Nioh 2

Anyone know if there are any normal size tonfas? I hate how comically big they all are
Also does anyone else find the kusa not fun? I started with it but all the stances feel way too same-y

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Why is there no nioh 2 general in /vg/?

New to Nioh here. Just picked up the sequel for quarantine. WHY ARE ALL THE WEAPONS SO MUCH FUN. I CAN'T CHOOSE. And I'm scared to pick the chain or glaive weapon. They seem too advanced. I'm scared I'll get overwhelmed my first time through.

hey could anyone confirm that the divination talisman thats supposed to show everythin on the minimap is not working? in the betas it was fine but now it does nothing. even some senses on gear sem fucked for me. maybe it needs a magic stat treshold?

>bosses drop weapon skills
Come on and get them all I want to know what they all are

What eye settings, OP? Please? I love bored/I'm done with this shit eyes.

>Normal size tonfas
There was in 1, but you had to refashion the actually good ones into basic looks.

Cause you haven't made one. Also it'll last for about two, maybe three weeks, and then die off.
It would be nice if only to collect all the boss skills, guardian spirits, and weapons in one place instead of having to look for threads

>buffed the snek skill so that it's four attacks all the time when that was originally a Dark Realm buff
Fucking hell.

Is the story good? Normally I skip the "story" in Dark Souls games but if this has an actual one like Code Vein I'll give it a shot and watch the cutscenes, only on the 4th mission so restarting isn't a problem

Ebony tonfas and the apprentice ones look pretty normal

Fuck it, you anons seem to be having way too much fun without me. I'll buy the game.
The soul core stuff looks fun as fuck.

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Are you supposed to use the burst counter things for grabs now, too? Because it feels like the hitboxes on them are fucking awful. Several times now I've literally been able to see the first bosses hand come down then bend back to pick me up if I'm anywhere in the 180 degrees on that side of his body, and it's about the only thing that's fucking me up right now.

Gonna larp as an exiled African prince sold to Portuguese slavers and marooned in Japan. Might make a waifu character later.


Will I hate this game if I find loot annoying and tedious? Also I hated Sekiro as it was too hard and I gave up at the gorilla boss

Just checked all the bosses.
Incredibly disappointed. All Japanese and one of them is an absolute WTF.
What the hell is wrong with this japanese dudes who think their lore is that interesting.The only reason why people give a fucking about the sengoku period was because the portuguese brought guns and changing the civil wars forever

You will not enjoy this game

Your mileage may very, as it's largely based on historical conflicts and famous people of the era. Hell it's mainly based on you teaming up and becoming best bros and partners in crime with one of the most influential leaders of the age. There is an actual story though, yes revolving around the two of you working your way up and through the warring states, and from very early impressions it seems like it'll be pretty interesting.

Nioh 2 is harder than Sekiro. At least that's from my experience.
There's a ton of loot so if that's an issue, just don't even bother.

why do people make such obnoxious characters? You're a man/woman residing in Japan... At least look Japanese and not some w*sternoid moe

>bought the came just today
>can't play cause my friends kidnapped me

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Fair enough. Thanks

Why not?

Did they nerf the Weasel boss? He rekt my bussy in the demo but I took him out on the first try this time around. I remember him having much, much more HP and being a giant sponge where he would at least go into Yokai form 4 times but he only went into Yokai form once.

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It depends on the enemy. Some enemies have their burst tied to their grab, some don't. It's why they made burst flash red

the story of japan souls 2 doesnt really work unless your character is niponese to match the setting

You just run away from grabs, it's not really ever worth the potential damage you'll take (it's always either death or 3/4 health so far).

Burst Counter is really only for red attacks, but you can technically use it against regular attacks too. For example, the fox/hairy white form can block regular attacks at the cost of great stamina loss.

>The only reason why people give a fucking about the sengoku period was because the portuguese brought guns and changing the civil wars forever
Haha fuck you

If it's a Burst Attack, then your Burst Counter can deal with it if your timing is correct. If it's just a normal attack it follows typical rules, which your Burst Counter might be able to help with still but you'd have to use it right. The hitboxes are fine though, they're likely just more active than you expect, and you don't have very many iframes so you have to actively dodge to make sure you're out of range of certain attacks, or dash out of the way instead. For non-grabs blocking is also very useful.

Blue summons are dogshit except for gauntlets.
I beat him at like level 15 in the demo, I haven't even finished the first area and I'm past level 20.

I don't give a shit

mental illness and subhuman IQ thats why

anyone, please?

Don't choose, use them all. You haven't really beaten a boss until you can do it with every weapon user

ok but i'm judging you for it

The game systems have all been nerfed, dumbed down and made easier to manage so ultimately yes, but the enemy health was always extremely low so if you get some small understanding of how to fight an enemy they start melting.

>Yaonami-Hime possesses the upper body of a woman and lower body of a fish. Once the daughter of a noble family in the Heian period, she consumed the flesh of a mermaid and was granted eternal life. However, her immortality came at a price as she was forced to watch the people she loved depart this world one by one. Unable to bear the sadness and loneliness that accompanied her gift, she finally drowned herself. It is said that deep beneath the water's surface, she was transformed into a mermaid.

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Because it looks out of place. Yea I know there are monsters and magic and shit, but some white haired, snake-eyed, kpop lookalike waifu still looks out of place

Ok, thanks for the heads up.

I bought the game with my hard earned money, so I'm going to play as a tiny bandit ojou-sama with a five-head and there is absolutely nothing that you can do about it.

You're half demon, you're allowed to look out of place to a certain extent.

Feral's dodge is huge and cancels out of anything. Maybe even no ki stuns. I keep forgetting to try


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Does the [status] accumulation (enemy) add that status? as far as i understand it it just makes the status take effect faster, but it already has to be present on your weapon or wahtever right?

If you don't make a dirty malnourished 4'8" peasant that wears straw and lives in a mud hut you are fucking up

I'll make one when I get the game. There has been a constant nioh thread on Yas Forums since the LCT but it wasn't exactly entirely justifiable to make one until the game released.

There really need to be one now though because there are just way too many retards on Yas Forums asking the most surface level questions a million times

Moved from switch blade to talking katana from sub mission after second boss
No regrets

Fish pussy?

Half human of Jap blood. How many Japanese people do you know with natural blonde/white/purple hair and round blue/green/pink eyes?

Okay so it's a full on story with cutscenes/characters that actually follow a plot and make sense like most games?

Can someone give me a code for hot pink hair? Apparantly I'm completely color blind I can't get this shit pink.

Yeah/ It's essentially japanese historical fiction

Why is it so hard?

The first level took me about 3 hours to beat, mostly banging my head on the horse thing at the start, and then again on the first fog demon thing. The actual boss was fine, got it in a couple of goes, but this feels WAY harder than anything I saw in the first game, which I didn't finish but did play a good chunk of.

Using Burst Counters in standard play is extremely useful and important due to their cancel properties, they're not only for Burst Attacks. Not only do they cost no Ki and can cancel animations like Yokai Skills, but also like Yokai Skills your Ki regenerates at a normal rate in Dark Realms while you're shapeshifted.
Burst Counters and Yokai Skills can cancel the out of breath part, but not when you're knocked back so you still have a moment of vulnerability.

People get traits from both sides of their lineage. It's entirely possible that the protagonist would have bizarre hair/eyes/etc because of their demon blood. It seems especially weird to complain about something like snake eyes when they're half demon.

green hair is best, you pleb

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how's mine user

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Because you're ignoring most of the mechanics and not focusing on learning to apply them. If you're really considering this harder than the first game then maybe you didn't do the same thing there either. Focus on both the old core mechanics of Ki Pulsing, stance switching, Ki and making use of your full offensive and defensive moveset, while also being sure to work in the new core mechanics of Burst Counters and Yokai Skills, which are just as helpful and important as the old ones.

Do the arcana element things change 100% of a moves damage to that element or is it basically just adding an elemental talisman attached to that move?

LMAAAAAO just found out my college is closed because of Flu Manchu, time to nolife the game

ninja or magic for ranged damage?
When do I get the skills that unlocked from ??? that aren't the mystic skills since I just want faster fucking throws for my hatchets

Well, that old link doesn't work properly anymore, I guess.

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It's hard because you refuse to take in and understand the games mechanics and are very likely only using light/heavy attacks, dodge, and maybe block.
You aren't using stances.
You aren't using ki pulse.
You aren't using yokai abilities.
You aren't using burst counter.
You aren't using yokai shift.
You aren't using any items that have specific uses.

This applies to everyone who says the game is hard. If you are using those mechanics and still having trouble then you're using the mechanics poorly and likely just have poor reactions and timing.

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What kusa moves are actually good? I want to mash something other than the basic high attack

Because /vg/ is cancer.

Reminder that you are also not allowed to wear the shinobi outfit or shrine maiden clothes, as your character is not either of those occupations. It would make no sense at all given the situation, this goes for all specific clothing sets and yokai gear.
Please refrain from any hair colour aside from black and do not use hairstyles that are not authentic Japanese styles.
Ensure that you only use spear and katana, as the other weapons are not realistic for your background.
You must be at the highest weight class with full muslces too, otherwise there's no way you could pull of these feats.

Also, fuck you our ingame mother literally has abnormal eyes with white hair and our eyes already glow like a generic anime character.

Latter. I tested it in the LCT. It does give the move elemental sound and visual effects tho which I like, I hope it gets buffed or something because there really doesn't seem like much point in using them other than to enhance your ability if your weapon already does a specific element.

Wait I'm a reatard, I just saw where you can use r1 and l1 to adjust the brightness.

>t.user on one of the top 3 most cancerous boards on the site
Top thinking

The latter.
Ninjutsu is more focused on direct damage dealing. Onmyo has some methods of doing so but it's much more about the additional status ailments done and buffs/debuffs.
As you continue in the story you unlock Dojo missions, doing them unlock more of the Skill tree for learning.

Enera and that snake asshole are way better pleb-filters than Hinno-Emma ever was. Game is sick though, bosses go from hard to something you can shit all over with well executed burst counters and practice.

>ninja or magic for ranged damage?

alright what the fuck is a good setup for the tonfas/the courage stat in general? initially it seemed like it'd go well with dexterity but apparently courage buffs onmyo magic instead of ninjutsu

Bruh my dad was a nigger that's why he wasn't there in the opening

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Looks hapa, but still looks human and something a straight non-mentally ill man would make. I would only change the nose - too pointy.

Lucky you, I'm hoping that my college closes down so I can spend more time playing the game.

Is this coming out on PC soon? If not how well does it run on a Pro?

You are wearing the Kodama Bowl, right?

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Futa is my favorite!

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THAT FUCKING ENDING pure ludo lads, my god fucking perfect, they tied the first game, william and maria got what she deserved, they even redeemed hideyoshi a bit

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>monkey spirit

as I was taking the pic i was thinking the same thing
do you think i should make it shorter too?

Why didn't you respond to my retort here ?

Bow+gun. Ninja gets some nurutu level shit later on and mid-tier omnyo skills serve as a decent mid-range damage possibility when it comes to actual fights.

If your school isn't closed by now it's probably being run by morons.

>only a 64 post thread on entire board
>hours old

is nioh 2, dare i say, forgotten already?

Why is that house floating in the background

Aw shit when do you get a second guardian spirit?
Also pls show all the guardian spirits you have

Are people, dare I say, playing the game instead of posting?? Quite a mystery indeed. One anons will never know.

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Oh, it is, I'm hoping the school gets sued into oblivion. Every other campus has closed around here except this one, what a bunch of dumb fucks.

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We just archived another 500 post thread 30 minutes ago

>he says as the 87th post in an half hour old thread

People are playing it themselves. I'm about to get back to it myself and just took a moment to answer some questions that people somehow can't answer themselves despite the game doing so.