Wish me luck anons about to start shiva savage

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Good luck senpai

Good luck. I'm giving up until the next patch. I'm about to give myself an aneurysm because PUGs can't do E6. The absolute state of this playbase is fucking unreal.

Yshtola wouldnt fuck Meteor

What's the problem?

I don't know. I know the fight. I can do the fight. But every PUG group I get into, there are too many deaths or not enough DPS or a tank that doesn't know how to manage aggro and fucks up the swapping. So I give up. I've been trying all week to clear a fight I've already cleared so I can practice the fight I haven't, and it's the end of the fucking week.

Fuck randoms.

Midlanderdude is kinda boring, but still I see it as an improvement over it being some fucking OC.

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Our biggest problem when we cleared on week 2 with my group was to find DPS who didn't go past conflag once and tried to join clear parties
God it was awful

> 1 hour long guide

is this fucking ultimate?

Stop watching Mr. Happy videos.

It's just the default WoL

>static keeps losing members due to fucking faggots getting "anxiety" and real life "depression" issues

for fuck sakes, how do we fucking stop this?

Maybe if we didn't have a real life black rose issue going on, they'd feel more secure in their welbeing.

I know. Like I said, kinda boring but at least it's an actual in-game character. It's a step in the right direction for fanart of this fucking game.
The game has tonnes of characters that could be used for fanart and still the only thing people want to see is their heterochromatic xaela futa.

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>Au Ra trannoid throws a shitfit in Pyros because people are spawning NMs without telling anyone

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That's just the playerbase, mate. You're fucked.

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Imagine the smell

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Give us the punished beard as an option already you faggots or the cat hag gets it.

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>be midlander male
>every goes on about it being the most generic and boring race
>jump in game
>everyone is either a bara dude in a speedo or a cat girl in a bikini

>she has an ass fetish

she just wants to get fucked in the ass all day doesnt she?

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These two are gonna be the death of me when the story moves on from the First and we have to leave them behind.

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>leave them behind
The trailer for 5.2 literally shows Ryne in the source.

What are your hopes for the rest of the Nier raids? I just finished going through the games and now I'm really hoping they take the opportunity to get some good shit in.
I'm holding out for a Grimoire Weiss.



I hope they continue to be completely unrelated to the MSQ or anything of importance so I can continue to safely skip all the cutscenes and just grab my loot and leave.

I want some real reality fuckery going on. Like one of the bosses warps us back to 1.0 or some shit, or we end the world and reset it all in the same instance. I want Taro to go fucking nuts.

I want a boss where people are asked to sacrifice all their gear, and if they don't, they have to fight a harder version of the boss without the people who did sacrifice their stuff.

I have zero expectations. I don't really like crossover raids. I liked Shadows of Mhach since it gave some backstory on the Mhach Empire while also having some fun FF references.

>I don't really like crossover raids
If you didn't like the Ivalice raids I have bad news for you.

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How about some fucking plot

>raiding in ffxiv

Play other games

Well they're hinting at the Amusement Park being the next area, so seeing Simone is going to be cool. Even though it's a 0.000000001% of it happening, I want my boy Caim to show up in the last raid.
I wish they'd stop being faggots and did weapons for it despite being an alliance raid. Also if they don't adapt the pod into an actual mount by the end of this, I'll fly to japan and KyoAni the SE offices myself.

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The Ivalice stuff felt pretty shoehorned in but at least it has a basis in Final Fantasy and Orbonne was cool.

>if they don't adapt the pod into an actual mount
There is absolutely zero chance of them not doing it, they already have the model, the animation and everything. It's literally just a matter of when it'll be implemented (and I'm guessing the last raid, of course).

Essentially what I do.

>Prog and clear 1 or 2 savage fights.
>Realize I hate waiting for people to finally learn the fight so we can clear it.
>Realize I hate losing loot rolls to the most idiotic people in the group every week.
>Realize I don't actually enjoy it.
>Spend the hours I would have spent proggging on my backlog instead.

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The ivalice raids weren't really a crossover at all though, every final fantasy game has elements from others, it's like saying that chocobos, moogles, the weapons, etc are crossover elements when they're actually just part of FF

a crossover is when character's from other games show up. ramza, mustadio, even fucking fran showed up.

This is the lesson I just learned.
Back to speedrunning Ori.

But Meteor would fuck Yshtola

The purest form of love

Making two young girls scissor and sticking your head between their thighs and staying there until you suffocate.

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absolute shitter
All previous raids are directly related to msq so good luck

shut the fuck up faggot
you're a mad pussy

Nigga you fucking help the ghost of Ramza defeat the final boss of Tactics

I'm at walmart, how many ffxiv gametime cards should I stock up for the corona apocalypse?

>character with quite possibly the most potential for story exploration killed by the least charismatic villain in the entire game
I'm still mad

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>implying the servers wont be shut down
About 5

More like he helps you survive a light show. I didn't see him damage Ultima in any way, the lazy faggot.

good luck

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If I hear one fucking orb pop
I am ending

he'll be back

>statics white mage was coughing a lot tuesday
>had to cut the night short because they said they were feeling warm and wanted to lay down
>haven't heard from them since tuesday

unless its confirmed by the devs themselves, characters can always come back

What will she do while the Scions and Ryne magically solve all their problems in 5.3?

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>*breaks chain*

Reminder to join ZR on ultros if you want to have fun with faggots like yourself, just say you’re from Yas Forums
They’re kinda normalfaggy sometimes but in general they’re alright faggots, cool enough to help carry me through ruby at least

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>pentamelded facet and right side
>too stupid to make expert stuff

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>/vg/ at it again
Why can't you guys just get corona and leave us alone

>14 could have been the ffta/12 races
Squenix, why do you hate Ivalicians so much?

how do I even gear gathering and crafting? I've still only ever got fishing to 40 but that was mostly in shit gear.

>Well they're hinting at the Amusement Park being the next area,
I don't understand why people think that. Is it because the dwarves are throwing a party? Amusement Park felt like a shoehorned area even in Automata, here it would just make negative sense. They only have 2 more wings, they need to get the plot moving, even RTI didn't mess around and beelined straight to Yiazmat so that there's something memorable about the 2nd wing.