Frees humanity from an evil, inhuman monster that has falsified history and halted technological progress

>frees humanity from an evil, inhuman monster that has falsified history and halted technological progress
Why does hate freedom?

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Other urls found in this thread:

> does it by siding with amoral genociding scumbags and committing genocides of her own
that's why.

She is a good person

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Thanks for answering the question, turns out Yas Forums is just full of children.

> mass murder
> morally gray

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It's a trolley problem, her options are either "do some bad shit to fix society" or "let the immortal monsters continue to rule forever".

Don't the immortal monsters at least make an attempt to give people they can't trust to advance happy and fulfilling lives?

Starting a war is not mass murder

The people of Fodlan were perfectly free under Rhea.
Having a hegemon ruling the entire continent and forcing everyone to live in a homogeneous society is what's an affront to freedom.

>Check out this cool thing I made
>wow what is it?
>Just simple contraption of glass and mirrors. Somehow it lets you look really far away.
>wow that's neat
>Give it a try.
>wow I can see that tree all the way on the hill
>haha what if I turn it up to the night sky?
>suddenly abducted by an entire regiment of the Knights of Serios led by Catherine herself
>get executed in the town square 3 days later after no trial

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*does everything Edelgard does but also stops the Agarthans, destroys their secret weapon, and fixes Almyra*

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Executing Edelgard was a mistake.
Should have kept her as a breeding sow slave.

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>Hapi laughs at Edelgard

Hapi was sexually molested as a child by a woman so she has no cause to laugh

Truly best girl.

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>floods Fodlan with almyran “refugees”


We love each other very much. We spend our time raising our children together. No one knows about our kids because churchfags will try and kidnap them due to their powerful crests they poses.

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Fuck off Yas Forums nigger you'd be sucking Dimitri's dick if he was the genocidal maniac either way

very redpilled

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Nope, I'm not a Yas Forumsnigger retard. Hitler was a bad guy, ergo Edelgard is too.

What would you do in this situation?

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Edelgard unironically did nothing wrong.

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without hesitation, join her. in fact, I would've joined her at Remiere village but she's so autistic she burned that bridge and made it awkward

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>they divided the empire to keep the masses bickering
>while also doing literally everything in their power to keep the peace between the three nations so that they don't bicker and cause instability

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>Uses the Crest of Seiros as his banner
>Literal enemy HAS the Crest of Seiros
>Even has the original Crest of Seiros underneath her palace.

Master Tactician.

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This thread is now about Hilda's awesome rockin' boobage.
Who will step forth and lather them in soapy suds?

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i just wish she was something other than weaker Arvis, should've really gone with the full villain route, i wanted that since Conquest and that game failed to deliver on that too.

Except Fodlan was at peace and the people were prospering.
The only difference is that instead of having multiple ruling houses that were loyal to their monarchs and then loyal to the church, Edelgard made a single monarch that rules all of Fodland

I’m pretty sure the slitherers have more to gain from splitting the Empire up given that the Empire used to literally just be at the beck and call of the Church

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Nintendies can't meme.

What a dumbass kid.

Me please, mega stacies make me diamonds

*tips fedora respectfully at you*

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TheFlow advises to stay on FW 6.20 or below if you want to hack your console – kxploit currently in the works!

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Doesn't the dlc imply Loog was aided by TWSITD to begin with?

>actively funds and promotes research
>halted technological progress
If anything Edelgard's war likely destroyed some scientific progress if not outright killed tons of bright minds of the continent.

So why is it okay for Edelgard to lie but not Rhea?

Yes, Loog was bankrolled by the slitherers

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Lying for the good of all people, bad.
Lying for the empire's rule of the continent, good.

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She's the new evil. No one looks happy in her ending except for Hubert. They know they're doomed and look scared and miserable. Even the peasants.

Your time is up Womanlet

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Does Claude really add anything to the dynamic that Edelgard and Dimitri have going?
He feels so far removed from the plot.
This game should have been two houses.

I'm not any of the guys you replied to, nor did I read them all. It looks like you're the one seething.

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Remove Rhea
Remove Edelgard
Join either deers for best girls or Lions for best bros and steal the girls/bros from the other house, plus based Ferdichad, maybe Caspar.

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Everyone knows that the moonlanding was fake. The Adrestian Empire was just afraid of Almyra beating them to it, so they staged the moonlanding!

When was Hanneman executed? He has one in his room

Shut the fuck up discord tranny.


Edelgard is for protecting only, do not hurt her!

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i like how people throw out books from the discarded library as proof then ignore the other stuff in there that doesn't help edelgard's case like

>empire nobles throw gladiator death battles and feed civilians to monsters for their birthday party's
>the slithers actually were responsible for splitting up the empire

and other such stuff.

I'm not seeing a telescope in his room.
Did I fall for the b8?

Flayn is the cutest. That is all.

Yeah I'd put it in her brapper.

The war was so unnecessary though. If Edelgard didn't let herself get manipulated into doing EXACTLY what the slitherers wanted or talked to anyone at all Fodlan would have changed for the better anyway. I can say this since Dimitri was already on the Slitherer's trail, Claude was already suspicious of a lot of shit about Fodlan, and a bunch of characters had already expressed interest in wanting to change their respective territories for the better regarding the crests as well as inherent societal injustices. Hell, Rhea was even going to step down and the crest bloodlines were dying out anyway, was change in such a small period of time worth the cost of a continental war? Wouldnt people have preferred a more gradual yet peaceful change? It'd been great if Edelgard was characterized as wanting to have seen change with her own eyes because of her crest aids shortened lifespan or something, since that wouldve been a compelling reason for what she did, instead we got the tonedeaf uguu kawaii shit you see in CF. I don't get why they'd botched CF so bad when Edelgard was at the forefront of 3H marketing.

Excuse me?

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Pretty based, if only you could do that and keep Rhea in your bedroom

I said "I'd like to buy her some candy and put it in a wrapper". Sir.

based setethposter

Reach for my hand, I'll soar away
Into the dawn, oh, I wish I could stay
Here in cherished halls, in peaceful days
I fear the edge of dawn, knowing time betrays

Faint lights pass through colored glass,
In this beloved place
Silver shines, the world dines,
A smile on each face

As joy surrounds, comfort abounds,
And I can feel I'm breaking free
For just this moment lost in time,
I am finally me

Yet still I hide,
Behind this mask that I have become
My blackened heart,
Scorched by flames, a force I can't run from

As I live out, each peaceful day
Deep in my soul, oh, I know I can't stay
So I wish I, could hide away
Hold tight to what I love, keep cruel fate at bay

As the rain falls on the path
I chase your shadow
I don't feel a single drop,
Or the ground below

Then you turn to me and I
Stop before I know
And the lie upon my lips
I let it go

Cross my heart
Making vows I know will be betrayed
A sad girl's pleas
Live only for a breath and then they fade

Don't ever take, back your kind hand
Lest precious love, step away like time's sand
Only we will know, all that was lost
Scars that we can't erase, show us life's true cost

The blue moonlight
Cuts across our sight
As pure and clear as a ringing bell
Reaching for us in the night

As the wind calms my thoughts,
I hold strong on this terrace
I feel at peace,
Carried away by the wind's song

Open the door
And walk away
Never give in
To the call of yesterday

Memories that made
Those days sublime
These ruined halls entomb
Stolen time

Reach for my hand, I'll soar away
Into the dawn, oh, I wish I could stay
Here in cherished halls, in peaceful days
I fear the edge of dawn, knowing time betrays

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