Which way is the correct way?
Which way is the correct way?
There’s no correct way people will bitch regardless
The correct way is to do what you want.
Don't listen to whiny little bitches.
Fight broken with broken. Powering up weaker characters makes them more fun to use and doesn't subtract anything from the previously broken one.
riot way is saying they’re going to make them fun sized and then suddenly the character released seven years ago everybody forgot about comes in with a sword that’s suddenly huge in comparison. repeat until they make everybody’s swords the same size again. The game is finally fun again. then they release a new character or rework which restarts the cycle...
Riot nerfs things?
PVP "fairness" is the gayest shit ever
you got rekt? boo fucking hoo, go get broken shit too unless it's from cash shop, which is also gay
The comic was made back when boomers thought arena shooters were fun.
Riot had the absolute worst fucking balance method cause "m-muh power creep" paranoia. Glad I ditched that trash many years ago and had fun for a change.
haha I get it it's called Nerfnow and she says nerf now!!! xD
Ideally a mix between valve and riot, provided the items are not cash items.
The best way to make items balanced (items within the same tier) is to make combat require more technical precision. The Blizzard way isn't fun, the Valve way alone makes everyone a glass canon, and the riot way alone makes everyone a meatshield.
What's the ubi way?
Stop relying on math and start relying on gameplay features.
The difference between someone using a dagger and a giant sword should be in gameplay, not numbers. Its one of the key reasons Souls games are so good, you can turn any weapon into something viable because its movesets which dictate effectiveness not numbers.
Best way is you put the unbalanced things as pickups on the map, not on the players when they spawn in.
adding more characters
The correct way is to only buff and never nerf
this comic is 8-7 years old
fighting broken shit with even more broken shit is the most fun
Skill indexing should matter more than balance.
Volvo way, best way
I'd rather fight broken with broken. It's better to make everything more fun in my opinion, but you would need to worry about power creep.
I actually really like TF2 weapons because every new weapon was a side-grade instead of an upgrade. Changing an item in your loadout meant gaining something great and losing something great which supported new play styles without anything getting too busted.
Spilling some tea here. No buffs, no nerfs, stop whining and deal with it instead of screaming that X is OP.
None, fuck balance.
This is silly because a buff to one characters damage is identical to nerfing every other characters hitpoints (or buffing someones health means you're nerfing everyone elses damage etc.), so it just ends up doing the same thing but in a roundabout awkward way.
stop whining about imbalance and learn to counter
you people wonder why i hate multiplayer games now
But that isnt how any game is balanced these days. Developers cycle through their own content, they release a handful of broken shit, people play with it, complain, then they nerf the broken shit and release new OP shit/mixed in with old nerfed shit which they buff.
Then you rinse and repeat that forever.
switching between all 3 in an unpredictable, hard to tell, way so that anyone who tries to go meta gets fucked anyway so people just stick with what they actually like
broken with broken is the correct way, being both enough impactful to have an even fight. And with as little stupid gook dashes as possible, mobility is a high offense+defense tool, dashy heroes should be weaker in every way compared to a slow as shit enemy just to compensate but developers fill most game with that bullshit because little kids love it and little kids are the ones that waste more money on this crap
The heroes of might and magic 3 way.
then your way is his way in reverse and is equally silly
Renember when in TF2 every fucking class had broken loadouts resulting in an actually fun game?
I miss the good times
I'm not saying only ever nerf, I'm saying don't make up pointless rules like that that increase the chance of introducing bugs for no benifit.
Who the fuck says "imba"?
BRs before 2010
a brainlet has wandered into our midst
I always figured Overpowered of the Week would be most fun, keeps tierwhores moving and trying different classes and gives single-class players a chance to shine
Comic was made back in S2 when a champion getting Olaf'd / Better nerf Irelia were memes because they overnerfed stuff, once S4 started oh boy the balance did a 180 twist, now like 90% of the roster are stat-check champions
that means everyone who likes a character won't have to worry about getting their favorite nerfed, while fags who jump on the best character can still get their shit pushed in.
also max jank is super duper fun.
This happened in Elsword and I hated it so much, weap enhancements were +7/8 on average then it was +10 minimum, actives used to be balanced around 300% damage or 150% + utility then they were all 900% + traits, so many unnecessary buffs that fucked class matchups. And the game wasn't more balanced in a way of " everyone is op so everyone is balanced" it's just that the buffs some class hads were so suited for their kits that they were even more broken, so it was pretty retarded and so far the only PvP game I've played that's more balanced is League of Legends which people will say it's retarded but at least if something is broken it gets bugfixed quickly.
>overdo a nerf
>worse case scenario people stop playing the thing that got nerfed
>overdo a buff
>worse case scenario it breaks the fucking game
The valve way is the best for coop without any pvp, the riot way is the best for pvp only, and the blizzard way to make people buy your cards.
The Bomberman way where everyone is the same.
The valve way is now nerfing stuff that is fun and what comp fags whine about while ignoring broken weapons like the machina and sticky spam.
RIP sandman.
>buffing one characters damage is equal to nerfing every other characters hitpoints
In the eyes of that one character, yes.
But nerfing every other characters hitpoints will have massive unintended effects for other characters, while buffing one character will have less unintended effects.
I almost forgot there was a time before TF2 was sold to the competitivefags where they emphasized making weapons fun rather than "balanced"
Exactly, you do the thing that gets the intended result instead of faffing about with dumb rules like 'only ever buff'.
if everyone is broken, no one is
what the fuck ever happened to just getting good at the game?
im not even a millenial and even i remember back when games came out on disks and you literally just had to get good, combat/fighting games are never black and white, theres always place for improvement if the effort is put in
tldr dont be a fucking bitch unironically
Riot way is making the decision between rolling out small nerfs to a champion that's too volatile until they hit it with one gigantic nerf that guts the champion. Or buffing a champion in small increments until they hit it with one more change that sends it way over the balance threshold. Combine that with constantly making shit decisions towards items that synergize well with specific champs, and you've got one of the most frustratingly brain dead balance teams in video game history.
Nerfitfags ruined any multiplayer experience
The funniest is when day one metas go out of fashion and months/years later people forget how to punish them and they make a second comeback as effective as day one
Fight broken with broken. Buffing weak characters will make them funner to play as without neutering the stronger character.
Honestly, this little dilemma applies to a lot of things in life. Encourage, don't discourage.
Having your favorite character nerfed is a more emotionally memorable event than having your favorite character buffed. i.e. the nerf feels more bad than the buff feels good. It's part of human psychology.
>power creep
Absolute retard
Yeah, buffs should definitely be the default response to an imbalance but sometimes a nerf is the best way to prevent an anti-fun meta from killing a game. There's going to be a whole lot of unintended consequences if you try to buff literally every other character/weapon rather than just dealing with the problem directly.
>Having your favorite character nerfed is a more emotionally memorable
Who cares about the feefees of some faggot who was maining broken shit?
Charging you money.
I remember when my fav pokemon went from never used to banned in less than three days :(
You can't power creep a Singleplayer game, because its not suppose to receive continues patching.
And thats the core problem with PVP in singleplayer games: Because the patches affect PVE balance since nerfs has to affect core mechanics that makes PVP and PVE possible.
You can technically nerf if some core elements ruin everything.
The key issue is that PVP games are rarely actually PVP games, instead they are PVE games with PVP elements glued on.
So nerfing is detrimental to the actual game, while PVP is just a after thought.
Unless its a MOBA. Which in case there are legitmate reasons to nerf shit, but its always a worse decisions than trying to rework shit to be stronger long term.
And in MOBA's, power creep isn't a issue until simplication gets extreme. I.e Dota 7.00
Boo fucking hoo
>Who cares about the feefees of some faggot who was maining broken shit?