How based was he?
How based was he?
extremely based
Dedue is the most based character
Only Ingrid will disagree
He DUSCUR'D best girl in canon so pretty based.
Less based than Felix straight up calling him a mindless beast correctly as he would literally kill children if Dimitri told him to
Goddamn why are the Blue Lions just so much better than any other house?
They really feel like the main hero team, almost all of the pretimeskip missions are related to them after all.
The fact Sylvain, Dedue, Felix and Dimitri are the best characters in the entire game is just a plus
>almost all of the pretimeskip missions are related to them after all.
This kinda annoyed me. Also the only route that gives proper clues for Edie being Flame Emporer so you can actually guess it before it comes.
based on what?
>Also the only route that gives proper clues for Edie being Flame Emporer
She isn't exactly being subtle about it if you play BE.
Maybe. I played Golden Chads first so I can't tell. It's just so hecking obvious in Blue Lions that I know I'd pick it up.
Based on me.
based slayer of thots. Ironically blacked eagle cucks fear the big duscar dick
Cringe. Disgusting, filthy Digger.
Dangerously based. Edeltards fear him
I have intentionally never done Ingrid's, Annette's, or Mercie's A support with Dedue to save them from marrying him
this meme is dumb. they become friends eventually.
Ingrid is actually a Yas Forums goddess
>hates blacks
>hates lesbians
>cares for her homeland
>wants to continue her bloodline with another aryan
I know who I'm marrying in my BL run.
Felix is such a fucking douche but he is an absolute beast. I can send that nigger off to clear out a whole corner of the map and nothing will touch him.
Why was every single character in BL so based?
Dedue married Mercedes in my BL run. They revived Duscur culture together so that was cool.
*blocks your path*
*burns her own friend alive*
Nothing personnel, Bernie
Hubert and Ferdinand are the only good characters in that entire route
He’s a bit of a jerk but he is also 100% right.
Fuck chivalry
Fuck knights
Fuck the boar (but respect him when he calms down)
Why is Bernie crying?
Sounds pretty based
Mindless drone who does anything The Boar tells him to no matter how evil. Unthinking obedience does not make you based
Blue Lions have strongest sense of thematic cohesion out of any of the 3 houses.
The main theme that's dealt with in Azure Moon is death, the concept of loss and how people deal with it. Dimitri, Sylvain, Felix, Ingrid, and Dedue, they are all still reeling from the tragedy of Duscur and still have lingering remorse/guilt over their lost loved ones. Ashe has to deal with the death of his adoptive father in the actual route, Annette lost her dad when he abandoned her and her mother years ago and tries to reconnect with him in the main story. And of course, Mercedes has to deal with her long lost brother being the Death Knight, and eventually losing him all over again.
Death/loss is such a simple theme to write a story around, but when it's well constructed and interwoven with the plot, the impact it has on the audience is immeasurable because whatever our feelings are on death/loss, they're almost always strong ones.
This. Guy's practically a robot for most of the game.
In certain situations, he becomes an angry robot.
Fuck off Felix, no one likes you
>mfw letting Dedue kill all the enemies in the throne room while healing him only because of the mages
You can put either felix, dimitri or dedue in that room and i guarantee that they will all solo it no problem, the BL are that strong
God i love Marianne so much
isn't blue the color for sorrow and melancholy as well ?
Take it back
>Dimitri assumed the throne of the Holy Kingdom of Faerghus and spent his life ruling justly over Fodlan. Several years after his coronation, he took Marianne, whom he loved dearly, as his queen. Many of Dimitri's greatest achievements can be traced to wisdom provided by Marianne, who had received tutelage from her adoptive father, Margrave Edmund. Many years later, when Dimitri fell to illness, he clutched his queen's hand until the very end. The queen's journal, uncovered after her passing, contained recounts of their time together. The last words, penned with trembling hand, are: "I would not trade our time together or the happiness we knew for anything."
He's literally just Hubert but less edgy
I'm playing GD after doing BL and BE.
Should I save all the BL kids by recruiting them, or does it make more sense for them to stick with full boar Dimitri?
Damn, why is marianne the perfect wife. No matter who she marries
It's more like he has the emotional intelligence of a toddler. Dude clearly cares for his friends but is too dumb to know what to do about it, he failed Dimitri his closest friend by not being there for him when he needed it the most: when he started manifesting the boar. With Dimitri seeing how his closest friend completely rejected him after seeing that side of him he repressed himself to such an extent that when that shit finally came out again it consumed him.
Another good point, but while those are usually the connotations it has over here idk what the color represents in Japan
On the same token I think GD house has some pretty good thematic cohesion as well. They're all very atypical, misfits/eccentric weirdos who don't seem like they'd be your typical ensemble cast in a medieval fantasy story.
This is all tied in by Claude being the biggest outsider of all. He's a stranger in a strange land with a lot of questions, and his route's story being all about searching for the truth ultimately culminates in Nemesis coming back with all the legend and glory surrounding him being stripped away, revealing him for what he really was. Having uncovered the truth of the continent's history, Claude fights the consequences of Fodlan's past in order to bring about a better future for the entire world.
Sadly their brought way down by their association to Edelgard. Imagine if Oberstein and Kircheis/Reuenthal from LoGH followed someone like Edelgard, their characterization would suffer immensely.
It does bear similarity with the Persona games with the color thematics, Blue is a story where sorrow, death and acceptance leading to moving on are frequent themes, yellow is about uncovering the truth and red is about rebelling against what would be deemed as an unjust status quo
theyre* im drunk
all fucking duscurjin must fucking hang
The only thing that's hung is the Duscur in Dedue's pants, and he's saving it just for you, Ingrid.
You're exactly right, and funnily enough I've been looking for that screenshot of user's post saying exactly what you just said.
if only Edelgard was actually justified in her rebelling against the status quo. Then there would be some semblance of theme instead of it all falling flat on its face
Why does Ingrid not marry Dedue in her ending but is fine with Claude?
maybe in 20 years we'll get a remake for that game that will make crimson flower a scenaristicaly well thought out route because the idea of rebelling against both the church and slithers was cool but you only actually attack the church and the slither thing is just "lmao epilogue text", they didn't even add a battle at Shambhala
Ironically Persona 5 falls flat for similar reasons, there its just that the conflict is super contrived instead of the conflict being imagined/false like in CF.
>Me sitting in this thread, havent played BL route yet
Imagine being such a fag you didn't marry the best girl and missed out on the best S support for a crummy ending card that isn't even Dimitri's best
To be fair it's a very big jump to marry a person who's people """""murdered""""" her fiancee.
Yeah definitely. After their A support though I like to imagine Ingrid thinking about a shameful hookup or something, that sort of humiliation really gets me going. Though with how much she cared for Glenn and how much she thinks about her goals and her homeland I guess the game would never allow it.
Funny you mention it, everytime I look ar Ferdinand I think of Mittermayer.
Haven’t played their route though so I don’t know how much that makes sense.
Hubert gives me strong Oberstein vibes too.
It's underwhelming as shit man, it's just edelgard shitposting that cause people to think it's great.
"dude, someone I liked died in the past" is every single BL character's back story.
It's even more apparent when it uses the FE staple random insignificant character death for a character change later in the story.
don't lecture me you piece of shit...