
Forgive me father for i have sinned!

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Those scanlines are the gravest sin of all

Yeah you kinda fuckin have. Who the fuck puts fake scanlines on an emulator? You're a fucking retard and your thread is dogshit.

Imagine believing this shit where you can do as much bad shit as you want but as long as a Catholic priest says its ok then no problems

Imagine if you wanted to ask forgiveness for a sin you had to talk through a middle man.

is this the scanline thread?

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I love scanlines! Look how true to the real experience they look

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crank them up to 99999999 and of course its going to look overdone retard

Yes you have you fucking barebacking faggot

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Imagine not having faith in the Holy Catholic Church


I'm sorry you were diddle by your priest. It wasn't your fault.

i dont have faith in the holy catholic church, i have faith in god faggot i was for me those fucking fags from the vatican would be in prison or dead.

who made that comedy skit where a priest says that their mission is to molest every kid on the planet and MC sheds a tears remembering he was also raised as a catholic?


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not the religious type
though nuns are pretty hot ngl too bad a lot of nun stuff is corruption and other things I'm not into

I believe in the Holy Spirit. The Holy Catholic Church. The Communion of Saints. The Forgiveness of Sins. The Resurrection of the Body. And Life Everlasting. Amen.

yeah i know that, aged like milk only for the church.


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>Get speared through the booth and die

Wish they would put the saturn shit into sotn rereleases already. Come on fucking konami. Make a complete version already.

only when the priest looks purple that happens

What was different about that version? I never played it because my parents loved me and didn't get divorced so I obviously never had a Saturn.

A reference to the widespread child rape?
A reference to the widespread alcoholism?


a reference to the down kids in the world?

Is being gay really a sin? Is there anyway to be gay that isn't frowned upon by the Lord?

Maria and two new areas to explore.

God made everyone the way they are. He made gay people. Hating them is against gods plan.

>God made pedophiles and rapists, hating them is against God's plan
Try reading the bible homo

god didnt make gay people, he gives human freedom, made the woman and the man if he wanted make gay people, he literally would made two man and one with a strong asshole.

>Who the fuck puts fake scanlines on an emulator?
People who aren't playing on a CRT monitor.

Being gay itself ain't a sin.
The whole discourse is when man lays another man.
Old Bible is brutal and suggests to kill them.
New Testament is just listing it as a wrongdoing among many other vices. Can't recall any explicit mention of it.

>who the fuck emulates something on software meant to emulate things

>made the woman and the man
This is your brain on American Protestantism folks. This idiot actually takes Genesis as a literal story!

Catholics aren't so fucking braindead that they ignore evolution and science and pretend the Holy Bible is a literal retelling of history. You only see that shit from American Protestants (or as I call them moronic devils)


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wish i knew how to play guitar

love other man is literally againts gods plan and even if you are not christian against nature too. the man was made and evolved too being the hunter and protector of the family, more strong and more smart if two mans make a family there is not power control and there is not balance, even with the the divorces gays dont stay with the same couple like men with women over the years.

even with evolution gays are still gross fucking idiot because they are against the nature.

Portrait of Ruin was my first Metroidvania game in the series. I have played the first one and Super before but that had been it. Was a ton of fun.

I like it more than SotN

Look at this ESL retard right here. Really glance at how fucking dumb he is.


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>hurr durr esl
learn a fucking lenguage in your fucking life faggot or still sucking cock, you can receive money from the two

>I have faith in Jesus Christ
>but not the ecclasial organization that compiled the bible

having gays in the population is literally an evolutionarily advantageous trait, that's why it evolved and persisted.

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Now that's another topic.
I was just trying to answer about "gayness as sin", that's all.

>against nature too
If we do find reproducing as (mandatory) part of nature, then nature is cleaning the error by itself. Duh. Hence I don't bother with the whole gay people in first place. It's a fallacy to even bother.

>too being the hunter
But for some reason agriculture became a meme around 3k BC.

>the man was made and evolved too being the hunter and protector of the family
Actually, the question is if man should have more than one female.
From sociological perspective it is good to have monogamy.

>like men with women over the years.
There is a huge correlation of lasting marriages vs number of previous partners. The less partners before (idealically 0) the couple stands better.

maria's in the dracula x chronicles version, you're not missing anything with the rest of it

how is being gay evolutionarily advantageous trait

Kin selection.

It's tough, there isn't anything from Jesus about it other than the usual way you should conduct yourself, but Paul was pretty opinionated about it.

less competition for the chads, companionship with no sexual expectation for the females

>Bickering low-IQ teens roleplaying as Christians
Get out of here.

>needs help to use item crushes

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It's okay, jerking off to Shanoa's back isn't a sin.

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>Making Castlevania threads just to discuss why homosexuality is against Nature and some shitty outdated Religion for fags.


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More like the family gets an extra set of hands that won't shit out more babies, can help to raise the ones they already have (giving families with a gay relative a higher chance of successfully rearing children to adulthood), and can hunt with the men.

this is sick.

the gene(s) that cause gayness also cause greater reproductive sex and greater desire for reproduction in females. Because the gene is X-linked, females can get two copies of it, and these women have on average 2x to 3x as many children as their peers

When men get one copy of this gene, it makes them gay. Now do the math.

1 person who can act as provider, hunter, warrior, etc but doesn't have kids

but potentially several people in their family who have 6 kids and get pregnant more easily

genes, genetics, and evolutions don't concern *individuals*. They concern *groups*. read "The Selfish Gene" by Richard Dawkins, the origin of the word "meme", if you want to understand this concept

Who fucking cares you newfag retard. Post Castlevania or...

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Awful design.

I know some genes that are pretty cool.
Videogames genes.

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Not only have scientists concluded there is no gay gene, but also in the majority of twins despite having the same genetics the majority of twins only has one of them having homosexual tendencies

Imagine thinking that homosexuality isn’t anything but a plague on the community

Imagine hating on gays in a videogames thread.
You're gayer than gayness.

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Ironic that despite claiming newfag you act like a redditor and complain about a religion being the central theme of the franchise, something only the Netflix series fails to follow

>Not only have scientists concluded there is no gay gene


It doesn't really fit Simon but the design is nice.

Is easy to hate them when they cause so much social harm.

I actually love Catholic/Christian mythology and I love the fact that Castlevania has it being the source of power for the protagonists and I hate the Netflix show.
What I hate more than the Netflix show are Yas Forums Christfags and Dumbasses like you who grasp hard at straws to argue about not videogames shit.

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Have you ever played a Castlevania game? What's so hard with staying on topic for once?

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And this is the height of your insecurities. You make a circular argument using sheer assertion from your claims, condemn the crux of the franchise for what it is, then pretend in your mind everyone else is a newfag. Cope,seethe, and dilate.

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Whoa, we got a mad lad over here.

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Man you're fucking BORING!

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imagine being richter
first people bully you for being objectively weaker than a little girl
then you job so hard to a fucking ghost that your family loses the most important thing it has for the rest of the fucking millennium

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I never noticed how much of a skeleton he was in that picture until now.

There is no grasping at straws for what was character assassination and likewise the fan outrage that followed. There was no narrative justification behind it, no reasoning, just pure shock value that directly contrasts the spirit of the franchise.

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How many bosses do i have left to get after i kill the giant in Aria of Sorrow? Im torn between moving onto curse of darkness after i beat all bosses or getting the best weapons and souls.