Mfw I see a Cave Story/Kero Blaster thread

mfw I see a Cave Story/Kero Blaster thread


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Other urls found in this thread:

>linking to previous thread
inb4 404

eh I don't like blonde haired girls

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you guys ready for hacked 3?



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There's a third one being made?

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Edgy Megaman clone


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So what do you think Pixel has in store for us next, something short and easy like Kero Blaster or maybe something completely new? I'm worried that we won't ever see a large game like Cave Story again if he keeps focusing on the mobile market.

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Hopefully he makes a longer game
Would like to see what more he is capable of

>no new game since 2015
he's gone back to being a salaryman, no new geemu for us

Pixel is an old man now, I don't think he has the time to shit out a long game anymore.
Fucking finally someone made something with the clone machine

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Does Curly wear socks?


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>tfw ywn marry king
it's not fair bros...

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go to bed Toroko

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What’s his story?

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Graduated bottom of his class in the Balrog SEALs

>alpha cat wife will never see the light of day
it hurts

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I mean these threads do feel like they always have the same 20 something Cave Story fans on Yas Forums

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I think sometimes you just wanna keep something to yourself when you create stuff for so long. Sasuke gets to shine instead

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yeah and?

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i thought she was darker

The second one was bad except for the ending desu

>showing their faces side-on instead of 3/4
shit animation

Just wanted to let you guys know which is better for surprise handholding

would you kero or gero Yas Forums?

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What about blonde haired guys?

数 is such a weird name. Who names their little girl "Number"?

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this but toroko

this but sue

who would name their daughter "misery"?

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Mega Man is already edgy on it's own.


>tfw no cat wife

How would you do a Cave Story sequel?

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I'd do a prequel not a sequel. Quote, Curly, Balrog and everyone else deserve their happy ending.

How would it it be happy if we know what happens in the main game?

Well, call it more bittersweet, then. Nonetheless, I wouldn't want another game intruding on Cave Story's best ending.

Any ideas specific ideas you have for it?
I would like to hear them

It'd be pretty easy with the context in the game provided. Have it center around the whole surface-island conflict, shed some light on those weird Cthulhu dudes, maybe explore Jenka/Ballos' backstories more, the origin of Quote and Curly, just generally more historical background for how all of the pieces of Cave Story fit together.
I mean I couldn't imagine what the gameplay would be like, probably more of the same run-and-gun gameplay, but that'd be up to whoever's making it.

Sounds cool

Btw, do you know any Cave Story inspired games?

Pretty much every modern indie platformer owes something to Cave Story. Try something like Shovel Knight or Hollow Knight, people seem to like those ones. And if you haven't, do try Pixel's other shining game, Kero Blaster.

not until i've emptied king's big mimiga balls

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Thanks, user

A sequel based on the bad ending.

What's a bunny

It's divided into chapters, each focusing on one of Quote and Curly's children.

No mention of Ikachan?

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What’s that?
Is it any good?

Pixel made it. How does nobody know about it?!

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I've played Ikachan and I like it. It's just pretty short.

I hear more about kero blaster and cave sTory than that
I’ll check it out

Does any one have experience with Cave editor or Org maker? What are they like? If you have stuff from them show it off

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That's not cute give me cute

I mean it's a 3DS exclusive in America.
but a translation is availible on PC here

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