>Make valid criticism regarding the current mainstream videogame circlejerk.
>"Who hurt you? Why are you so fucking jaded? It's not cool to be a contrarian, you know."
Make valid criticism regarding the current mainstream videogame circlejerk
Who hurt you?
Your criticism probably isn't valid.
>valid criticism regarding the current mainstream videogame circlejerk
Yes I'm sure it was an extremely interesting and unique insight and it's a shame the world does not value your videogame opinions
Varg is such a fucking tool nowadays, jesus.
He always was
>drones triggers at the mere thought that OP might disagree with them without even knowing his actual opinion
shitposting is not valid criticism
You seem to be posting shitty victim complex greentext instead of valid criticism. You get what you give retard
>without even knowing his actual opinion
What he posted in the OP isn't his actual opinion? Whose opinion is it then?
He at least made decent music back then
>make valid criticism
Who hurt you? Why are you so fucking jaded? It's not cool to be a contrarian, you know.
Yes user we're all just fucking terrified that OP has an opinion so revolutionary that it literally causes us to quiver in fear. It's definitely not just some shit we all see on Yas Forums a million times a day, every day.
Astounding. Control yourself.
varg is a welfare nigger i hope he gets coronavirus and dies
>pathetic sheeple cannot handle my opinions... they're even triggered by the very THOUGHT that I don't agree with their sheeple mindset...
Okay OP what's your opinion
>Popular game... bad
>converse with shit for brains monkeys
>act surprised when they make their shit for brains monkey noises
Imagine being such a sperg you come up with your own idea of what someone else's opinion might be and then you attack it. Genuinely psychotic.
Isn't that the norm for Yas Forumsirgins?
Which opinion do I have to have on Death Stranding to make me a contrarian?
Greentext is already quoting you stupid fucking cunt you don't need to add quotation marks again
How angry do you think OP got reading this post?
Oh wait, here he is
That it's good
Nobody gives a shit about your opinion/criticism. Or mine. Or most folks.
Everyone is just going to play what they feel like playing and shittalk what they don't care about.
There is no right way to play videogames.
>Someone points out what I am doing
>He must be the thread originator
Keep digging that hole, schizo.
>Thulean perspective
i'll be a lot more concerned about Yas Forums types if they ever learn to name themselves something other than The Based Einsatzgruppen or whatever
Tell me why the opinion of some fag who wrote this edgy shit:
Should matter.
so how many more times is OP going to post "wow I completely agree with OP and everyone who disagrees is a faggot!" in this thread?
maybe that time would be better spent telling us what that "valid criticism" was
OP's opinion is bog standard for Yas Forums. Stop shitting your pants.
So is this the shitposting thread? Or the porn dump thread?
stop strawmanning reddit
and what is OP's opinion?
Oof, OP got anally ravaged.
I would bet a million dollars this is accurate
based pastrami chad cucks varg once again
funny how one person is posting ‘i agree with [x], OPs opinion is shit’ when nobody knows what his opinion is
Bunch of retards browse this board
OP will never recover from this, unless he tells us his """valid criticism"""
But he won't because it'll just prove this right
i wonder if one person ever gets tired of posting this much
>nobody knows what his opinion is
Don't we though?
this absolutely hilarious and transparent damage control lmao
Why are people acting like OP didn't already make his opinion clear in ?
>actual arguments on one side
>”u..uhh, y-you’re transparent? h-ha, i win now.”
did you just reply to the only posts that aren't yours?
>>actual arguments
>OP: I have an opinion, I won't say what it is though
>Some guy: I bet it's THIS XD
>Other posters: Yeah I bet it's that too lol fuck OP
What is going on in this thread?
every post of mine has a mobilepost image and to clarify, it would be:
are my four posts.
>>Make valid criticism regarding the current mainstream videogame circlejerk.
I want to trust you but time and time again most "valid criticism" in this board is so fucking shallow it either gets a ton of things wrong or just gets invalidated by the most simple of arguments.
OP already admitted his opinion was "popular game bad" and it wasn't interesting at all
Damn Yas Forums btfo holy shit
in comparison to things like betting on what op’s unstated opinion is.
t. autistic bore who expects a round of applause for putting quotation marks around the word journalist when saying videogame journalist
>no you can't laugh at me i didn't say what my opinion on a specific game was
You mist be fun at parties
Are you hallucinating? Where?
Nani the fuck are you talking about
but what if popular game is bad?
apparently the answer is: many more times
You’re probably either nitpicking or presenting your argument in a pricky way
>this is how they did it x amount of centuries ago so it must be good!
fuck anyone who thinks like this
>70 replies
>30 posters
woah... OP was right all along. I'll be sure to post a few more times to make that clear to everyone.
>OP already admitted
ITT: single replier posts enough to make it look like his reply was liked
Join in it's a genuine shitfest
There is literally no decent comeback for this. Prove me wrong
So what you're saying is, you can criticize things, but people can't make comments on your retarded, facile, three word assessments. That's brilliant, now nobody can contradict any of the dumb shit you post, amirite?
sensible chuckle'd
>pointing out a standard ratio
It’s one thing to acknowledge it’s probably good to act like the species you were born into (i.e. eat more meats, raw veggies, etc instead of candy and pop tarts), it’s another to regress hundreds of years for better abs.
Who hurt you?
im starting to legitimately believe you are a schizo
And he and everyone else in the thread knows it
> valid criticism
show example without being retarded contrarian
7 decides what i eat for lunch
Recover from somebody assuming his opinion?
Where on the doll did the videogames industry hurt you user?
His opinion is "POPULAR GAME BAD" and thats it.
>what is a conversation
It's kind of incredible to think someone will spend all this time trying to win the argument by just replying over and over to say "OP is right, no matter what his opinion is, everyone else is strawmanning and insane" when they could just tell us what their opinion is and prove that post wrong. Instant win.
Gee I wonder why he hasn't done that.
take all of my this
My unpopular opinion is:
anal is better because the girl does not enjoy it and just feels pain and discomfort
tell me where did anyone state popular game bad
if you cant tell me than it proves your entire argument is horse shit
this was funny already but seeing how OP has gone completely fucking nuclear over it is what really makes me laugh
>It's kind of incredible to think someone will spend all this time trying to win the argument by just replying over and over to say "OP is right, no matter what his opinion is, everyone else is strawmanning and insane" when they could just tell us what their opinion is and prove that post wrong. Instant win.Gee I wonder why he hasn't done that.
Look at the disaster he created by not doing so. Please OP don't tell them, this thread is gold.
u mad bc he's been a doomsday prepper for years and is probably laughing to himself in his isolated cabin with his family
This. He's writing literal fucking novels over how not mad he is that some people like games he doesn't.
Genuinely considering supporting the AAA industry just to make OP mad. Any of you folx feel the same?
>Please OP don't tell them, this thread is gold.
Don't worry, he won't. He'll bring this thread to 500 replies but won't tell us the valid complaint because then will be proven right.
lol this
you can see these faggots a mile away and they really think people CAN'T HANDLE their opinions when the reality is nobody wants to debate with them because they're just unbearable faggots who will waste everyone's time
like in this very thread