>new half life game
>literally no one cares or is excited
what the fuck went wrong?
New half life game
It was a meme and no one actually cared about the game itself
...Cock, Doctor Freeman?
Is it really cock... sucking time again?
It seems as if... you only just sucked. You've sucked a lot of cock in a small timespan. You've sucked so much, in fact, that I've recieved some interesting offers for your blowjobs. Ordinarily, I wouldn't contemplate them. But you give an extraordinary suck, hm? *inhales* Rather than offer you the illusion of free semen, I will take the liberty of... cumming for you... if and when your time cums around again. I do apologize for what must seem to you an arbitrary suck, Doctor Freeman... *cums internally* I trust... it will all make sense to you in the course of... well...sucking my cock.
In the meantime...
This is when I get off.
Do you talk with literally anyone that has VR
VR is a gimmick and Alyx is a spin-off, not a true sequel.
Speak for yourself seething consoleshitter
Lets be honest, HL was neat with its wonky physics and no cutscenes, but it wasnt THAT good. People meme how it was revolutionary but have you gone back to it? B o r i n g
>what the fuck went wrong?
13 years with Valve not giving a damn + Epistle 3 + not HL3 + VR
This isn't even bait, it's just plain retardation.
it's not technically HL3, also it's only on VR
I'm not excited. I'm ready.
It became hyped, it became a meme, the hype died, the meme died, 5 years later valve finally decided to release a game and it's a VR game that will treat the players like babies, despite shit like Boneworks having you climb around using your own hands and shit.
>Half Life 2 prequel in VR.
>Physics-based interactions were an afterthought.
What's the point?
it's made for vr
aka for a small market
aside from that it:
1. doesn't have features that haven't been done in VR before
2. doesn't have that many features that necessitated a VR headset in the first place
3. doesn't involve playing as gordon freeman
4. is not half-life 3
5. has some bad VR gameplay design choices from the get go
despite that I believe that it will be a good VR game, but I will make a review for it, and if it ends up being crap, then I will rip it a new asshole once it releases
Its a VR meme game.
If they actually had any confidence in this then it would just be Half Life 3, not a spin off
HL was never as revolutionary as you'd like to believe. It was an okay shooter, that's it.
I don’t give a fuck. When is the Artifact relaunch?
>Physics-based interactions were an afterthought.
The whole game is built around physics-based interactions though?
That's why the guns are all one-handed, so you'll always have a free hand to interact with.
This, Artifact on twitch was the most entertaining shit. Shrek 3 was funny.
I'm excited but you literally just can't talk about it on Yas Forums
Should've picked a real platform.
It's a tech demo that requires an expensive gimmick, and everyone who played the Half Life games already came to terms with it being dead and moved on years ago. Why would anyone care?
>the hype died, the meme died
Good. Valve could've released the best game of all time, undeniably, but it wouldn't have reached the standards the hype set up for it.
There was a sticky and the internet exploded you stupid retard
>gimmic vr game
>prequel so no closure to the decade old cliffhanger of EP2
>we don't see the 9 hours war but just how the rebels set up they base and stuff
>we know for a fact alex can't die so no tencion is possible
>10000% the story is how his mother dies
>Game series is no longer relevant, the last installment came out so long ago that people are actually feeling nostalgia for it, while younger players have never even tried it
>Requires a peripheral that costs as much as a new PC
>A lot of people also need to upgrade their PC as well to run it
All things considered, there's actually a lot more excitement around it than should be expected.
Have you seen the actual gameplay? Physics interactions are very limited. Once in a while you can toss a grenade or place a battery into a slot, but in terms of being able to fuck around with things in the environment there isn't much there.
It's Half-Life 3 in everything but name,
cope harder "it's just a spinoff!" VRlets
>It's Half-Life 3
>Half Life: The rail shooter
>in VR!
wow so exciting
>even more on rails than regular HLs
oh god
Pretty much everyone who made Valve good don't even work there anymore.
this same fucking thread again. It's been almost a month, move on man. I get that you're mad you won't get to play it but making a thread on Yas Forums every day isn't gonna help with that.
Go get a work, save up, try it yourself and then you can come shit on it if you want.
>Have you seen the actual gameplay?
No because the game isn't out yet and all we've seen is snippets, mainly from the 2nd chapter
Unironically this. The most overrated piece of shit ever created.
Do the countless threads saying there's no hype count as caring?
I think deep inside he cares. A lot too.
He's just very very sad he will never get to play it because instead of making a good living he sits here on Yas Forums Yas Forums making daily threads, replying to himself and expecting reactions.
People grew the fuck up and Yas Forums doesn't play vidya now fuck off.
Isn't it a VR exclusive thing? Who the fuck owns a VR set?
I'm excited, and that's what matters at the end of the day. :)
>new HL game is devoted to a stupid gimmick
What a horrible fate
People with jobs who aren't complete boomers.
Because Yas Forums just wants to see things fail, and post shit. If you have even a bit of experience with VR shooters you'll recognize that most of the people in this thread have no idea what they're talking about. I'm excited since they released the steam environments and having a look for myself. Its at least as big of a step forward as HL1 was compared to HL2 in my opinion. But by all means keep parroting that this is just a spin-off, rail shooter meme game.
Have you? You should watch it again since your retard is showing
based positive poster
It helps me
Uh, people with jobs don't buy usless gizmos. I think you mean "neets with too much money to spare".
>people with jobs don't buy usless gizmos
Infomercials beg to differ
Everyone forgot their passports
>This is when I get off.
Stopped reading there.
I have a job (my own small business, in fact) and I have no interest in VR. It's a step I feel vidya absolutely does not need to take and it'll always be a gimmick.
But it was just starting to get good.
They've stated that the pressure surrounding the name "Half Life 3" makes it no longer enjoyable to work on.
Alyx is the third major game. It's mainline. They're calling it something different because they don't want to make a game called "Half Life 3." But it is Half-Life 3. Cope.
Apple product consumers say otherwise
>new HL game
>VR exclusive prequel staring Alyx
fuck off
>longer than HL2
>tech demo
>>new half life game
>>literally no one cares or is excited
>what the fuck went wrong?
Are you kidding?
>promise a trilogy of short games
>release one
>get butthurt that it didn't get 10/10 reviews from everyone
>in revenge, make second game end on a horrible cliffhanger and silently cancel the third game
>quietly laugh at delusional fans who think the cancellation of Episode Three is an announcement of Half-Life 3
>tease fans with Borealis reference in Portal 2
>say nothing explicit about Half-Life for about a decade
>voice actors die
>lead writer quits
>allow an embarrassingly awful fan-made Half-Life spin-off to be sold on the Steam store, tacitly endorsing it, probably just to fuck with fans even more
>finally make more Half-Life, but it's VR-exclusive, and it's a prequel (no cliffhanger resolution), and it requires Windows 10 (despite all the previous and continuing pro-Linux shit)
They could have just released one more DLC-sized episode game, but they don't like Half-Life fans so they did this instead. Only cucks still look forward to more Half-Life games at this point. It's literally the same mentality as watching your wife get gangbanged and still being attracted to her.
Nah, it ain't HL3. Never will be. Faggots like Wolpaw can shove a stick down their dick and call that HL3, it wont be it.
The newest ishit is necessary for the survival of an average amerifat, even if he has crippling debt.
I'm sure it will be a Death Stranding situation where all the teaser gameplay looks boring and tedious as shit but the final product is astounding and revolutionizing.
>con continuation
>no real shooter because no mouse keyboard
instead telling something shit like "no vr lel poorfag" why valve didnt make a normal half life where everybody can play instead a shit gimmick piece of trash, is the point of pc play in fully potential with no chains but fucking shit why is valve so obsessed with vr?
Well I've finished, cleaned up, and pulled my pants back up. I'm done.
>They've stated that the pressure surrounding the name "Half Life 3" makes it no longer enjoyable to work on.
Then maybe they should have just made Episode Three as promised.
Given that they never officially announced Half-Life 3, there should have been no tremendous pressure to release it, and indeed there would have been no pressure if they had just communicated with fans instead of letting them wildly speculate.
>expensive gimmick exclusive
>no console release
wow it's almost as if 90% of gamers played games with standardized hardware and not wild new complicated tech that is unintuitive as fuck
Idk maybe it has something to do with the fact that a good VR set up is approximately $1500+
>all the hype of half life 3 leads up to a haunted house simulator
valve can eat shit
>why valve didnt make a normal half life
They didn't have the guts
>They've stated that the pressure surrounding the name "Half Life 3" makes it no longer enjoyable to work on.
what a bunch of pussy assed pansy faggots
and then they come 12+ years later with this shit?! pffft, i spit on them
>They've stated that the pressure surrounding the name "Half Life 3" makes it no longer enjoyable to work on.
translation: they know it's a mediocre product that sucks dick so they refuse to make what people actually want because the pressure on their dumb cuck mind is way too great now that they fired every single man that was capable of actually making a decent sequel
yeah sums it up well, I agree with them, I hope they crash and burn lol
>Hundreds of thousands of people purchasing a $1000 device just to play it
>N-No one cares
You retards are in total cope mode
No it isn't. Nobody thinks that you fuckwit.
if they have the guts to make this shit and telling us to play it, they have it to make a normal half life.
estronauts with too much money to spend on worthless shit
>>Hundreds of thousands
That's not that many in the context of vidya sales. Fuck, that's a successful indie game territory.
>It's a VR game and they're releasing a VR-based version of the Source 2 SDK
Until we get the actual Source 2 SDK that's when we'll start giving a shit. Golden Age of Modding will rise again!!
The poorfag cope on Yas Forums is utterly amazing.
even chad spencer doesn't give a flying fuck, the future is cloud based gaming with no hardware lock on, VR is even more bullshit cables and more hardware tied to your shitty visor, mind you that spencer played the entirety of half life alyx this summer and still doesn't give a fuck, he is completely right
VR is a massive meme until it becomes as cheap as an xbox controller
>slower-paced VR title
>pre-sequel spinoff
>episode 3 already got spoiled (and has fangames in the works)
>Valve's goodwill dried out long ago
And even then there's definitely a significant number of people still excited for it, even the fucking announcement got like 10 million views. The number of players it will attain, however, is what's likely going to be much smaller.
Xbox always makes the wrong mistakes so if anything this makes HLA amazing.
You know that at this point, even something called 'Episode 3" would be met with disappointment if it were *just* Episode 3. The delays have gone on for so long that fans are probably expecting Episode 3 to be some insanely spectacular masterpiece that probably can't be delivered upon.
My bet is that if they make Ep 3, they'll make it alongside the next VR title, assuming Alyx performs well enough to make another VR title. That way it won't be the only HL content coming out at the time of its release.
roflmao the only mistake they ever did was giving two shits about japan and hiring don mattrick, everything else has been stellar about microsoft and xbox, including the way they are handling game pass and PC ports, unlike those faggots at sony and nintendo that love to lock down shit to underpowered trash and le it rot there for eternity
please make sure you buy bloodborne remastered on ps5 for 40$ maybe it will run at more than 24fps this time
To all VRchads: let your friends and family know of this new AAA game and encourage them to try it on your device!
To all non-VR gamers: ask your buddies if they could let you try the new Half Life. I am sure they are eager to let you in! I know I am going to share my device with a multitude of people.
No, thanks. I don't want your coomer isolation chamber anywhere near my face
God i can't wait to be as contrarian and cool as you dudes are
>I know I am going to share my device with a multitude of people.
Fuck off, vrcuck