Which new enemy are you guys most excited to fight? For me, it's this guy.
Doom Eternal Hype thread
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Zoom Eternal
For me, it's Archvile.
His fire wall that can tank a BFG shot is gonna piss me off
planning to get it friday night after I look at some reviews to make sure they didn't fuck anything up. I think review embargo ends next Tuesday
i want to see what they did with the icon of sin.
I'm gonna watch a full playthrough, then buy the game anyway, same as I did with 2016.
Marauder, easily.
I would do that but I don't want to spoil myself too much as dumb as that sounds with a game like this.
also I can't wait to use the hardscope on the LMG, I was one of the few people in 2016 who used the actual scope
wait is that an npc?
Do we have dreadnight footage? What to they do compared to normal knights?
Markiplier? Yes.
what you doing on resetera user?
Sliding into some trans ladies DMs
Finally my quickscoping skills can be used in a doom game
One of the only things keeping them relevant, desu
I'll be glad when launch comes the intense stink of shill finally goes away from the board.
I was hyped about the game but you marketing fags ruined it for me. I guess I'm gonna cancel my preorder.
replaying doom 2016 has made me realize how much i dread weapon upgrade points
those are out of doom eternal right
just make a grindr account user
Man that's pathetic.
You got me.
Looks like they have a ranged attack and a stronger ground pound.
the moment you shoot shotgun he puts up shield - this is input reading, not amused.
Also why use shotgun here, use something with splash damage...
>baby carrier
i got banned on resetera for 2 weeks for racism
nazis deserve more than a ban IMO
so this is how jurnos play fps? I dont play a lot of fps games but thats sad
why does anybody use that website
this, I hope he makes me hate him a lot
yes, its AI seems to be very good
Stop shilling this insult to a once-great series now getting its corpse bludgeoned like a piñata. I can’t take watching my beloved Doom be mocked like this.
and people complain about resetera/reddit, just take a look at how many sjw vermin infest this board...
he puts up his shield because you're supposed to wait for him to get close. if you couldn't read that out of this webm you shouldn't comment.
Oh no, they revived Doom with great games, what insulting mockery
Shh, watch, next he'll say "Doom 3 was more of a Doom game than this zoomer pandering nu-FPS trash"
far-left website bro.
But they’re not great. They’re Dubstep-wubbing, color-flashing, ego-fellating, Mario-jumping, mind-numbing slogs through linear hallways and arenas with 6 enemies in them and zero challenge beyond “lmao look they can one hit you” on Nightmare. Everything from the aesthetic to the soundtrack to the gameplay is designed for the heavily stunted sub-70 IQ brains of Gen Z, Millenials and niggers.
>he puts up his shield because you're supposed to wait for him to get close.
watch 0:02
the moment shotgun fires from the barrels, he puts up his shield, and its fairly close.
How can one write so much yet say so little
But it is. How is this not obvious to you? Is the Jewish bother clouding your Zoomer mind nigger faggot bitch
In his ravenous hatred he found no peace; and with boiling blood he scoured the Image Boards seeking vengeance against the devs who had wronged him. He wore the crown of the Discord Trannies, and those that gave (you)s to his posts named him... the Doom Seether.
Hugo on Joe's podcast
You’re only proving my point faggot
doom seether
Fuck this. There’s no wonder you play these new “”””””””””Doom””””””””””””” games. You’re to unintelligent to even have a conversation.
>You’re to unintelligent to even have a conversation.
calling the opposition dumb shows a that you have no point also
You're supposed to wait for his eyes to start glowing.
Dont comment if you are retarded, you fucking mouthbreathing retard.
joe literally has no idea whats hes talking about
this is the most disrespectful he has been to anyone
> muh VR,
> when are you doing this in VR
> werehouse VR
I liked Doom 3 but come the fuck on
>Betruger is evil because he just is
>Only one dangerous enemy, the Archvile, because the rest you can trivialize out of the game showering you with far more ammo than you'd ever need
>The fucking lamest iteration of the Cyberdemon in any Doom game
>The expansion gives you three charges of godmode on standby
Don't forget
>bro but can I 1v1
>bro quake was so cool
>whats DLC
>being an unironic graphics whore
Literally the only interview he made that's worth checking is John Carmack, if only because he shuts up and lets him talk
I'm excited for the hazbin Easter egg
Doom 3 was ass.