No chit-chat or monologue? Just getting right to the DMC thread huh?

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Other urls found in this thread:

This is my favorite.

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I like all the games for their respective qualities :D

Should I get DMC3 for Switch?
It looks sexy, but I'm currently preoccupied with other games. I believe it will probably go on sale soon, like most Capcom remasters?

Shut the fuck up vroomer

You're not allowed to have that mindset in these threads.

Sorry wrong pic.

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Good taste
Also good taste.

Get it now whilst the world is in /comfy/ mode.

just get a better webm to prove your point. Because too me as a baby boy it looks like there is as much going on as in a DMC4 video, which is probably why nobody understands what the fuck your point was. But then again it's not like its some revelation you're bringing, everybody who played the game knows its basically DmCs enemy step

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Worst Boss of their respective games GO!
>Nightmare 3

Damn, this just keeps happening, kinda tired today I guess. I meant to post this.

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I bit the bullet and it's retarded that its not the collection, and I own the collection multiple times already, but freestyle and co-op on the shitter are worth it to me
ultimately depends on your playing habits. if you spent your time on PC just get the freestyle mod that does the same

You can. It's a digital only, so it's not going anywhere. You can also wait for the game to go on sale. There's no harm in waiting. I do recommend getting it, one way or another.

Don't be a fagot. Like what you want but don't be that bitch that pushes everyone to like it too.

Elder Geryon Knight as V

fuck, again
why the fuck is this happening?

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why are bosses in 5 such health sponges? god damn a boss fight takes like 5 minutes at the least in this game
i can kill most bosses in 3 besides like nevan in 30 seconds

You know reboot and 2 have much in common. Same city type theme, same evil business man, same dedicated dodge button, both are shit. Hmmm

>Griffon 2
>the underwater boss
>Agnus 1(the mirror)
>any of the V bosses

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What difficulty you playing retard-kun

That's actually a really good one though, by mobile standards.

Stop playing 3 on easy mode then

Maybe I should check to see if I have a virus or something I meant to post this

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I won't explain everything to you, think about it yourself.
>everybody who played the game knows its basically DmCs enemy step
If you get that, it's ok, that was my point, but 5tards kept denying it saying i was too good at the game and whatnot.

unrelated but did anybody play MGR recently? I had forgotten how fucking frustrating that piece of shit is, the fucking camera keeps spinning and getting stuck randomly, which makes parrying a pain in the ass, there is offscreen attacks and so many fucking waggle grabs and stuns, and I don't know if it's the PC port but Blademode is unreliable aswell. I ended up ragequitting during the monsoon refight because I couldn't hit him in blademode after throwing grenades and his legs kept clipping inside me, good luck parrying in the right direction when hes inside you

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fuck I meant this

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>muh 5 fanboys
Jesus Christ you are pathetic, koncheluga.

just devil hunter
doing a dante playthrough and it took me like 4 years to kill artemis and nidhogg
these bosses barely even attack, you can just sit there beating the shit out of them and they just will not die

I hate Nero so goddamn much. Faget donut steel piece of shit trying to show up Dante.

DMC5 wants to be replayed.

>Load screen hell on base PS4

Yikes. What do?

I just wanted to say I love DMC5

Yeah MGRR is really rough around the edges and I can tell you, you're not the first one to get screwed over by the camera. Many have suffered the same fate. Also the game is a chore to S rank on higher difficulties and involves a great amount of cheese tactics.

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I played it, and I play it everyday. I got used to the camera, and it gets kino when you can control it however you want to.
>getting stuck randomly, which makes parrying a pain in the ass
>Blademode is unreliable aswell
Never happened to me.
>I couldn't hit him in blademode after throwing grenades
You're supposed to only parry him in the smoke phase.
I'd say keep playing user, shit after this is kino.
Sam's battle is fun as fuck.

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Like a modded Dante-only playthrough?

I feel like Nidhogg would suck as Dante, he’s balanced around V.

>just devil hunter
Take your meds, retard-kun.
Nero shits out tons of damage with Overture alone. It can also one shot Caina tier demon on dh
That's true V doesn't have as much dps as sparda boys.

>I won't explain everything to you, think about it yourself.
I didn't ask for that either, my point was your webm shows so many things at once, it's difficult to understand what you're trying prove.
Just get one enemy and repeatedly JC/Snatch it until you hit the skybox, that will demonstrate and back up your point without causing any confusion. I shouldn't have to think for you user.
Also reduce resolution and/or increase bitrate, the webms look like absolute ass

You're back, that-shitposting-guy, good to see you.

Fighting over which DMC is the best is foolishness. Each one has at least something it does right and something it fucks up on, so your favorite does kind of come down to personal preference. Unless you say 2 because outside of Dante's outfit and looking kind of decent for a PS2 game, that one is shit.

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>I feel like Nidhogg would suck as Dante, he’s balanced around V.
He is, same as Nero. Geryon is so much better as Nero/Dante though. Shame you can't buster him.

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Maybe i'll do some webms in 4 and 5 to compare, but i suck at making webms.
>Also reduce resolution and/or increase bitrate
Will that make it better?

Glad to see you too schizo. Show me where 5babs jc touched you

Agreed, Nero was a mistake.

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yeah I'm replaying the game for reference, got it at launch initially. When Monsoon starts glowing purple and activates his auto dodge you can force blade mode with EMP grenades, which is what I was doing. It didn't hit 5 times in a row and I assume it's something with the PC port because on console that never happenend. Or I just got really fucking bad at the game lmao

>Just Devil Hunter
>4 years to kill Artemis
Quad S, jump cancel fireworks, do fucking anything, it took me less than 2 minutes to kill her in BP which has SoS difficulty for bosses until Malphas
>Boss that was never meant to be fought by other characters than V
>Suddenly is hard to kill

But that won’t prove his point, because his point is that the game is super-easy BECAUSE of this. And it isn’t, and you can’t demonstrate that it is with sub-D-rank no damage enemy step chains into forever and beyond. He can only prove it’s easy if he’s wiping floors at SSS rank while doing it, and that requires real skill, which negates his point entirely.

At least Red Hot Night webms accomplish the goal of making SSS-rank insta-clears actually look easy, even if everyone at this point recognizes that this is a bullshit point because Red Hot Night is essentially broken on purpose.

>I feel like Nidhogg would suck as Dante
i dont like the fight as V and i liked it even less as Dante
this would be good advice except the fact I'm playing as Dante

this but unironically

Try this formula for calculating the best bitrate
24576/total seconds

>Griffon 2 (ship)
>Invicible fish in Lucia's side
>haven't play it
>Qliphoth roots

You’re essentially right but to be fair BP bosses all have severely nerfed HP pools and damage output. The “difficulty” affects their attack patterns and behavior but they still die faster and hit softer.

OP here.

Thread theme:

Attached: Dante.jpg (318x159, 11.1K)

Nope, it's just one retard imagined mysterious big bad 5fanboys, everybody else posts this shit for shit and giggles.

>having trouble with griffon
>use air raid

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>Qliphoth roots
That or Gilgamesh

you don't even have to use air raid
just use grenade launcher and cancel animation by rolling

>as Dante
>artemis, nidhogg on dh
What the fuck am I reading. You can't fight Nidhogg as Dante unless you use mods but you play on dh meaning this your first playthrough.

BP SoS bosses still have higher hp than DH, not to mention like you said SoS boss would move and attack more frequently than DH

bitrate should be as high as possible, I don't remember the exact value, WebM for Retards used to tell you the recommended value. I believe it was around 3000 or something. Resolution depends on the length and noise of the footage, something like a 30 seconds clip of a screen as busy as DMCs would ideally be somewhere around 480p, a 3 second loop of the starting screen can easily sit at 720 or 1080 even

Based and RedORBED.

I was just making the point that TTK Artemis in BP and TTK Artemis in SoS are not the same by a long shot.

It still shouldn’t take terribly long.

>Year of our lord 2020
>Niggas still be hatin on /ourguy/ Nero

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i'm using the character select mod, i guess i should have said that but i thought it would be clear
playing on DH because i'm fresh off a bunch of playthroughs of 3 and i don't remember many of dmc5's mechanics

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Is CapGOD going to do anything this E3?

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So you started NG with character not suited for earlier levels? Big yikes my man
Dante doesn't get his dps shit untill m12-13 which are in vanila his 2 and 3 mission. Still enemies on DH should melt, use real impact I dunno, suppise you have only rebellion/balrog and 2 firearms only.

Dino I don't know how to tell you this, but....

that might just be some ESL shenanigans where "floating is easy" becomes "floaty and easy". I used to struggle with that a lot so I'm willing to give him the benefit of the doubt.
I'm still drawing a blank on the purpose of it though. I don't think anybody really denies 5 is kinda floaty and enemy step is retardedly easy and if they do, then it's on purpose to get a reaction. But I also don't think the game is easier or worse for it, it's just different

I feel pretty sure he’s got his full complement of unlocks from past completion and is just replaying the campaign on DH for the fuck of it/to de-rust

Post photo mode shots.

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It’s not ESL shit when it’s coming with comments like “any retard can do it” and “appealing to casuals totally ruined this game”.

Best I can do is “hyperbole in the service of starting a discussion” but it’s basically just baitposting

why do all the photo mode models look so ugly?

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>full unlocks
>no dps
Mommy help.