Tfw will never get lost in Novigrad for the first time again

>tfw will never get lost in Novigrad for the first time again
I want CDPR to make another medieval fantasy game instead of cyberpunk memes

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they're making a new witcher game, right after cyberpunk is finished.

Are they? I'm super out of the loop
That's good news

>Merchants of Novigrad starts playing

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How the fuck do you get lost with minimaps, spidey sense, compass and world maps?
Is this the level of casual that thinks CDPR makes good games?

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>ignore main quest objectives upon arriving in Velen and just find a way into the big city
>no quest markers there
>no safe houses
>no nothing
>just a huge (by vidya standards) sprawling medieval city
It's not even THAT huge (I once clocked about 11 minutes to walk from the main entrance to that temple at the top of the hill) but it's more immersive than anything in any other open world game

The Emperor shall guide us straight to Novigrad

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you ever stop seething bro?

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>by vidya standards
Novigrad is literally the perfect sized medieval city. It's huge even by real life standards.

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Just me or did i just feel like i was a errand boy in Novigrad? missed hunting monsters

What I want to know is what mods are in those TW3 screenshots, cause it looks like pre-downgrade W3.

>getting lost in a game with markers on the screen and map
these are the faggots of Yas Forumseddit

Oxenfurt is a much nicer small city. Like a nordling utopia

>even by real life standards
Yeah, I wouldn't go THAT far

The key thing for me is that it sacrifices interactivity (think how in Skyrim you can enter every building and every NPC has flavor flavor dialogue) for immersion and size. In Skyrim you can talk to every NPC and enter every house, shop, temple, palace, etc. which sounds great, but in reality all of those houses are copypasted and all of those NPCs run out of interesting dialogue after your first interaction. In Novigrad 99% of what you see you can not interact with, but it doesn't matter because it all contributes to the illusion of a big, busy, alive medieval city. Ideally we'd have a virtual city that is both huge and alive, AND interactable (is that even a word), but so far it seems you have to compromise one or the other: either have a city that's huge and feels like a bustling medieval metropolis, or have a city that feels more like a tiny town where you can sit down ad chat with every single person you see. My problem with the latter approach is that you run out of interesting dialogue after the 1st interaction, so eventually there is literally no point in interacting with all these NPCs and enterable houses.


Good job missing the point
Well yeah, Oxenfurt is definitely a far nicer place to live in.

The thinking customer will see right away I've got the best deals this side of the Pontar!

the buildings in witcher 3 are almost all facade

What do you mean? I still get lost every fucking time I go into W3 cities. Too bad mods never were able to overcome the weak combat

I never thought there was anything wrong with the combat
Sure animations could get a bit too flashy with spins and jump combos and shit but that was never a huge problem for me. It seemed like a good balance between braindead button mashing and stats strategy

I only mentally mapped heirarch square and the portside lane that leads to the upper bits of the town and the embassy, and the path along the central aqueduct & another shady path that leads to the Rosemary & Thyme from Heirarch square. Otherwise I still get lost in the bits and those other slums. Novigrad is a huge fucking city.

I haven't mapped most of Oxenfurt either aside from the central main road through the city and outside the other end. I have 300 hours clocked on the game, btw.

>more immersive than any other world game
>can't interact with any of the NPCs
>literally all glorified props
I'll take even Skyrims cities over that static boring piece of dogshit.

Any city from any PS2 GTA game is more immersive. Blackwater in RDR2 shits on it

What the fuck was his problem?

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he's a dwarf

You forgot the biggest part

>Xbox 360 game
>Can interact wit hevery NPC and kill them all
>Can actually have dragons invade it
>Can pick up every object and manipulate it inside every building

Witcher 3
>Current gen game
>Can't interact with literally anything or anyone
>Press A on civilian = "uwotm8"

If you wanna post an impressive city, at least post something from Assassins Creed or any of Rockstars games as opposed to that glorified eye candy shit. I thought Yas Forums preferred substance?

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>blackwater from RDR2
nice static boring piece of dog shit """""""""""city""""""""""", bro. I enjoyed riding a horse down that one-lane city full of NPCs that call you a faggot for saying hi to them and scream when you ride your horse around them.
Cope and dilate. GoW was a better game :^)

There not not a single good game in this image

>can interact with every single NPC in it

Seethe Wittherbabby. RDR2 has a higher metacritic and outsold that literal who tier game in its opening 2 days.

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>in Skyrim you can talk to every NPC and enter every house, shop, temple, palace, etc. which sounds great, but in reality all of those houses are copypasted and all of those NPCs run out of interesting dialogue after your first interaction.
Also I know you really wanna shit on witcher 3 because it's popular, but defending skyim in any way makes you look like a complete retard.

Next time, try using morrowind as comparison instead.

>key for me is it sacrificed interactivity for immersion and size
Ok, so why not choose any GTA or Assassins Creed game which has both?

Seethe CDPRcuck

>I'll take even Skyrims cities over that static boring piece of dogshit.
I won't
Being able to talk to NPCs and enter every house sounds fantastic on paper, until you realize there literally is no point in doing that a second time. 99% of characters will repeat the same dialoge 99% of houses are copypasted interior cells. In Novigrad you know most of what you see is only for show, but you don't care care because just in any real life town or city you know it's none of your business.I would much rather have a virtual city that is huge and lively that I can't interact with, than five houses and 10 NPCs I can explore and talk to ONCE.

I'm hoping some day we'll get some sort of adaptive AI where you can have a virtual city that is both huge AND interactive that won't feel pointless to interact with after your 1st visit, but right now I'll take Novigrad over anything in Bethesda games. It just feels so damn right.

go sit in the GOTYlet cuck corner, cockstarlet.

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>Also I know you really wanna shit on witcher 3 because it's popular, but defending skyim in any way makes you look like a complete retard.
Oh the irony

I'm trying to compare w3 to an actual good game like morrowind, not garbage like gta or asscreed.

>posting steam stats
>when RDR2 outsold it all Witcher 3 versions combined on PS4 alone
>lower metacritic than MGSV

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It really is ironic since Yas Forums is the first to shit on skyrim, unless it's used in comparison to w3; then suddenly skyrim is this great game with lots of interactivity, great combat and dungeon design...

>not toussaint

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But GTA V has higher sales and a higher metacritic. By both commercial and critical success, it's superior.


which reshade is this?

calm down buddy, take some meds and plug your prolapsed anus before you pop a nerve lol

you kidding m8
you really trying to say gta5 is better than morrowind?

I want Witcher-era CDPR to remake Blood Omen in the same style. I don't think I'd trust them not to fuck it up now though.

Reminder that Nilfgaard lost the war the moment they gambled the success of the conflict on the capture of Novigrad. The city was already under the control of Radovid's psyops.

Novigrad is tiny, how the fuck did you get lost?

>I know you really wanna shit on witcher 3
Are you retarded? I'm saying Witcher 3 does medieval cities BETTER than Skyrim.

How can a City look so full but be so empty at the same time...

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Toussaint is fantastic but it doesn't quite convey the feel of a huge medieval metropolis as well as Novigrad does

idk, ask any Bethesda and Obsidian, they seem to do that often.

Is there a detailed plot synopsis for the second game?
I've finished the Roche route and I don't have the will to play the game again for Iorveth.

It's all about the illusion, this is what I've been saying in this thread. Novigrad looks, sounds and feels like a huge, lively, lived in medieval city, but it's all superficial. On the other end of the spectrum you got Bethesds cities where every NPC has dialogue and every house can be entered, but 95% of it is inconsequential and pointless so it might just as well no even be a thing

Some day we'll get virtual cities where you get the best of both worlds, hopefully.

No, what's ironic is you using "don't hate on it because it's popular" in defense of Witcher 3 as you hate on Skyrim for being more popular than the Witcher 3 could ever dream of being. More sales and higher metacritic too. Cope


>zero interactivity
That's literally it.

It's why Rockstar continue to shit on other open world shitters as far as cities are concerned. And all Yas Forums can do is seethe about it

Maybe i'm just a pleb but i don't care much about the illusion. I don't bother watching NPC's wiping shit of their house walls all day and then follow them untill they go home. Its impressive to look at ONCE while passing trough sure but after that it just feels like empty space anyway. Lifeless. Disconnected.

I really worry that Cyberpunk 2077 is just going to be 90% fluff like that and 10% actually relevant content for a videogame.

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It's because interactivity doesn't really contribute to the illusion of immersion
GTA games have a massive city that feels like a real life big city. That is, nobody gives a shit about you, you can't talk to people or enter people's homes, you are just one dude in a concrete jungle. If you give the player the chance to start talking to NPCs or to get into houses, then you have to sacrifice size and numbers and your city becomes more of a tiny village.

I liked that you could have so much banter with the NPC's in RDR 2.

Big step up from GTA were it boils down to kill them or ignore them.

>makes a thread bitching about no new witcher
>doesn't bother to google

>Its impressive to look at ONCE while passing trough sure but after that it just feels like empty space anyway. Lifeless. Disconnected.
You can say exactly the same about cities and NPCs in Skyrim. It looks and feels great the first time you get to a new city and there's a bunch of NPCs to talk to and houses to inspect, but after's all done. The vast majority of NPCs aren't interesting enough to talk to twice unless they are quest-related, and most interiors are copypasted. My problem with cities in Bethesda games is that they offer you this first impression but then you very quickly realize there's actually nothing in it. With cities like Novigrad or the stuff in Rocksar games you know from the start that you are not there to talk to everyone and inspect every single building, so they can afford to build a more realistic illusion of a huge city that you can just be a casual part of.

When I'm walking around Novigrad I know nobody has anything interesting or relevant to say. When I'm walking around Solitude or Whiterun in Skyrim it's the same, but the game pretends there is much more depth to the place than there actually is.

it's a mod called "get a job, you faggot NEET", combined with another mod, "buy a PC".

The buildings and NPCs in all of Skyrim, even main characters like Tullius, are so two dimensional, soulless, and pointless, that a facade would be an honest improvement. The only "characters" in that game are those the community made themselves via meme, like Lydia or Nazeem.

Those are modded screens you retard, also 2080 Ti, 16GB CL14 3200 RAM, i7-8700K @ 5.2 GHz
Suck my dick poorfag nigger.

Based, and underrated post.

I have a 2080 TI, 3900X, 32GB RAM, 2TB SSD, suck MY dick you fucking gaming african.

I'm not sure how you did it but i realised something becouse of what you wrote.

I fucking hate most citys in videogames.
They try so hard to look detailed, rich and immersive while still being lifeless, stoic and inconsequentual to your journey.

The only two exceptions i can think of is Yharnam from Bloodborne but that hardly counts a normal city and Amahara from Way of the Samurai 2 which the whole games, its 6 factions and 20 endings revolved around.

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Woah woah guys, let's just calm down and you can both suck each others dicks.