Get stuck on puzzle for hours

>get stuck on puzzle for hours
>figure it out
>solution was simple

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Why would you make a fence out of asparagus?

>Beat dog when it knocks stuff over
>Surprised it's reluctant to fucking touch stuff.

They're slightly more effecive than a wall of peas.

What kinda dog is that? Looks like a Cocker fucked a Dachshund.

ha you said cock


long haired dachshund

>game has realistic physics

Attached: stairs_dog.webm (426x240, 414.25K)

>not fencing your home with asparagus

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yes you should beat your pets when they misbehave. Yes pets should be cautious when they are around objects. They should verify it's ok to touch objects first

they're deadly to dogs

t. Nigger
Your abused pet will never look at you like this.

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Yeah, nah. Fuck yourself.

Happens sometimes and it’s because the task was too simple and I over thought it. Don’t give me vague basic shit you dick head developers.

Calm down, Joker

pets, like females, should be slightly afraid of you but if you have to actually lay a hand on them you've lost

The reason dogs are pets are because they're generally obedient without having to do that you fucking mongoloid.

This. Animals do something similar all the time in their own groups when someone lower on the pecking order acts out. Wolves will bite or nip at another wolf if they start fucking about so doing something similar helps your pets learn what is or isn't right to do.

man i wanna pet this dog. god damn

What kind of white dog Is that

What breed of dog is that?

me in the back

Well, there's a huge difference between beating and that poking thing Cesar Millan does.

Yes, my dog literally runs to me and starts crying because shes that happy to see me, following me around the house wherever I go. And yes I've hit her, not anymore as shes a good girl, mostly when she was a puppy potty training

My cat also loves me. Greets me when I walk in, cuddles next to me when I'm on the couch and sleeps next to me. Even finds his way home when I let him out. And I've beat his ass and sprayed him with water many times. As he keeps breaking rules of what he can jump on

Damn it's no wonder white women fuck dogs, they are higher on the totem poles than their boyfriends.

>i want to have sex with the alpha of the house
>turns out it's the dog

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long haired dachshund

nice neckbeard faggot

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Exactly, it's how they learn. They get nipped at or clawed by their fellow animal brethren, as humans you have to do the same

I slap 1 finger on their head. Or I'll slap their butts. OH NO CALL PETA, IM CAUSING INTERNAL BLEEDING

>play VR game
>it causes motion sickness

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>what is MegaMan battle network series

Jesus that game really made me feel fucking retarded especially 5 with the waiter on the ship

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why? thought men and women are equal?

>Damn it's no wonder white women fuck dogs, they are higher on the totem poles than their boyfriends.
ok spencer

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Lmao so desperate to try to say something about me but you cant find anything

Funny how I post a picture of myself and I still get called the asian boogeyman. You must have Asian men on your mind

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Why the fuck is that faggot just recording him? Pet that dog already

I beat my dog so hard it died.

literal brainlet unfit for owning pets

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Dogs are cute you jaded faggot.

you mean beat off, right?


>Cuts off right before lick

clean the fuck up, you dirty mutt

females are "equal" in terms of the supporting and facilitation work they can do, they will never be males at things men do
just like you massively overpower your dog, you massively overpower any woman, but someone who pointlessly damages things is just deranged

Golden Retriever.

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>being a half-breed
Nice shit skin you have there, lmao

yeah of course dog semen is good for the skin

asparagus are fucking dangerous man. those things are deadly

>be nice to your pets 100% of the time
>awww look at that doggo, pissing all over the floor, eating from the table, taking shits in the living room. Hes wagging his tail so much aww good boy come eat your shit and lick my face... oohhhh pupperino chocolate so yummy. What's that Max, you horny? Here hump my leg, hump my TV, hump the couch pillow, hump my girlfriend, hump me, such a good boy

Fuck off pussy

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Makes your piss smell, nobody wants that, so they stay away.

>beats animals

This always happens to me. I always expect puzzles to be hard and way over think them. Then I realise it is just some stupid simple thing and then I feel retarded.

>hey what's this
>oh what
>what the fuck
>why would you do this

>beats animals
wow, what a catch

sup chink

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Guys like this should be gassed and is also the reason why having a pet should require a license

>game has logbooks and lore entries

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There's a difference between beating your dog like a nigger and teaching gentle but firm discipline mate.

Reminds me of the fat bulldog the owners of the last place I worked had. He'd waddle into the kitchen for treats unless you blocked the way with something. Even an empty box would work.

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>frogposter on top of it all

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pets, like females, will eventually call you out on your bullshit and then cucks like you end up completely powerless.

Guys like this should be gassed and is also the reason why having a pet should require a license

imagine being THIS muslim

I never ever beat my dog and he behaves extremely well. He never stole anything, he just asks for it when he wants something.

No they aren't. My dog fuckin loves asparagus for some reason.

god when i was a kid i loved my dogs but i used to spank them when they misbehaved and i wish i never did anything like that. i would give anything to have them back. fuck this gay earth.

theres also huge difference between giving your pet a light slap or spraying it with water when it misbehaves vs kicking and beating the shit out of it

OK, but what's the name of the breed

Lmao "teaching discipline" is that positive reinforcement bullshit that doesnt work. A nice couple spanks and a spray bottle gets them to act right the first time, second time if they are stupid

And if they behave well you shouldnt have to hit them, it's really that simple

>Gas a loving pet owner because he actually loves his pets and treats them like they should be treated instead of furry gods
OK bud

>actually used paint brushes and a paint tray
I bet yall dont even have hobbies outside of video games and beating off

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Dogs can be suicidal, too.

Explain this and why this doesn't work

>there's a rhythm minigame

Attached: dance thread.webm (640x480, 2.62M)

Not him but, you think those are arguments? insulting just because it makes your fefees feel bad isn't pointing how he's wrong.

I bet you faggots also hate pitbulls even tho they can be as cute and friendly as any other dog WHEN YOU ARE THE ALPHA

is that lulu?

Attached: lulureference.png (932x848, 642.88K)

>been a sadistic little fucker when I was a kid
>would stuff my hamster into tiny bags and spin it
>kicked my dog in the ribs when he was barking too much
>regret it so much to this day
>love animals more so than people now
>don't even kill spiders anymore
>rescue a cat back in college and never so much as swatted at her and she behaves better than roomates ever have
>almost beat a guy unconscious in the street who was beating a chained dog with a fireplace poker
I know my karma is fucked forever but I am more than willing to do my time

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>Get stuck in a puzzle
>Using real world logic doesn't help
>Have to think in video game logic
Takes me out of the experience desu