ITT: product placement in games
ITT: product placement in games
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fuck I want subway now
can you order pizza from your game Yas Forums?
that wasn't in a game though
Thats honestly pretty sick.
most of my japanese VNs feature subways too
They made fun of this/added a homage to this in WoW. Typing /pizza makes your character hungry.
I never knew about this, how long has it been there?
Sometime in Vanilla
Infamous 1 and 2 are BASED
My favorite playstation 3 series. Second Son was alright.
My 2nd favorite. What is it with ps originals and subway
Why was there so much Subway ads? I can tell they reduced it after their mascot got outed a pedo
>slogan is $5 foot long
>footlongs aren't $5
what did subway mean by this?
It made no sense, and was absolutely perfect because of that
What if the product is the sole reason for it existing? Does that count?
Whatever happened to Jared?
They ended that campaign a long time ago
he got v&
They used to be. Before inflation made that impossible to make a profit with.
5 dolla
5 dolla
5 dolla footlooooong
Nowadays they cost almost twice as much.
Those Nokia ads in Ultimate Spider-man.
>inb4 screenshot of Splinter Cell at the video game store
Pretty cool
Why is Pizza hut so fucking expensive, though?
20 Euros for a standard size pizza with a bit of extra cheese is a fucking ripoff.
Don't forget the TigerDirect.comĀ® stores
I feel like product placement adds a bit of charm to vidya
Something that modern vidya really seems to lack
beginning of second level in Splinter Cell: Chaos Theory there's a blimp with the Airwaves chewing gum logo
Burger king in Most Wanted
How is BK in your country?
It tastes OK but the food is of a really bad quality. It IS extremely cheap, however. mcdonald's is almost twice as expensive
forgot pic
Almost every fast food in UAE is 200% times better for some fucking reason. I was always confused as to why anons think I'm baiting when I say McDonalds is great until I tried that shit in US
Pajeets bought every single franchise, the quality feels really cheap compared to McDonald's. Whopper Wednesday is good though.
more open world games based in the real world should do this. it actually adds to the immersion
I wouldn't go to Detroit even if they offered me 10 grand.
McDonalds is pretty fucking garbage in the east too, just saying. Ate some in JP and tried the halloween black burger, it's all shit.
Remember when Mario drove a fucking Mercedes-Benz?
If I got the winning box with the code I'd straight toss that shit in the garbage.
>action packed
I'd go around doing different hand signs in certain neighborhoods. Should be fun.
deutschlandfag here, to me BK shits on McDonald's
I've actually seen this praise of McDonald's lately and either McDonald's is incredibly better elsewhere or something else, McD almost makes me want to puke sometimes
Also they're about the same price here, if anything BK's more expensive.
You're telling me that you paid to get BLACKED?. Are you for real?
mother fuckers.
I didn't realize it was a brand name at first, but that explains the really ham-fisted dialogue in the mission involving it.
meant to add that I've seen mostly absolute units praise McDonald's, no offence on the resident fat fucks
but I wonder if there's a connection...
That was the icing on the cake for me, god FFXV was such a shitty game
Imagine having all that time and all those revisions and ending with a story with zero weight. Imagine introducing a room full of conspiring enemies and having them all die offscreen. What a fucking joke.
Oh, yes.
Are you Dutch?
What do you mean by weight? I thought it did feel pretty impactful at certain moments, but the story throughout was mostly terribly dull.
I really liked the ending
>contest ends sometime in 2011
>obviously the photo would have been taken before the contest ended, when the burgers were being sold with the decal on the box
>burger doesn't expire until 2018
This still feels unreal.
i live there as well and I have to say that it really depends on the location
in my city there's only one decent Mcdonalds, all the others are trash
BK doesn't taste as good, imho
Listen, I like the timeskip in theory, and the promise of a dark world was cool, but under utilized. If you mean the VERY end, just having the princess alive again for no reason is such an asspull. I wanted to feel happy, but there was zero justification or explanation. And the solo part with the ring was it? Just unpolished as FUCK. If the DLC's fix any of those problems, I'll never know. I'm done with it.
Weirdly enough they weren't even that good, barely average
>VERY end
I haven't played Royal Pack or Episode Ardyn, if that's what you're referring to. Or I'm forgetting things.
I'm just talking about the base game. I finished it before any of the DLC hit.
at least they had cute boys
It's still in the Switch version. And it's based. I just wish they added Lewis Hamilton as a playable racer.
>princess alive
I thought that was just some afterlife shit? I really haven't played it in too long.
I just started playing it (since it's on Gamepass now) and I'm enjoying it so far. Only up to Chapter 3 so far though. Does it get worse as it goes along or if I'm into it now I might like it the whole way through?