What went so right?

What went so right?

Attached: Will of the Wisps.jpg (1280x720, 184.41K)

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I can't find a physical PC version for this

bumpy road
wait for patch 2

What kind of metroidvania allows for sequence breaking but then locks your progress for doing it

>player character is small, white and has black eyes
the mark of kino

Back to r*ddit.

Okay, "metroid-like"

Based Gareth did his thing again


>metascore dropping fast
why is everyone laughing at us, ori-bros? will team cherry rape us again? i can't take it anymore...

The gameplay is great, but the story sucked. [Spoiler]Lots of moments to try and make you feel connected to characters that die. In the end the main character sacrifices themselves and turns into a tree. There are cutscenes that also make you believe the final boss could be converted or helped, but no. They end up alone at the end. [/Spoiler]

why is it so blurry

They took a good game and improved on it in every way

>The gameplay is great, but the story sucked.
I fail to see the issue here.

Yeah overall I had fun. Other players may care about story so it's a good thing to mention.

It's incompetently programmed, it's way too reliant on quest triggers when it could just be using the inventory for those checks. Like for example if you get one of the wisps before the story tells you to get the wisps it fucks up your save because you can't fulfill the quest trigger that says to get that wisp later and because that's what it's checking you can't progress the story, why not just check the inventory, in a genre like this they should really be anticipating people doing things out of order but that apparently didn't cross their mind.

>It's incompetently programmed
Post the source code.

I don’t need the source code to tell that the game is checking the quest triggers rather than anything else. The same thing happens on smaller scales as well, like how if you find and complete a combat shrine before you get the rumour pointing to it then when you do get the rumour for it you can never fulfil that trigger and it’s stuck there forever, it just shouldn’t have been designed that way



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why don't you add some sharpening/clarity with reshade

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Still haven't found the savefile huh?

Almost everything

>when the main theme cuts into the boss battle themes at the climax
>when you hear the medley of motifs calling back to the previous game
>when the stage drops from beneath you and you're fighting Shriek in the air using Kuro's feather and the Bash ability while a storm rages around you

Coker's talent is pretty insane. He's got a very nice career ahead of him if he keeps this up.

Attached: yeeeesss.gif (256x256, 452.11K)

Yeah that is why I bought the physical xb1 CE to leave it unsealed and play the winstore version I got for >free with rewards points.

Jump on it, hold glide and tripple jump, jump again. You get up eventually.
I used the fireball to bash myself higher as start so it only took 2 bubbles.

He's a big Mass Effect fan and I cum like a girl whenever I think about a Mass Effect game scored by him

D-don't say things like that, user. Muh dick can't take it.

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>finally starting to smack the spider's shit in and nearing the end of the fight
I coomed like you wouldn't believe

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Burrowing is fucked in this game. The worm escape is such a pain in the ass, for all the wrong reasons.

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Works for me. Just spamming dig dash all day like it's Aquaria.

I love burrowing. The desert was my favorite area. Worm escape is fine and the only one that's actually a challenge. Fight me.

I never had issues with it. Dash if want to go fast, don't if you want precise control and spin in place if you want to stay in place. Honestly its fun, its just water controls but you always move forward

>I want worthless cheap plastic garbage.
kill yourself.

wat do

Attached: 1s.jpg (1920x1080, 237.12K)

push rock so it blocks it


Go back up and push the rock down there you fucking idiot. didn't you play the first game?


Moving inside the sand is fine, entering it isn't. I've had dash triggered many times with the blue burrow indicator on screen.


thanks, didnt even see it

The only thing I kinda raised my eyebrow for in desert area was the random shard you find when using dig on the place with a shovel.

Tokk tells you about it

I don't care for it, but I didn't ever play the first one.

The art-style hinders my enjoyment. I'm pretty garbage at platforming and I'm much worse in this game because foreground and background kind of mix together.

Doesn't help the main character only takes up 7% of the screen, sometimes making it hard to track in combat while everything is going off like fireworks, too flashy.

This is just Hollow Knight to me, and I didn't enjoy that much either.

>I didn't play the game
>but let em tell you indepth why it sucks

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Like ?


what kind of rayman origins is this? it literally looks like a ps3 game

Since Ori is dead, what will the next game be called if there is one? Also god damn hammer is a fun weapon

Who says that Tree Ori can't name his son Ori Junior?

you're trying too hard. the painted graphics are the highest quality of any 2D games. even rayman origins doesn't compare.
it's actually insane that so much work went into the backgrounds.

Ori and the Sequel Where You Finally Get to Play As The Tree

It literally doesn't.

They unironically look blurry as shit on my PC. No clue why, I played the first game a week ago and it looked great. Maybe it'll be patched soon.


>You Finally Get to Play As The Tree
It's time

Attached: if-youre-over-25-and-own-a-computer-this-game-38942650.png (472x465, 481.75K)

> Are you over 2200 years old and own a computer?

you play as ori's son iro

Cringe art style filtered the incels and attracted the massive soiboy audience.

Iro and the Magical Tree Dad Who Could Totally Beat Your Dad In A Fight

It's insane because the overdesigned backgrounds hinders the gameplay.

Lmao works for my eyes dude

Real talk, if they continue the IP it'd probably be something simple like "Son of Ori" or named after the spirit child of Ori.

Though I'm wondering if Moon Studios will be moving on to another IP so they don't risk ruining the ending they put on this one. Which would be a sight for sore eyes in gaming. Actually moving onto new game concepts instead of rehashing the same thing over and over again until it fails.

They're confirmed to be working on some sort of ARPG next

There is a boulder nearby that you can push

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It wouldn't surprise me if that's whats going on here. The amount of work that went into these games is enormous. It would make sense from a financial standpoint to set the IP aside for a time and focus on other projects that may not be as intensive. It's sad, but the studio most likely has problems with manpower, being scattered around the globe. It would explain why the games were shorter overall.

Would love to see a final 3rd game because I can't get enough of Ori's platforming, but I'd also like to see what other things Moon Studios could make based on how impressive the game is.

works fine on my PC.
unless you're talking about the depth of field blur on 3D BG layers.
that's there to emphasise the layer you're on and to simulate focus for gameplay visibility.
there's currently no option to turn it off.
it's good with me because paintings simulate DOF all the time too. i'd welcome an option to toggle it tho so you can look at some of the bg art in more detail.

Attached: DOF.png (1584x874, 1.33M)

Not sure what it is, but I'm not feeling the magic I felt with the first one. I finished the first one in two sittings, this one I've put down 4 times in 3 hours played.

>2d platform indie shit

the gameplay improved in every way. I 100% the whole game in one 14 hour sitting and loved every minute.

Ori and the March of the Treants

This is a rare game where I don't mind the fov blur. It's used well and I can still see plenty of the backgrounds.
>funded by xbox money

imagine being this ignorant and retarded.