Is a switch light worth it?

Is a switch light worth it?

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Why does this ugly mystery meat keep showing up on Yas Forums?


The regular switch isn't even worth it.

Is race mixing worth it if you get to bury your face into some big fuggin tiddies?

She's black. what's the mystery.


thirst for tits always wins

I don't care what percent a girl is anymore I just want to be loved.

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I wanna eat her breasts.

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You cant hack it so now

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start with yourself first user. Then the women will follow. But reminder that women are whores and to drop the childish disney romance fantasy because it's only going to end in a divorce at best.


where she got that kike schnoz

It's more portable and lite. I can lay down and hold it up easily.


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my desire to racemix grows by the day

I've seen far worse, she's 6/10

How easy is it to do?

I'll give her a switch light, if you know what I mean.

Yes, the alternative is staying alone.
Also, your dick unironically knows better.

>Yellow screen
>Can't dock
>Can't play certain games
>Stuck in handheld mode so you've cucked yourself by buying a handheld that will never be running at optimal speed and always playing games at their worst


Women can smell virgin thirst so you must truly go beyond not really needing anyone in your life to attract roasties.


Nigga thats blackened chicken

>Being so weak you have trouble holding up a fucking Switch



The rest.

>only listens to his dick
>ends up with AIDS, a baby's momma, and child support payments for the next 18 years
uh huh yeah haha, my dick is based.

I dont think shes black

chocolate milk?

the best kind

How do I get a cute mexican weeb gf??? I’m half mexican so it should be easy right?

>he’s never had banana milk

Can you speak mexico?

OG switch is honestly the heaviest handheld ever. After playing for 5+ hours it does get tiresome.

>black girl doing white people stuff

literally just wanna suck titty

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Damn, I fucking love boobs.

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Bro, your condoms?

Serious question is playing videogames white girl stuff?

Whomst is this demon of the semen?

It was a shitpost, but the point is your dick isn't always right and can actually get you into a lot of bad situations, such as being stuck with a crazy bitch because "well at least the sex is good!"


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>neo goe CD
Okay shes based

What's this faggot's obsession with making threads of nigger bitches?

M-me too


easier than hacking a 3ds


Lite is so fucking comfortable to hold.
I have big hands and I still prefer Lite over classic.
It feels so much sturdier and it's actually almost pocket sized.
Definitely can recommend if you don't want to play splitsceen stuff

>black girl wants to fuck white boys only

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Can we have ONE (1) coomer thread without race baiting, please?! Just this once beefore Corona kills us all?

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breed niggers you faggot ass

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No but maybe that’d be cute yknow, like she’d teach me new stuff, please

>Neo Geo
She's okay in my book, I don't care what anyone says.

A girl....AND a gamer? Whoa mama! Hummina hummina hummina bazooooooooing! *eyes pop out* AROOOOOOOOGA! *jaw drops tongue rolls out* WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF WOOF *tongue bursts out of the outh uncontrollably leaking face and everything