What went wrong?

What went wrong?

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everything past season 5

Mega64 is better

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6-8 and 11-12 are good

RWBY had a couple of good episodes before devolving into anime tropes and never getting better.


Monty Oum died because his girlfriend chose a cat over his life.

What? Quick rundown?

not that guy, but I think he went in to get testing for allergies or something or get a shot for it and he had he went into a coma and died?

I don't even remember what happened in Red Vs Blue. It's been years. I almost want to check if it holds up.

Also RWBY looks like dung.

His girlfriend convinced him to get surgery to fix his allergies so she could get a cat. He had a reaction to the anesthetic and died.

Weird this guy was my friends cousin never even heard of rooster teeth before he died

>dying for a white girl

Monty loved cats and wanted one as much as his wife. Went in for a routine procedure, but even the simplest medical procedures carry some risk and he had a severe allergic reaction while he was there. The man made his own very reasonable decision to do it, and was just really unlucky and the doctors couldn't save him.

Butthurt faggots have always tried to spin it like his wife forced him to do something dangerous against his will in order to satisfy some selfish whim of hers. And spun it with success, apparently, because that's the narrative everyone keeps regurgitating years later.


>t. Monty's Wife's Cat

Which one will kick the bucket next?

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they became known for stuff that isn't red vs blue

Nice, were you in the operating room when it happened? You seem to know so much about it.

Sold out.

Hopefully Kinda Funny or Death Battle (but that'd never happen)

Monty Oum they substituted humor with shitty fight scenes.

This unironically, Fuck Monty and his autistic fanbase that keep fellating him even after death.

RvB post-Reconstruction

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No quality control or anyone to tell them when something they're doing sucks.

Probably Funhaus since Lawrence and Bruce already left and all the new people on camera don't have the same chemistry

Monty died

Doug "The Nostalgia Critic" Walker is by far the most entertaining and likable Youtube content creator of the modern era.
Every video he puts out has me rolling on the floor laughing, his quick wit and hilarious reactions have sent me to the hospital.
His consistent upload schedule gives me something to look forward to every Wednesday. I've recently realized I could just stop watching movies altogether, and instead just watch Doug's comedic, but honest, reviews.
Lets not forget about WTFU, where he decided to fight for Fair Use for Youtube, something that other Youtubers shamelessly ripped off years later.
Douglass is such a huge inspiration for me that I have entirely changed my wardrobe, everyday I wear his signature hat, suit, tee shirt, glasses, and loose fitting tie.
Some day, I hope I can meet him in person. I know this sounds foolish, but I often fantasize about becoming him some day.

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He didn't have impact on the direction of the company and besides, they had already sold their souls to Fullscreen before he died. He could have lived to be the oldest man on earth and RT still would have become the shitshow it is.

Brush your yellow ass fucking teeth

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>Lawrence left.
nigger WHAT? i knew bruce left but when did this shit happen?


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About a month or less after Bruce left I think


>Burger man in America
He's a Flip immigrant.

The new people do have chemistry, but only the very specific combination of Jon Smith, Alanah, Jacob, and Rahul. Given Rahul seems to have abandoned them, it's likely not gonna happen again any time soon.

Oh yeah what a dynamic personality

They got bigger. They were the best when most of their videos were just Geoff and Jack and occasionally a few other people. Now there are so many people involved and creating content it's impossible to care about all of them.


She legit worked well with those three specifically. Having a dullard among three other actually funny people can work, it's a grounding/reaction point.

When the first series of RvB ended and they tried to make it "serious"

They were never good, prove me wrong. Also Barbara needs to get her feet and tits out

Achievement Haunter is legitimately a good show.

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Aren't Rt those halofags that made a crap woke girl anime that plagiarized hxh? The main girl and her friend are literally gon and killua.

Who the fuck watched enough of HxH OR RWBY to know that?

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After a month after Bruce left, pretty much out of the left field.

I dont know.
But I clicked on one episode of red vs blue and it was some faggot introducing the stupid shy kid to the group before some mission. It was so cringeworthy I wrote them off and never looked back.

I saw enough to notice rt stole from kite weapon, huntsmen = hunter, their attempt at worldbuilding, etc (saw all of hxh; clips of rt).

There's a shocking amount of fans who put the characters against each other. Every RWBY rewrite is literally HxH and berserk lite
Literally 90% of RWBY is taken from whatever the writers were into at the time . The weapons were taken from blaz blue at the beginning cause monty was a BB fag, the later seasons had elements from MHA cause the dumbshit writers were into it at the time

fucking nigger it's just been inspired by hxh have some respect

I'm so 50/50 on it because they keep trying to take shit seriously even when absolutely nothing happens. But when they torture the crew it's pretty decent.
>Forcing Jeremy to go stir crazy in a prison cell
>Ryan repeatedly spraying Geoff with steam to scare the shit out of him
>Ryan just holding a fucking spike at Gavin's nose in hopes a ghost will forcibly lobotomize him while Gavin's visibly panicking

even if this were true there's no way of knowing whether he was under duress or anything, no sane person would say "yeah I forced him to have the surgery or xyz"

>Every RWBY rewrite is literally HxH and berserk lite
That's just because those are the easiest ways to dip into "edgy" anime for the average ironic weeb who hasn't actually seen anime. Call me when there's a rewrite that turns RWBY into Fire Punch and Yang into Agni.

I remember looking into that. I only found a few sites that made that statement. Also, someone said that they pefer being on a far right forum than than rwby/rosterteeth forum.

Literally fucking this, these rewrites are so fucking cringey too cause the writers are so up their own ass about how they unironically think they are making something cool

Not making Joel the CEO