So how much will their Patreon plummet now that Kyle is leaving?
Easy Allies - Video Game guys
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Probably won't be immediate since community is loyal, but as people notice the drop in quality their numbers will sink.
Kyle is leaving?
I doubt it will plummet. Sure it'll drop 5k when Kyle is gone but really it'll just dwindle over several months as more and more people realize how boring most of them are. Ben and Brad will drag Huber into some new retarded anime inspired solo venture called Hype Heroes or something. Brandon will probably just do his own stuff solo. Blood will go work for Nintendo and Ian will get some corporate editing job. Damiani will live off of autism bucks and a weird following of about 100 people who will continue to watch his twitch streams.
Kyle is a meme anyway.
>Ben and Brad will drag Huber into some new retarded anime inspired solo venture called Hype Heroes or something.
Kek I can already see it. Also 100 views for damiani is generous
Wow, and the coward never did another Final Bosman.
>"Haha i'm just eating french fries y'know i need more than that"
>When he tried doing more than the bare minimum (the podcast which consists of flipping through emails and reading resetera, and a stream once or twice a week) at EZA, it took him over a year and going on antidepressants to pump out an awful puppet show that barely anyone (possibly not even himself) cared about
What did Kyle Bosman mean by this?
damn honestly I only really watched his streams, the group stream and him and jones. would watch random youtube videos here and there too but it's definitely not gonna have the same appeal anymore. I wonder what hes going off to do.
Anyone know why he's leaving?
This too it's not even like he does that much which is what I don't understand. I feel like he really just doesn't have his heart in it and doesn't want to be pigeon holed in LA anymore .
Jones was the brand
Blood was the brains
Kyle was the soul
The rest are all underlings that can't seem to function without any guidance and are nothing but bad ideas. Kyle has been my favorite person in the industry and had been following him since before The Final Bosman even had a name. This hurts too much
He wants to be a "big shot"
bye felicia
Kyle, if you're lurking this thread:
Fuck you.
Fuck you for wasting everyone's time with your shitty paper dolls show, fuck you for taking 4 fucking years to start making edited gameplay content, fuck you for never having the balls to make another Final Bosman-esque show, and lastly fuck you for being a faggot these last few years.
Despite that I wish you luck and I hope whatever you do next is off-camera because I don't want to see your stupid retarded face ever again.
The ultimate question
Will Kyle cry on his stream tonight?
Even though I'm sure he'll mostly miss Jones, Huber and Brad, Kyle will be way happier in life far away from Damiani and Ian. Damiani because it was clear Kyle was fed up with how shit that mega-autsbeast was at producer work by fucking up their streaming PC every week. Ian because he can't fill Kyles head with stupid "never repeat yourself man, be a true artist" twattery, because he's inherited all his dead parents wealth and doesn't have to fret about money like most people. And also is very jealous of Bosman's creative talent and wanted to keep him underfoot. EZA would have had a Final Bosman 2 a few years ago if it wasn't for Ian. I just assume Jones screams in the shower about these absolute fuckwits every morning before having to drive to their bizarrely cramped studio.
He can still drop one final Final Bosman and go off for like an hour
Probably got some job after working with Geoff for awhile, I think Geoff probably wants to build more than just ONL and Game Awards
Kyle's probably my favourite too. He has such a genuine and unique perspective on games. When a lot of games media is just fence sitting, regurgitated opinions and disguised shilling, it's nice to have a voice that feels separate without it ever coming off as being forced. Fuck I miss The Final Bosman so much
I think he'll alteast close chat to mentally prepare himself
Still hoping that this is a bit.
Jones is a slimy reptile wearing human skin, blood is actually really dumb. Kyle along with Ian are the only ones with any real talent.
>EZA would have had a Final Bosman 2 a few years ago if it wasn't for Ian
I don't like Ian either but Bosman didn't want to do it, simple as that
Probably not a lot. EZA could become dogshit and they'd get at least 20K on their retarded fanbase.
Honestly though, Kyle leaving is upsetting. I really watched them for the Final Bosman/Bosman at Home and I was hoping he'd return to doing that. But I think it's clear he wants to make a show or something and doesn't want to do game commentary (even though it's what he's good at). He makes Box Peek and then he's leaving (probably decided it the minute that was done). Problem is that without someone else there, Kyle can't fucking write. He's witty and creative enough to write comedy but can't do a cohesive story. Box Peek went from amazing to utter dog shit in a few seconds. The second season forgot about the actual game and focused on other character's story and a subplot about one of the refs. it could have been "Basketball Stories" and episode 6-9 would have been the same. Then he adds a twist without ever setting it up save 30 seconds before it happens which invalidates everything that happened up to that point. There is no point in it as nothing mattered. He added a twist for the sake of a twist.
What's going to happen is Kyle will do his own thing, it will fail because he's too depressed and can't do a story, and he'll either go back to EZA or become a writer on a show where his input means little and he'd be less transparent than he is now. He'd be far more successful trying to work within EZA to make a hit show and have then take off than whatever he's actually doing. The fact he doesn't say what it is is alarming as well. He should just do something like The Final Bosman but somehow that's beneath him.
Done with eza unless they cut Damiani and Ben. Also Ian, I used to be ok with him but Kyle can't overshadow him anymore.
They would be more successful as just Jones/Blood/Huber/Brad
What I also don't get it is if he really does want to do something greater, or bigger, why not just do it at Easy Allies and help them all grow?
Like there has to be more to it
And Don too. But honestly that would be pretty good.
Internal forces standing in the way of growth
He doesn't want to talk about children's toys for the rest of his life, he wants to make something with people who aren't retarded game journalists.
He's worn out and wants to leave, that's it. I've been in that situation myself where I've just had to step away from things and pursue something different, because my lack of investment was lack a black hole sucking the energy out of me
Makes sense. He can try whatever weird job he wants and if (when) it fails he can be independent streamer/channel making more money than he did at eza
No I really think it's just he wanted more
>My fear is that your fear is that I’ll just go do what I’m doing now somewhere else. That’s not what I’m looking for. I’m looking for my life’s Main Thing, something that demands my full potential and potentially fully failing at it. Currently I feel like I’m eating french fries every day. I love french fries, I will always eat french fries, but I'm coming to realize I have to eat more than french fries.'
It's why he never revived the Final Bosman even though that would have easily propelled Easy Allies. The way he says it, it sounds like he's going to Hollywood or something of the sort. He can't accept what he does is make goofy videos and that's why people like him. It's like Pewdiepie trying to make documentaries rather than dumb meme reviews.
Where the fuck has Don been? I know he's a part timer but it feels like ages since I've seen him
desu i feel like you can rebut any defense of kyle with box peek, everything from the production to the show itself to the reception was a complete mess
I got a great idea.
That's the problem though, he's not going to hollywood, he's leaving LA, he's not working full time for Keighly, he doesn't even know what he's doing next. I think whatever family emergency happened that caused him to leave briefly really did something to him
wouldn't work at all
Their negativity would lead Kyle to suicide
Now that Bosman is gone I hope you're all ready for the new member of EZA that only had one person standing in his way...
Kyle's obviously been checked out for a while and clearly has ambitions beyond making videogame videos. He doesn't do reviews, he doesn't want to do editorials, he has no interest playing or discussing major releases. There's other avenues he can take that'd probably be healthier for him, and I hope he succeeds at whatever he does next.
I like the other allies more or less and trust Jones to run the podcast well but Damiani stepping in for the content Kyle used to be a part of is worrying.
I guarantee you he's been thinking about leaving for at least 2 years
This would make me watch Giant Bomb just to see all of the cynical twats working there having to put up with Kyle's dumb bits
Because of Damiani. He's just way too fat. The Patreon post was a subtle hint for Damiani to fucking stop eating french fries.
>Damiani stepping in for the content Kyle used to be a part of is worrying
It's like having a pet dog being replaced with a smelly homeless guy who shits himself
I'll get off when he leaves.
Unless Damiani dies or something, then I would probably stick around.
sometimes to find your "main thing" you need someone to slap your face and tell you to get the fuck over yourself and that a widely beloved videogame news skit show may just be your big thing. maybe he just wants to be a behind the scenes producer grunt from now on, but thats a pretty pathetic ending path.
Wonder how Bosman feels about Brian David Gilbert's regular million french-fries for his Not The Final Bosman show. What a simp.
for real. Damiani couldn't even host a funeral let alone a show or multiple shows. The last podcast he literally didn't say a single word for an hour straight until Kyle made him answer a question. He's just too autistic to have a personality and needs things pre scripted for him
pretty obvious he realized he could be making much more money doing the same thing but by himself and not in california where 90% of the money goes into paying for your apartment.
E-beggar board when?
He's moving out of LA as well.
While not the main thrust of him leaving or anything, I certainly think that whatever the family health thing that he needed a couple of weeks off for played a large part in getting out not just EZA, but the city/state as well.
Can't wait for Ian's ill-timed "Kyle's leaving" joke that leaves the room silent
Fucking this. It took 2 years to make 10 episodes. When it was clear that it was going to take WAY more work than anticipated he didn't actually ask anyone for help. As a result, it never caught any attention after the first one and views tanked, What;s sad is Bosman at Home had more views and took way less time. First Bosman at Home was 70K. First Box Peek was 30K. But Kyle is not going to do his own thing. No support net work. No one to help him. If this fucker can't finish a 10 episode show (that ended up sucking), how is he going to make anything of substance? Again, he was good at making things like the Final Bosman and it's clear that unless he can build a team and actually take advice from others that whatever he does will fail and we'll be right back here. Look his stuff but goddamn this guy has not introspection.
I'll try a few episodes of the podcast to see if I enjoy it, but I have no desire to watch anything else
Sad to see him go, he was the main reason I watched eza. It also feels really sudden, even though I can't say I'm completely surprised.
Kyle always seemed like the most ambitious person of EZA, and sometimes he'd make dinner veiled comments that implied others were holding him back. But on the other hand he's been talking about future plans within EZA until quite recently. Like streaming certain games, the Dreams streams, a project with German efficiency and other stuff.
Doubt I'll stick with eza after he's gone to be honest.
Man easy allies just died like that huh? I wonder how much this weighed on him considering he might have just ruined all these lives by leaving.
>So how much will their Patreon plummet now that Kyle is leaving?
What do you think? It's like doing Space Jam without Michael Jordan.
Aren't WB trying to do just that with Kobe?
It was shit those couple of episodes recently without kyle.
Does Kyle address his exit in the podcast as well?
Kyle is the only one I even like. So bye EZA.
Agreed Jones just didn't feel right. I think they should try Huber hosting. He naturally gets people talking.
>their most generally liked member is leaving
>and he doesn't even have a battle plan he's just bailing
well they're boned
I mean, their patreon will probably be fine. It's a straight-up cult of personality at this point. But all their issues that have been hurting them for years are only gonna get worse now that one of them, nevermind Kyle, is gone.
Michael Damiani has all of those 3 so its okay.
>have to stay at home the next couple of months
>sports are cancelled
>Kyle leaves EZA
What now? Do I really have to play video games?
This is gonna hurt them so much. Ask their most interesting, and most watched, things are items Kyle created. The podcast, the hall of greats, the betting specials. And Kyle's streams are also far and away the ones that get the most views. The patreon exclusive shows like achieve it yourself and for that reason are also Kyle's brainchildren.
There's honestly no way they can fill that void. Kyle was the one lighting a fire beneath their asses, and they're really gonna need that.