Granblue Fantasy Versus

Are you guys winning yet?

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Anybody down for a room?

Should i be focusing on landing combos using the quarter circle inputs or does it really not matter? i dont wanna brick myself with bad habits early on like i did with other fighers i played.

how the fuck do u play naru what a fucking complicated character.

or for that matter how the fuck do you play anyone

i cant pick, im just waiting for Djeeta

whomst else waiting for versus through cdkeys

PS4 or PC?


You can use shortcuts if you aren’t comfortable, like with charge moves and supers, but eventually the cooldowns will definitely hurt in higher ranks

doing rpg mode for the slooot skins
>Main weapon aura: 25% boost to gaia's weapon skills
who or what the fuck is gaia?

Stay in sheathed stance for neutral. Change midway during combos for her rekka

Dead on arrival

Is there a high quality OST download anywhere?

None the of characters are complicated.The game is literally normal into ex into normal into ex into super for every single character.

>released 5 hours ago
>already dead as fuck

is this a new record

Using a gaia weapon as a main hand boosts other gaia weapons etc.

It’s only important in the hard mode where the enemy HP is bloated

>5,192 In-Game

Weeb fighting games are always going to be dead as fuck on PC, especially when console chads got the game a month earlier.

The thing is Narmaya demands you to switch stance midway to access her other specials as part of the bread-and-butter combos

The downside to shortcuts is a slightly increased cooldown on special moves, and slightly harsher scaling on supers when done in long combos. The scaling isn't much of a difference but the cooldown can be a deal breaker. Certain characters don't really care about that, though. For characters with charge moves not having to do the charge is reason enough to go for the shortcuts a lot of the time.

The port fucking sucks and you have to pay the same price for less than the PS4 version

how do i tell if a weapon is a gaia weapon? there seem to be all these other categories like mountain, earth, terra, etc, that are also connected to the same element, but I can't seem to find an indicator as to how a weapon is classified

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So 80€ for the full game?
Expensive, but maybe I'll do it.

There are some things you can't do with shortcuts, like confirming into medium strength uppercut with Percival - shortcut gives you light version which whiffs

Port is fine retard

It’s in the description of each weapon. Should only be around two or three per element.

And she's still not that complicated compared to characters in other fighting games. That's not necessarily a bad thing if the fundamentals of the game are solid.

I'd try to learn the true inputs as there is effectively zero cooldown on those (except EX). There are some exceptions if you're going for gimmicks that are either impossible (Charlotte's charge moves) or abnormally difficult (Naru instant forward jump TK).

>worse spikes in latency
>frozen inputs
>ghost inputs
>sound desync
>ranked is even more broken than console
nah m8

Doesn't pressing the shortcut button plus M give you the medium version?

>$86 of DLC day 1


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It's not fair bros... she's best girl but i can't jerk off to her.
It's hell.

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Does anyone know the AES key to the pakchunk0-WindowsNoEditor.pak file in Granblue Fantasy Versus?

what do you expect from xseed

The only AES I know is the weapon in the mobile game

>buy pass
>get characters and colors 1/2/3
>also colors 1/2/3 can be got ingame anyways

What weapon is it?

How good is the oki on Narmaya's Skybound Art if you skip the follow-up?

>it's a big success on PC guys I swear!
>5000 players peak on day one is really impressive numbers trust me!
another one on the discord list :)

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I love how the character pass bundle comes with the color packs, but the color packs don't include the colors for the character pass characters

Just force your way through

Should I just wait for the key resellers? I don't want to spend 60 burgers when other people can get it for much cheaper, but I also really want to play now

Are the people wanting this game to fail UNIELfags or BBTAGfags?

Yes, if those keys are global then you're going to get a lot of cheap fucking stuff to choose from

Soriz WHEN

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For someone who has never gotten into the series, is it worth it for the single-player alone?

Probably UNIEL fans. They are triggered because the only gimmick they had, being a 2D fighting game with anime aesthetics and even a small bit of neutral, was completely obliterated by a game that has actual footsies and neutral instead of the occasional two second downtime before the 20 minute combos

absolutely not. rpg mode is very shallow and uninteresting. it will last a handful of hours, but the story is trash and the gameplay is very repetitive. just play the gacha game and stick to doing story mode and the side stories

That's what I'm waiting for. I bought it on ps4 knowing I could sell the codes and essentially got the game for $20. Since PC has no codes it's just a ripoff.

Are they even selling cdkeys for versus?

You're talking about a game that sells character skins w/ draw tickets for 30 bucks a pop. This is honestly nothing new for gbf players.

It is weird that they don't give any inherent value to the codes for the PC version. Even Overwatch had the ability to buy the version without codes for twenty dollars less on PC, if I remember correctly

Any combo resources?


Shilling my channel.

>Day 1
PCfags are truly retarded

Anybody else having the issue where the keyboard is detected as P2 whether it's plugged in or not? Can't do local coop aince RPG mode only allows P1 and P2. Controllers keep getting assigned to P1 and P3.

Is this game any good? I know nothing about granblue, that doesn't matter right?

how is zeta? easy to pick up?

But it's different when the base game is free.

This bug where the game locks out my buttons is the most infuriating shit ever.

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also, this doesn't have any stupid gacha shit does it? i know this is based on a gacha game, but still

Wait until you get the audio desync bug that can only be fixed with a game reload.
Also they fucked up input registry in general.