Your appointment to FEMA should be finalized within the week

Your appointment to FEMA should be finalized within the week.

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what did this game not predict?


This isn't funny anymore. Who the fuck even allowed them to publish their game? How did they get away with his?

mech augs are a metaphor for post-op trannies having their bodies fall apart years down the road

That's terror.

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Shut the fuck up faggot you weren't even born when the game was out stop trying to fit in loser.

Has he been infected?

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Yes,and his begging for the cure,is practically pathetic.

Game had the main lab of majestic genetics in china.

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Filtered ;)

Damnit now I want to replay it, whats's the name of that rework mod? it was really good


Based thanks

You take another step forward and here I am again, like your own reflection in a hall of mirrors.

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Never played it, but this pandemic is making me want to check it out.

What should I know before starting out?

Stick with the prod.

take the gep gun.

flatlander woman laputin machine

You can lower pistol skill to Untrained in character creation if you want to spend those skill points elsewhere. You'll get tons of skill points later in the game, but it might be a nice early-game boost. Pistols still work just fine if you're willing to run up to someone and shoot them point-blank in the face. Later in the game, you probably want Rifle skill instead.

Shots can go pretty much anywhere inside your crosshairs, not just the exact center. Higher skill reduces crosshair size. However, laser mods gives you a dot that shows you exactly where your next shot will go.

Stealth mechanics are so-so. If you want stealth, better to use thermoptic camouflage items in tough spots, until you get cloak and/or radar transparency augs.

A high-level Regeneration aug is a good substitute for a lot of other mods, like aqua breath, toxic resistance, or bullet resistance. Kind of a late game aug, though.

Speed aug is generally better than silent steps. Moving while crouched makes no sound, so silent steps really just allows you to jump and fall silently as well.

Cause the level design in this game is counter intuitive to stealth, I spent the whole game running and gunning until Hong Kong. After I acquired the laser sword I spent the rest of the game running and slashing everything, so using the laser sword required slightly more strategy and skill to use than gunning since I needed to ambush them up close. Did I ruin the game for myself by not doing what you stealth fags did (looking up walkthroughs for enemy patrols / patterns because you sure as fuck aren't gonna stealth your way through it without setting off alarms every five seconds on your first playthrough).

can unatco's top agent defeat corona?

Isn't their any of them in invisible war or human revolution?

Only JC.
But I don't know how.

Malik in HR is a tranny, apart from that no

Yeah, that sounds about right. This is basically the extent of Deus Ex stealth gameplay. While technically possible to ghost areas, it's simply neither fun nor worth the effort without both cloak and radar augs. (It's possible to get two of every aug canister, so you can eventually have both of these installed).

Stealth is more often a way to control when/how your fights start. That includes nonlethal/silent attacks, which get harder when some late-game mooks have too much health to drop in one shot. IIRC, the men in black can tank even a perfect prod attack from stealth. At least the stun effect gives you time to hit them again.

You'll need another UC and don't think Page industries is going to leave one sitting around after you blew up the one in Hong Kong.

>tfw page told me to jump into the fan blades and I did it

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>LITERALLY anything happens
It genuinely bothers me that 99% of the motherfuckers that quote Deus Ex haven't even played the fucking game. I'm not even that big of a fan, its a good game but holy shit.

You can't fault them for associating an epidemic with the game.

You aren't smart enough to understand the political or philosophical ramifications of the quotes.

he sounded so genuine when he told me I'd make it

My memory is a little blunt but I believe you can make it, I don't remember if it was destroying the blades with a LAM or timing but I did try at one point to jump down and survived.

Computers is the best skill

the AI is stupid. If they lose sight of you for more than 10 seconds they will forget about you and go back to normal, no matter if you shot them or killed their friend. The AI also doesn't react to dead bodies. You can move bodies, but there's no reason because nobody will react.

Why waste points on pistols and rifles when you only need melee skill?

I pray the people who were in this thread is here right now

IIRC it's a solid object that has to be destroyed

seems pretty interchangeable with every deus ex thread

Not necessarily, you can still open the main blast doors and take the elevator down to the lower levels.

I just mean to pass through the fan blades

Wait, i spent 20 minutes reloading my save to save a tranny? Shit.


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Denying the world for too many new dumb poor people is the one thing what I support.

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Ah, I would have generally almost always gone through the main route rather than swim through the pipe.

>not using every possible opportunity to swim in order to maximize what the game has to offer

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make sure to use V10, most people search GMDX and are met with V9's website.

Is GMDX really that good?

Not sure. I've only tried Shifter back in the day, and I liked what it added to the experience.

There's also The Nameless Mod, if you want more of the same gameplay in a new campaign. It's got a silly premise, but that didn't really detract from my experience.

What the fuck was his problem?

OH YES, most certainly.

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if he was a truly smart AI he would've spammed your infolink to disrupt your mission

Funnily enough, there's a small/brief taste of this in The Nameless Mod. Not from a malicious AI, but a half-crazed lonely person. And if you don't like it, you can just kill him.

been meaning to play that for ages but just never do, corona-lockdown is just the right time I guess

If you don't mind cheating (not straight-up cheating, but definitely cheesing mechanics) then don't bother leveling up computer or lockpick very much. If you begin the pick/hack and then pause the game and wait, it only eats up one pick instead of whatever it actually requires

No she isn't you mongloid

>BR President also infected
>Trump has been in contact with like a dozen infected people in the last week

I tried. It wasn't fun

>inb4 you didn't get past liberty island
I don't remember exactly how far I was in, but it was much deeper than the start. The game could not keep me entertained.

I have already discussed the matter with Senator Cruz