When do you think we'll be getting Splatoon 3? Do you think we'll get a Splatoon spinoff before then?
Splatoon Thread
We're getting a Splatoon spinoff announced on the 26th.
I'm curious to see what a Splatoon spinoff would be. I think there's potential there, and it might be too soon to get 3 any time soon. On the other hand, Spla2n was pretty soon after the first game, but I think that was mostly a quick fix to bolster the Switch lineup, we might wait a little longer this time around. Usually they'd wait for a new console, but I think in this case it could still happen on Switch.
that's one sexy looking 3 haha
Personally I'd want to get a spinoff first before Splatoon 3. I think some Sims-esque game involving Splatoon as a spinoff would probably be neat, the splatoon general and old splatoon threads on here have anons wanting to have like a room or something for their Inkling they could customize.
The choice for a spinoff is clear.
A Splatoon Tony Hawk like game would be pretty nice.
>When do you think we'll be getting Splatoon 3?
After the launch of the Switch's successor next gen 3~ years from now.
>Do you think we'll get a Splatoon spinoff before then?
I do.
Happy Marie Day.
I wonder if they're going to start up support for Splatoon 2 again. If they do a spinoff and keep Splatoon 3 reserved for the next console, it would be a dumb idea to keep Splatoon 2 stagnant on the Switch.
Last bump.
>it would be a dumb idea to keep Splatoon 2 stagnant on the Switch.
Yeah I was kind of expecting a second expansion and extension for the updates to be announced and instead we got the order vs chaos splatfest & update, which was cool but yeah.
And it's not like the game is dead in any way, but further support would have been cool without a doubt. Splatoon 3 seems like it's far away as is and Splatoon 2 kind of needs to hold the fort until then.
It may not be dead, but without the lack of further support it's dwindling and dwindling.
Any tips on using the Splat Brella?
Splat Brella is hard to use for westerners because the netcode is unforgiving for it.
It's really one of those weapons that you have to play to get a feel for. Don't get too aggressive with it, because your shield isn't invincible and smart players can and will play around it.
But in this meta it might be wiser to pick a different weapon class.
I don't think we're getting Splatoon 3 anytime soon. Maybe for the next Nintendo system.
>Do you think we'll get a Splatoon spinoff before then?
Not out of the realm of possibility.
>the Switch's successor next gen 3~ years from now
I say 5~ years we'll get the next Nintendo system.
A spinoff is more likely.
Okay, if we get a spinoff, what do you think it'll be about? What do you hope it'll be about?
I feel like the only thing that would make sense for Splatoon spinoff is a rhythm game.
Stop making this thread you psychopath.
You're thinking too small. I could imagine a co-op shooter with Agents 1 and 2, or a Jet Set style game set in Inkopolis covering what the youth do when not turf warring.
A tactical X-Com style game could work. What sets Splatoon apart from other shooters is the ink mechanic, and a tactical game could utilize it well.
I want a Splatoon stealth game.
The finale of Octo Expansion convinced me that it could work.
>the fetish thread is getting more posts while the actual gameplay discussion thread is dying
Sometimes I wonder why I even bother.
It’s Mar13 today. What did you expect? Also it was made earlier.
Welcome to Yas Forums, Actually trying is a meaningless effort if you're not shitting on something.
>But in this meta it might be wiser to pick a different weapon class.
It's been a while since I played, but I currently main the Undercover, and every time I caught someone with my shield up they'd always just run away.
Yeah marie fans are the worst
>huh, who's ink is this?
lolis in tiny tight shorts
>made thread for cute and sexy art of Marie
>devolved into a weird state of bickering and niche fetish posting
Wtf man
Last year's Marie Day was a lot nicer than this.
no it wasn't
You weren't there.
They'd need to change things a bit to make it fun, and honestly the one aesthetic stealth would've made sense in already got used.
>When do you think we'll be getting Splatoon 3?
When Nintendo releases their next console
>2019 mar13
>spam shitty art
>spam shitty lewds
>shit talking callie
>2020 mar13
>spam shitty art
>spam shitty lewds
>shit talking callie
Like I said, you weren't there, falseflagger-kun. If you want your loli shit so badly, go to Yas Forums.
>If you want your loli shit so badly
the fuck are you talking about?? I just want people to stop shitting on callie.
Literally every Nintendo home console has had 5-6 years on the market. There's no reason to think that will change all of sudden. The next one will likely be a direct successor but a new system nonetheless.
No, what you want is for these threads to be devoid of the idols because you don't want them, you want the squid kids. I remember your posts.
It might change considering the wild success of the Switch. They might wanna keep it viable a little longer.
And now people are just posting Callie in a Marie thread. Come on.
Just move over to this thread already, that one is clearly not going to get better.
I will still post some Maries there. I was expecting maybe at worst, the lewd art will just overtake cute stuff, but nothing like this.
Very clear but Nintendo wouldn't dare step on Sega's toes, they need to do everything they can to woo Sega to support their hardware.
boo hoo. you mariefags should stop being constantly shitty
wow, this man is inconsolable
He's been at this since April or May of last year.
you mariefags been doing this since 2015.
So, what weapon do you think needs to be nerfed, and what weapon do you think needs some buffs?
fuck off you callie hating shit
I imagine the weapon mechanics would work really well for a turn-based tactical RPG.
Buff the Squiffer and Goo Tubers. They're so outclassed it hurts.
Also, get rid of MPU on the SSP already.
I'd just post the cute stuff in this thread.
The only way you're going to stop them is if you kill them.
Wouldn't it be a better idea to post on /c/ instead
Dualies should be cut down to a single roll with Tetras getting three.
Dualie Squelcher needs to be reverted to Dual Squelcher.
Bloblobber needs to not kill in a single volley.
Brellas should be able to make full jumps while they have their shield up.
Undercover Brella needs smaller damage multipliers against it's shield, and damage multipliers for it's own shots versus stage mechanics.
Splash Down needs armor earlier.
Goo tuber actually has a super high skill ceiling. It's just that no one ever hits it.
Any weapon can do well in capable hands. It's still an inferior weapon to almost any other charger.
Honestly, totally forgot about that board. I was thinking a quick thread. Just a day. Post some Marie, talk about why we love and shit, then move on.
>Just a day
You mariefag spam marie constantly. fuck off
Just goes to show, you can't have nice things on this fucking board. People have no personality aside from ruining shit.