scanning some random roastie.

Here's hoping they don't fuck it up

Advent Children was just a dumb action flick. Cloud regressed a bit character-wise, but he did have anime cancer so I'll cut him a break.

Everything after AC, though, was a mistake. Even Crisis Core had dumb shit.

how excited are you for genesis to show up in nibbelheim during ep 2

Yea just a couple a people hanging out in bed and dont want you interrupting.
But he returned her the next day!

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its square enix and you are a cynical faggot, they are gonna ruin it in every possible way for you and youll seeth for eternity


>Hallo hier Cloud vorhanden

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Why do people say he regressed? It seemed like a natural development for his character and had an ending where he clearly moved forward as a character

I'll always be grateful for CC giving the buster sword a better original owner with a more compatible body size to wield that hunk of metal, also being more of a father/mentor figure than a guy who was basically "let's mosey" Cloud with black hair.
Zack also dying to an army also makes more sense than being a lv.99 First Class Soldier dying to a few shots from lv.1 shinra grunts. his story with Aerith was sweet too.
everything else though, nope.

AC Cloud was basically Zack Cloud again. He wasn't really Cloud Cloud from the end of FF7.

well they have to sit down to have a decent talk
>next day
silly illiterate user, "for the day" doesn't necessarily mean staying for the night. the game doesn't even play the inn theme and fade into black.

At the end of FF7 he seemed depressed but determined. After Meteor was countered, he had no real goal any more so i feel like him just being depressed seems normal

Ditching everyone to mope about Aerith, especially when he's looking after children with Tifa, definitely feels like a step back in character development.

>Zack also dying to an army also makes more sense than being a lv.99 First Class Soldier dying to a few shots from lv.1 shinra grunts.

That was one of the parts that made the least sense. The original at least suggested he was worn down from pot shot attacks and being unable to rest properly before being caught off guard and killed. Even Sephiroth got shanked by some random kid who wasn't a Soldier.

But now here's the entire army mobilizing to fight Zack in some event that no one remembers less than a year later, and it feels absurdly overblown.

How do you not understand the oldest trick in the female book? Women, on average, don't like to make the first move, even if they're desperate for your dick. A common tactic they use is to pretend to be interested in someone else to make you force your hand. I know this is Yas Forums, but damn, this is middle school shit.

Arent they literally living together at the beginning of AC?

>even CC
CC was absolute dogshit
They ruined everything and the gameplay was awful to boot

he had anime cancer and he thought he was the cause of it all. That and knowing he was going to die regressed him, but the movie still isn't great. Even as an action film its still spotty

>But now here's the entire army mobilizing to fight Zack
the army wasn't there to hunt Zack down, they just found him along the way and treated him as a traitor since they weren't informed by the Turks.

Look at that little smirk on her face. She knows her words are meaningless. How many guys has she said this to? How many will she?

>Ditching everyone to mope about Aerith, especially when he's looking after children with Tifa
the reason for your indignation is the direct result of your selective way at remembering stuff.
he wasn't moping about Aerith all the time, nor was he "ditching" Tifa and the kids. next you'll make a big excuse about Geostigma having nothing to do with it.

fuck nomura you talent less fraud

>next you'll make a big excuse about Geostigma having nothing to do with it.

I already mentioned he had anime cancer in a previous post.

with tits like these at her age, it's your fault for blindly trusting you're the first one.
SPECIALLY if you know about her past living at a freaking pub, which is RIGHT NEXT to Wall Market where there's a hugeass brothel

>Fuck Nomura
but he's the only one making the good ideas for the remake, have you seen the shit Kitase has suggested?

I had one say something like it. She was my first girlfriend in college and she got diagnosed with cancer six months after we started dating.

Stuck with her for nearly two years total through chemo and operations, even after she took a year break from her course for treatment and no longer lived on campus, and throughout the entire thing she gave me the most validation and love I had ever felt. She told me I was her guardian angel and God had meant for us to find eachother to steer her through the storm. Told me she loved me so much the idea of leaving me alone if she didn't make it through treatment gave her strength to fight.

She went into remission, got the all-clear, and started to recover. About five months on she broke up with me after a long and steady decline in intimacy and affection, and when it was all said and done the only explanation ahe could offer was that now she was healing we just weren't right for eachother. That she needed something else than what we had, and that it wasn't my fault - she was just at a different place now, and that she was sorry she couldn't love me like I deserved.

I've not told a woman I've loved her since, I feel genuine dread at even the thought of exposing myself like that again. I gave her everything I had and it wasn't good enough to last.

hey, don't forget Motomu Toriyama is also helping and he is the Lightning waifufag directly responsible for the FF13 trilogy.