It's the best one in the series. Why do people pretend like it's bad?
It's the best one in the series. Why do people pretend like it's bad?
They typically either didn't like the caves or nitpick about really minor shit. I can see not considering it the best personally, but I'll never understand the people that absolutely shit on it. All three games are fantastic in their own ways.
Generally they dont like the underground. Feel that it goes from being a time management game to more combat oriented.
2 is my favorite but I can see where they're coming from.
I don't think I've ever seen anyone say either one is bad. The most I've seen is liking 1's faster pace and time limit more, or collecting the ship parts instead of random stuff.
Still disagree with both and 2 is definitely the best one. Love those little purple bois.
It's a pretty big divide from the rest of the series since it takes a new and different direction with it being more dungeon crawler-esque and exploration based as opposed to strategic and time management-based. It's a shame there's a divide like this.
I fucking love Pikmin 1 and 2, never played 3. Honestly it looks too different, and I don't like how they shied away from the photo-realistic art style (even if it was never that good at it).
What do those that have played it think? Should I put aside my hangups and give it a try?
The Pikmin 2 overworlds are totally fine, but the focus on cave exploration doesn't play to the series' strengths at all. Caves are really boring since it completely eliminates time management. A big part of what makes Pikmin fun to replay is optimizing your play to try and beat the game in less days, and caves are completely divorced from that. You can inch through each floor as slowly as you feel like. Pikmin also has very few combat options across the games, and since Pikmin 2 doesn't let you replenish your army underground, you can lose yourself into a corner and have to abandon the entire expedition.
It's no surprise that the cave universally agreed to be head and shoulders above the others is also the one that puts the pressure back on with an unkillable enemy ambush.
>has lobster monster on the cover
>you dont fight any lobster monster in the game
What do you mean?
ackschually it's a crayfish
Bruh its a hermit crawmad
On Yas Forums Pikmin 1 & 3 are more underrated.
Pikmin 3 is more photorealistic than any other game in the series. I don't have a clue what you're talking about. It also has a godtier challenge mode. The new pikmin additions both curb the overwhelming importance blue pikmin have, which the first two games suffer from, while also feeling quite different to use than the first 3.
Pikmin 3 has two big problems: restructuring the campaign around completing objectives instead of swiping all the loot off the map is boring and doesn't encourage multitasking as well. It makes routing the game really samey if you're trying to play fast. The second problem is that the c-stick controls from the Gamecube games have been dropped in favour of a charge and a brainless combat roll that gives every pikmin a ton of invincibility frames.
Bingo battle is also really fun if you're friends with another pikmin fan but I don't think that's a reliable selling point.
Absolutely. Especially if you prefer 1 over 2. It goes back to the overworld system and does away with caves entirely. Gameplay-wise it blows 1 and 2 out of the water. It just feels so refined and well thought out gameplay-wise. You will actually want to do all of the extra missions in the menu because the game is just so much fun to try to master. However, I think its worse than its predecessors in every other regard. Theres too much focus put on a mediocre story, the creepy atmosphere is mostly gone, and it feels way too short compared to Pikmin 2. The ending segment I also thought was pretty poorly handled but its a short part of the game so it doesn't hurt the experience too badly. In the end if you enjoyed 1 and 2 you will enjoy 3, no question.
I like Gluttons Kitchen more but I'm a food fag
I think people reference that cave because of PTSD, not necessarily because its the best.
How do I get into Pikmin? Should I start off from the first and then play them in order or just play the latest one?
>I don't like how they shied away from the photo-realistic art style
honestly i'm not sure i see what you mean by that
there's like three games, just play 1 2 and if you actually own a wii u, 3
I think a lot of fans gloss over Pikmin 3's mission mode but it's honestly the most fun I've ever had with the series.
Pikmin 3's visuals are really underrated. Its easily one of the best looking games of that gen.
No no, it's the best.
If you don't enjoy the time limit, do you really enjoy Pikmin?
I'm not saying P2 is a bad game, but I do think it's weird if you like 2 but not 1 or 3 specifically for that reason.
nobody thinks its bad. it has some real problems though and it's my least favorite in terms of gameplay (the raw amount of content still puts it above 3 as a game for me)
due to the randomly generated natured of the game, a lot of the puzzles, obstacles, whatever are all dealt with in a very simple manner. throw the right colored pikmin at the problem and then you just plow right through mindlessly.
>oh some fire geysers? just going to throw some reds at it and then bring my purples to massacre and clean the room
>oh some electric beetles? just going to throw some yellows at it and then bring my purples to massacre and clean the room
>oh a room full of normal enemies? i'll just bring some purples to massacre and clean the room.
compare this to 1 or 3 where
>oh fuck there's a treasure too high that i can't get i'll need yellow pikmin but there's water too so i'll need reds but there are some fire blowhogs in the way so i'll need some red pikmin but they throw the pikmin into the water so i'll have to keep some blues in the water but now there are frogs FUCK
>oh shit i need to get this fruit back to the ship but i'll need some rocks to break this part but i'll need some flying pikmin to build this bridg- FUCK there's a spider in the way so i'll probably need to bring the rocks earlier and then aim them at the spider
there are exceptions like the waterwraith cave, but that's what made it so memorable. it WASN'T a cave where you couldn't just throw the right color pikmin at the problem. you HAD to figure out real solutions to dealing with fire hazards and the wraith
also bloysters rule
>try to play pikmin 3
>forces me to use the uncomfortable brick of a gamepad to control things
My one and only complaint about the series is time limits. And I don't mean the length of days. For example Pikmin 2 seemed to do away with them. But after a couple days it spawns in stronger enemies in new spots. It's still punishing you to an extent.
Another part of optimizing your play is beating the game with the fewest amount of pikmin deaths possible. Caves get rid of time management and instead focus entirely on Pikmin management. Also, failing an expedition wastes time, so there is still pressure to do well on that front. Its different and I understand if you don't like it but I don't think the caves are that divorced from what made Pikmin good.
>it's been 6 years since Pikmin 3
>nothing since but a shitty spinoff
>Miyamoto mentions Pikmin 4, but now news since
I don't like time limits in games because on your first run it's impossible to gauge how much room for error there is and you risk wasting a bunch of time on a doomed run or needlessly stressing on a run you're doing extremely well in.
I second this. The mission mode is Pikmin 3 is the best they've ever had.
These days I get nervous when sequels are announced
What if 4 is shit? We are 3 for 3 right now, its better than most series' get.
I've never played a Pikmin game but I like going on the wiki and looking at all the cool enemy designs.
nintendo put these 3 games on switch already
fucking hell
If 4 is shit the series is dead anyways so why not just release it? I just want more photo-realistic tiny-giant environments to explore at this point.
it's the best by virtue of not having a daily limit. you can explore and do shit on your terms.
based spectator
>The mission that requires you to use all 7 types of pikmin for unique purposes
I wanted more and it makes me sad that we will never get all the different types in the main story.
just like MP2 it has great atmosphere, and I'm glad i played them, but i never want to dig down into those dark caves again
>not emulating it
also the pad is unironically best way to play
of all the series Yas Forums shitposts to death praying for another TORtanic I don't want Pikmin to be one of them
I try to be happy with what I've got, just as a life philosophy. Sometimes having more can ruin what you had.
The mission mode was great and I think that the battle mode was even better.
>tfw you find purple and whites
>tfw you find a bunch of cherries
>tfw you hit your opponent with lightning right when they go into battle
>tfw you fight them for the last item they need for a bingo and manage to take it from them
You'd love 2 then. It has an in-game piklopedia with captain entries about the enemies and you can feed or bully the enemies.
Winged Pikmin are very useful, but they have the worst designs by far.
>tfw no online mode
Pikmin 2 is my favorite game in the series and of all time. Major complaints i see are caves being repetitive, Purples OP and no time limit.
The game is still fun with these aside. The ingame timelimit that was present in 1 and sorta there in 3 is pretty much worthless since its so lenient, and you'll probably beat it in a half or third of the time.
I've been playing through a Pikmin 2 romhack, Pikmin 251, which bumps the challenge up a bit and doesn't hand you purples in the beginning, so you have to make use of reds as your main combat force like in 1 and 3.
They’re all great ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
2 is the best
people who hate 2 are shit, including shigeru miyamoto
I forgot I own pikmin 3, guess another game to play during quarantine
>I don't like how they shied away from the photo-realistic art style (even if it was never that good at it).
But they didn’t?
How would YOU do a Pikmin 4?
I’d have it done and released already
like Pikmin 2 but with more elaborate decorative caves with more themes and exclusive enemies to them. bosses you could never find on the surface that are even more massive.
this and I would go for clay style pikmin art, like the pikmin 2 promo images
>30 days
>30 ship pieces
>Forced to get 1 ship piece on day 1
>29 days
>29 ship pieces
Even my stupid 10 year old ass reasoned I just needed to get AT LEAST one ship piece per day. Any more than one per day and you have a surplus of days.
I'd make Louie the main character and then point fingers at Sakurai during the direct in an attempt to force him into smash ultimate.
Who the fuck thinks Pikmin 2 is a bad game?
This thread is just making me want to play through all of the games again
3 on Switch when? Jesus Christ it's the one PiiU port I actually want.
Yas Forumsirgin contrarians.
some people would swear their mothers to death rather than play with the gamepad and wii remote, but I'll be one to say that playing with a wii remote for control over the characters and pikmin and the gamepad for map control is my preferred way of playing it without emulating. battery life (for the gamepad) can be a problem, and the ability to mash to throw pikmin is kind of nerfed unless you pull some awkward hand maneuvering, but I can deal with it.