tfw no fat gf
T-this is just some funny "homer liek food and pokemon looks like food :D" joke, right?
This isn't some fetish thing, RIGHT?
Yes. The fetish stuff is in the subsequent ones
thats shadman of course it a fetish thing
it hurts...
Why wouldn't this work?
>how to make Bernouts rectally ravaged in a single panel
I don't give a shit about Stonetoss but he has trolling down to an art form.
maybe try nuking fort knox, it (almost) worked for goldfinger
Because you'd need to buy a massive amount of gold and willing idiots to buy your gold back.
Reminder that Captain Toad is a direct rip off of a Net Yaroze fan-made PS1 game called Terra Incognita.
It's just a joke, but there are related images that aren't, can't remember if that pokemon was in them though.
h-haha yeah that's real funny
>every isometric block puzzle game is a ripoff of TI
Pikachu's ass is pretty pronounced. I don't think the "vore" is supposed to be hot necessarily.
Terra Incognita is a shit game tho, so it's good that Captain Toad exists.
>i watched le youtube :DDD
what video?
At least come up with a insult that goes with the sound. Yawnstuba would be acceptable.
see stonetoss is funny, which I think is why he makes people seethe so much
shadman has gone to shit
>that pikabutt
I like the other Pokemon adventures from Shadman, like the ones with Ditto.
No, I'm not posting it.
What's up this chink's ass?
Yotsuba is my daughterfu
He's just upset about everything. The only thing I've ever seen him say he liked was some barbecue he ate once, but with this comic he probably only sort of enjoyed it because a racist Southerner made it.
>move to some random redneck town
>surprised when they're all rednecks
>make a comic about how you refuse to even try and understand their cultures and traditions because you think they're "problematic", then make up a bunch of shit to try and portray their traditions and culture as such
>when if some redneck moved to some random town in bumfuck nowhere, vietnam, the author would assuredly get upset at that redneck complaining about the lack of redneck culture in that town and all the slopes looking at him funny and treating him like a redneck
lynch this retard please
>transformation fetish
I should've have known.
>videogame comic thread
>some idiot weeb just floods the thread with his shitty manga
Why do they always do this?
Worshipping a bunch of traitors is stupid shit, but otherwise, agreed.
i don't get it, is it because there are 6 candles on the cake?
I feel like it would've been funnier if the third panel had him saying "I'm dumping" but at the same time I feel like that might ruining the joke
He's very left-wing and encourages people to vote Democrat, but until his most recent comic basically only made fun of woke white liberals who would also vote Democrat.
>Worshipping a bunch of traitors is stupid shit
you mean like the founding fathers?
I want to fuck that sphinx
huh? huh?
And I want source on yours
>assuming asians eat dogs, cats and bats is racist
not one for self-awareness is he
this will never happen to me
Time has shown every single one of these people are wrong. They are racist. However, they are not traitors, which makes the Confederates even worse.
the joke in the first three panels actually makes sense though, most others are legitimately just gibberish
The country was in pretty excellent shape when we actually followed their values
>everyone saying she looks younger than the last person claims
>kid claims she looks seven and therefore underaged
I'd rather have disunity and freedom than anything else.
>Time has shown every single one of these people are wrong.
Actually, pretty much every single problem we have currently was caused by ignoring their advice on how to run a country.
>They are racist.
And that's a good thing.
>However, they are not traitors
They are, no matter what mental gymnastics you use.
Imagine not wanting your very own pussy.
Im surprised how he get more and more retarded with each comic.
Hell he had a comic about his inner hate being a mix.
Hope he gets shot.
Really makes you thunk
haha maybe if you're lucky you'll be kidnapped and made into a tranny sex slave
Too bad with progressivism, you get disunity and don't get freedom.
user, he asked you not to repost. Also, I love how he ends up eating at a chinese food place after pretending to be offended at church lady's suggestion. He gets offended at the suggestion that Asians eat atypical animals, then makes his punchline "Rednecks do it, too"