You should be able to solve this

You should be able to solve this.

Attached: IMG_20200313_172243.png (1080x1638, 80.68K)

>asking the number and not what strokes you would take
Bullshit gotchya puzzle. What's the answer?


i'm not getting anything less than 4 here

2 11ft putts

It's a number line issue. He is currently at +20.
Hits it twice for 11 feet, so it is at -1.
Hits it again for 7, it is at +6.
Hits it twice more for 3 to get to 0. 5 putts.


Attached: IMG_20200313_172300.png (1080x1670, 90.03K)

Some triangle bullshit I'm too lazy to solve, but I'm sure that's the gimmick to make it less than 4.



Ahh yes, the classic "I tricked you" bullshit. 2x 11ft


sure nigga, just let me trianglatiate the correct angles real quick

eh heff tvelve metchsteek

>can only putt accurately at 7 and 11 feet
>10 fEeT iS FinE toO

go back to twitter

This one should be pretty easy.

Attached: IMG_20200313_172411.png (1080x1681, 102.98K)

how is this not bullshit?
sure, it didn't say he didn't has to putt in straight line, but it didn't say a lot of other shit too

Big brain action here

Dog doesnt have a butthole

The moon is tilted

It was the window iirc

He is accurately putting the two distances. It's the sudden ability to putt precise angles that comes from nowhere.

>shows you horizontal view, preparing the brain to think in left and right

This absolute qt needs to be in more puzzles.

Attached: Laytonqt.png (361x336, 176.23K)

If it's snowing that hard you shouldn't be able to see the moon.

window opens into a pocket dimension

there's nowhere for the window to slide up

>rolling UP the window
>rolling the window up or down on a train
Most have no operable windows and the few that do do it the same way buses do, horizontal open/close.

Good job!

Attached: IMG_20200313_172423.png (1080x1644, 87.51K)

Just post the chocolate one you fucking double nigger.

The snow and the woman's scarf disagree on how fast the wind is blowing, but that is probably not it.

actually he can do it in 0 strokes if he just fucking picks it up and puts it in the hole you dumb fucks
or how about he creates a fucking wormhole so he only needs to putt it 3 ft
didnt mention those either so why the fuck not

then why even specify 3 5 and 7? it even says he can ONLY putt those distances. its not a logic or word puzzle. its just fucking retarded for no reason

You dont have to put in a straight line. I figured this out when I was 12.

based, FUCK this game.

post the greek philosopher one too
then Royal Escape

Attached: IMG_20200313_172323.png (1080x1639, 96.81K)

imagine being this stumped by simple trigonometry

Imagine being this dense. Its implied he can only put, but it is not implied that he cant angle the shot.

Im in shock at the number of idiot seething over their own stupidity.

>then why even specify 3 5 and 7?
To trick you into treating it as a 1D number line problem instead of a 2D geometry problem.

>it even says he can ONLY putt those distances.
Yes, those distances plus 11. He puts twice, exactly 11 feet each time, it's just that the distance between the initial and final position is 10 feet.

C->D (because C is actually using a clone to make the entire population THINK they planted it in the spot the puzzle tells you)

The real answer

A and E...

Precise and extremely limited distances is a-okay but angling his shot? Unbelievable.

B and C (maybe D?) are most separated in spacetime.

A-> F, which are the trees in the background

read it again dumbass

A and one in the forest behind.

Good job, user!

Attached: IMG_20200313_172333.png (1080x1649, 103.72K)

It's suppose get you to think abstractly, which is where real intelligence lies

Anyone have the "which person is lying" about eating cake or something?

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why is this making me so furious

The one user that's not a total retard

Someone send me the address of the director that created this """"""""""game"""""""""

Ok OP, here's one for you
Which is heavier, a kilogram of steel or a kilogram of feathers

obviously the steel

the feathers because there's more of them and they overwhelm the steel

Okay okay, this one is REALLY easy.


Attached: IMG_20200313_175058.png (1080x1677, 1.09M)

steel's heavier than feathers

>writes like a retard
>is a retard
Not surprised in the slightest.

Based Layton, dabbing on two-dimensional plebs.

What if he put a wall one feet behind him so that it bounces and goes into the hole? Then it's just one. This is just like a "what am I thinking" question like "a man is dead in a field how did he die?" YOU'RE TALKING SHIT! PLAY A RECORD!

The scale holding them.

The moon is the eye, the night sky is the monster.

the american education system is some of the best comedy all time

Stab the moon

The moon. This is easy af.

>play golf
>"Hold on, let me just pull out my protractor..."

The tree?

They weight the same because they're both a kilogram

Now that's cheatin', look at all those feathers

go back to twitter you dumb retard

I knew you could do it.

Attached: IMG_20200313_175124.png (1080x1690, 804.44K)

b and d

most trains have operable windows. Underground/Speed trains usually don't.

Tired of this shit flipping between retard logic and common sense

Attached: 432533425.jpg (200x200, 10.08K)


Why is the moon the answer though?

questions like this would be difficult for an intelligent child who lived his entire life in a jungle.
This is no way of implying that a black kid is equivocally smart on the basis of average IQ.

[laughing Stephen Merchant in the background]

Stay on Twitter you zoomer trash. This is an 18+ board.

Attached: Karl visits 4chan.png (316x442, 103.59K)