>Paragon Shep convinces Garrus that rules are there for a reason >"Thank you Shepard, I've never thought about rules in this way before. Without them, there truly would be total anarchy, so even the smallest ones are important to keep the peace. I will now go back to C-sec after Saren is defeated >becomes an outlaw renegade who literally blasts people left and right with no care in the second game
At least if you're a Paragon he says that his team had a strict policy of never endangering innocents to get at their targets, which is a change from the Garrus who was ready to blow up a transport full of civilians to get Dr. Saleon.
Zachary Wright
He's on Omega tho. Where there are no rules and mercs prey on the innocent.
Colton Ramirez
Garrus is crap.
Ethan Watson
Because nobody who worked on ME2 wanted to write a sequel to ME, they wanted to write a sidestory about their personal fanfictions
Jeremiah Kelly
It was planned as a trilogy from the beginning you ignorant piece of shit.
Isaiah Collins
Lol someone show this nigger how the writers disappeared from 1 to 3
Justin Gutierrez
That has nothing to do with what the other user stated
Jason Martin
So what. ME2 was basically 80% side filler. They wasted the entire second act of the trilogy bulding a team that can literally all die at the end. The onus was put on the ME3 devs to hastly put together a second act for the conclusion since ME2 did fuck all in establishing the reaper invasion and the way to defeat the reapers. They even had to do a DLC to explain how the reapers even invade in the first place. Arrival DLC should have been the fucking climax to ME2, insead it's the equivalent of making the first 30 minutes of Return of the Jedi into a whole movie.
Cameron Nelson
Damn you are DUMB.
Elijah Nguyen
>What did they mean by this? That they couldn't afford to hire good writers. ME1 is patrician, great writing, great characters, great setup, laid groundwork for a solid franchise and only fell short on minor things like the UI and invettory. ME2 is plebbian, shitty writing, unbelievably shitty new characters but retards still defend it because they made it so weapons have ammo now and must be reloaded, and they made all the abilities more """visceral""".
>great writing, great characters Let's not exaggerate. There are plenty of issues with ME1's writing and characters, it just looks better in comparison because it's more focused.
Dominic Hill
ME2 felt so repetitive and shit >go to a planet >need to recruit somebody >kill some bad guys in blue/yellow/red armor to recruit him/her or >go to a planet >need to do some sidequest for the guy you recruited >kill some bad guys in blue/yellow/red armor to satisfy him/her It was so fucking formulaic and boring.
Kayden Harris
They also planned your choices to carry over through the games and have serious consequences and look how that turned out, you fucking moron. The choices were so inconsequential not even the snall choice of the way shepard looked matteres because they fucking kill him and then resurrect him so you could design him again.
Jack Rivera
It means Bioware is lazy and they fucked up half the save import flags so that you either had to check them yourself (in the dumb intro interview you choose if you saved the council and who you named to the council) or they simply gave you no choice. Conrad Verner ALWAYS says you shot him, Garrus ALWAYS goes rogue.
Ryder Cook
>hire good writers I think even more than that, they couldn't afford to fund the development of a truly branching storyline based on your choices. It's an issue of both quality and quantity. And it's absolutely their fault because that's what they promised and failed to deliver, but I'm just saying, that was the issue. They must have realized during development that they couldn't possibly create this massive game with greatly diverging storylines and content based on previous player choices, because it would end up being a much bigger project that they didn't budget for. So instead they produce one single experience with very minor, cosmetic nods to your choices instead (a slightly different conversation here, a different quest reward there, a slightly different cutscene or epilogue slide). You get a sham, an illusion of choice.
Caleb Thomas
ME2 was when I knew that EA had killed Bioware. Aside from all the edgy (and unnecessary) shit with Cerberus, the plot was almost exactly the same as that of the first game, with the Reapers using a seldom-seen species of alien to make way for their invasion and nobody believing Shepherd about it. I couldn't believe how lazy it was.
Brody Martinez
That pissed me off since it showed that my choices didn't matter.
it was planned as 3 games but the only actual plan they had was "24 in space"
me2 achieved this the best, it had just the right amount of greyness
Jayden Jones
Definitely these. People don't have rational trains of thought when their best friend dies. Even long after they can still manifest their friend's lessons in warped and twisted ways. I bet that some user on here could, given the specific quotes Shepard gave Garrus, twist them to fit Archangel perfectly.
Andrew Turner
>Shepard goes missing after his ship is blown up >this is somehow an excuse to throw off his advice Yeah, maybe if he was killed trying to talk someone down
Josiah Ortiz
I've honestly lost interest in this discussion. You win.
Grayson Richardson
While Mass Effect 2 royally fucked any chance of the series having a decent overall narrative and is an overall step down, I would be lying if I said I don't enjoy ME2 in and of itself for being a melodramatic, schlocky space western
You didn't have a fucking point in the first place you autist
Grayson Rivera
me3 is the melodramatic game which is why its a huge turnoff
me2 kept things cool and edgy
Jace Barnes
Jackson Thomas
if you let any of your team actually die in the final mission you're a fucking retard and shouldn't be playing games designed for over 5 year olds
Chase Perez
Yeah, it was decided that Garrus' character development needed to be sidelined in the interests of fan service. Oh well.
It's a tragedy too because they could have avoided it by having Garrus help Cerberus get Shepard's body back from the Shadow Broker. He'd make more sense than Liara and the fallout from that would mean he'd need to hide his identity and go underground.
Guess we just have different barometers for this stuff, I thought ME3 leaned too far into the goofiness of ME2 and I just couldn't be fucked to care about the plot anymore. The balls-to-the-wall fanservice made it bearable the first time through but it isn't enough to get me to come back again
Elijah Brown
This just in, none of your choices in Mass Effect fucking mattered.
The only acceptable way to treat the series is pretending any after the first were never made.
Ethan Powell
That wasn't the point he was making. The point was that you spend most of the game building a team that can't be important in 3, not to mention how Shepard should be focusing on finding a way to stop the Reapers. In hindsight, they could have stretched ME out beyond a trilogy because they were fucked with 2. There were rumours that 3 had a dramatic rewrite after a leak but the problems were still there.
Levi Rodriguez
He literally just goes "Well I went back and felt I wasn't making a difference so I became a outlaw murderer" aka Bioware having your choices matter
Thomas Murphy
Now think about his loyalty mission. >Garrus: I want to find and kill Sidonis >Shepard: Okay >*Finds Sidonis after gunning down dozens of mercs and torturing Harkin. Is ready to kill Sidonis* >Shepard: Killing is wrong Garrus. >Garrus: Okay.
Elijah Fisher
maybe if you played the citadel dlc, I didn't touch that
I'm referring to stuff like the out of place sad piano music that doesn't fit mass effect the stupid shithead kid that you have nightmares about
Ryan Walker
I know the point he was making. You didn't understand my point, that was ME3 should have just made all of the characters important, because if you let anyone die, you don't deserve to play the next game. Or just make everyone surviving canon and fuck those smoothbrains off.
Noah Perry
Only the fact that it was a trilogy was planned, they didn't plan out the series, hell the ME3 ending was made by forcing Casey and Mac into a room and not letting them out till then
There isnt a single trilogy in existence that was actually planned out in advance
Oliver Sullivan
I know. It's just bizarre and a tragedy.
Colton Butler
If that were true then why are there so many lore inconsistencies?
Dylan Roberts
I wonder why they would can the original writer for the third game? Really makes me think.
Cooper Clark
it's not that hard to make branching choices their problem is the one every investor-run studio has, that they refuse to spend significant effort on things only XX% of the playerbase(assuming they only play once) will see, and they openly admitted this at least once
Caleb Williams
It spawned a series that managed the span 3 sequels, so whatever "hur dur you have shit taste" argument you were planning to follow this up with is irrelevant, faggot.
Grayson Diaz
The trilogy would have held together if Karpshyn had remained as lead writer for all three games. Walters is just not equipped to write a plot. He's a good idea guy, but the world building and plot design needs to be left to someone else.
Luis Hill
The Lord of the Rings. Kind of. It was originally written as one bigass book, but Tolkien was told that it would be straight up impossible to publish as an omnibus (at the time), so the trilogy was born. Fun fact, he also really fucking hated Return of the King as the third book's title (he wanted the War of the Ring but it was considered too violent) because he felt it was a massive spoiler.
Hunter Williams
meant for
Thomas Allen
Oftentimes there are different creators working at different times in the series, studios are bought and sold, real life elements affect the plot. Sometimes it works out, sometimes it doesn't.
Remind yourself that stories are written by people in the real world, and you should take individual works on their own instead of thinking of them as documentaries of an ongoing story within a real universe. I love Mass Effect 1, but consider it its own thing separate from the sequels.