Warning: Keep your rage at your own seat
please enjoy the ride
Warning: Keep your rage at your own seat
please enjoy the ride
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I don't even know what Horizon Zero Dawn is and OP is a mega bitch boy that sucks dicks for penis removal surgery
>I don't even know what Horizon Zero Dawn is
quite bad acting
i give you 3/10 back to ur basement
this means
GoW and TLoU has chance
Why didn't they port Bloodborne instead?
this also means bloodborne isnt safe
>he doesnt know
consolefags make me sick
dude both fromsoft and sony KNOWS that people really REALLY want BB on PC.
They know it's one of the most wanted games. Giving that away would be suicide.
They did it because they already ported the decima engine for the Death Stranding port although Bloodborne would be a clear choice for how well the Souls games sell on PC.
It’s coming after Demon's Souls
is this a game people like or what? never heard of it
Idort master race here.
Who the fuck cares? The game was mediocre at best.
fpbp i've never heard of this game till now
The game barely runs on a regular ps4 and not even the ps4 pro got any attention from Sony or FROM despite being out since 2016. If they port it to PC it'll probably break the game or something retarded like that.
>japanese developers
i've had access to a ps4 for the last month or so. all the exclusives are mediocre. bloodborne, last of us, all of them they only get praised because they're exclusive
prove it
bloodborne is actually good though
the seething would be apocalyptic if this was BB
don't worry, BB will come soon enough :^)
For non-nu-Yas Forums yes. But current Yas Forums really thinks Horizon is good instead of being a shameless SJW piece of shit. Seeing people that are proud of having such trash in their console cry and get mad as shit because of a port is very nice though.
it's already apocalyptic
check this out
>Very first video is a fat slob going on about how pc gamers don't deserve the game because all pc gamers play are rts.
My god the ignorance is blinding.
Most likely because it's gonna completely break above 30 fps.
There's absolutely no way that they wouldn't make more money by releasing it on PC at this point, vs keeping it PS4 exclusive and hoping people buy it/buy a console to play it. How many more people are really going to buy a brand new PS4 just to play Bloodborne?
I'm still not gonna fucking buy it. The only years-later console port I might throw money at would be BB, and that's only if it wasn't full price. Fuck trying to scam me out of $60 for an old game that most likely won't work very well.
Honestly, Snoy should keep their over-the-shoulder movie games in their consoles where I don't have to deal with people who actually think they're good.
lmao, fuck that chimp
>Snoy should keep their over-the-shoulder movie games in their consoles where I don't have to deal with people who actually think they're good
is somebody going to be busting HZD out at your LAN party or something? How does this affect you?
>some nasally faggot narrating it all while playing a game
Dropped. Wish people could just put the fucking clips in. NOBODY is watching this because of WHO made it, just because they want to see angry consolefags
I doubt any Japanese games would be ported uc4 days gone Gow etc all sold way more than BB I would probably say the western catalog is more likely.
MLB the show hzd and that predator game are coming and that might be it for ps4 ports if I was going to get my hopes up it would be for day 1 ports of ps5 games.
Then you don't own a PS4, congratulations.
No one is outraged so OP has to create his own false narrative . How many times will you make this thread?
Nah, it's more like just going "I don't have a console" is usually enough to shut down the topic whenever it comes up IRL.
Believe it or not I don't actually enjoy going on tangents about how my friends' taste is shit.
Cool. Its a fun game and I hope PCbros enjoy it. I already bought it at full price so Ill probably just pirate it.
Xgolbins mad.
its just one game cool off shitposter
Okay I see what you're saying. I've mostly given up on talking about video games IRL too. All my friends and I just play single player stuff now anyway so unless we're both playing something we don't discuss vidya.
Same I've never heard of it
It's more likely we'll see Until Dawn or Killzone first because these games use the same engine as DS and HZD.
It's called "acting" you smelly toddler
how fucking retarded do you have to be to get excited over the release of a console? Did he think Sony was just going to bow out of the video game market?
Man you're retarded. I seriously hope you're b8ing.
Say what you want about Schreier but his track record of late is superb.
I don't keep up with the latest e-celebs and which ones are pretending to be retarded. but go off lad
you didn't get the joke he was doing did you
>platform-agnostic future
Does this man even know that Japan also produces games and they're 99.999999% for consoles?
More exposure is bad I guess? Guess the only downside for Yas Forums is that you'll being hearing a lot about Aloy for years and years to come.
>buying a bunch of different plastic boxes when you can just build one of your own that plays 95% of the games you want
have sex
If you're an actual Sonybro upset about HZD on Steam, then you gotta grow the fuck up.
Most noteworthy and even obscure Japanese games are on PC now
No, you won't. She's unremarkable, ugly, not interesting, drab and any other adjective you can think of for a character that is just not worth remembering.
It'll be a couple weeks' shitposting at best. HZD has no staying power in the public eye because nothing about it (other than, so far, the fact that it was exclusive) is worthy of note.
>Some fat ugly nigger right off the bat
Somehow I'm not surprised.
>HZD has no staying power in the public eye
You said that three years ago.
Sonybros... We are going to lose another one
Aloy will top the Steam charts.
>finally gonna get a mod to fix her fucked up face
Years after the fact and barely functional in the best of cases. Most jap studios are still console-minded and then you have your Fatluses that straight up refuse and persecute the possibility of playing their games on PC.
The only well known jap studio that actively develops for PC right now is ironically Capcom.
And then you promptly forgot about it for three years until these news put it back in the radar. What's your point?
I just want bloodborne PC. They can keep everything else.
How long until Nintendo starts publishing on Steam? It's only a matter of time now that Microsoft and Sony are doing it. Exclusives are dead going forward.
I don't think this game will have any mods. I'd like one that makes her look like the qt from the concept art, but even if the game had something like a modkit or was moddable in general, nobody would bother.
Was thisgame any good?
Wasn't this game released back in 2015? Enjoy your (shit) leftovers.
This is a relatively high profile pc port of a console game that was hyped to hell as a first party game. What makes you think no one will bother?
Actually, many Jap games have simultaneous releases or very near.
A good example is Granblue Fantasy Versus, where the PC version released 10 days after the NA PS4 version and 2 weeks before the EU PS4 version.
truly awesome
It's been years and people already know the game is average at best.
why rage?
already played it and enjoyed it
i'm going to play it again on pc when the price gets down to $5
>It's been years
So? It wasn't on pc for those years, was it?
Kamiya taught me that fanboyism is cancer. Let go fanboys. Take the pointing and laughing in stride, and fuck some pussy 2nite.
GBF is a terrible example. The original game is a browser game, they'd need to be completely retarded to make it a console exclusive.
I'll finally get the aloy nude mods I lusted for all these years
Is that Leafy? Or just some queer imitating him? How embarrassing
Nier Automata was the same, PC version came out a week after the PS4 version.
Sorry m8, but it's not 2014 anymore, most Jap games release simultaneously, especially pretty much every game published by Bamco.
>Kamiya taught me that fanboyism is cancer
Then he went and turned his company into a Nintendo studio. What a hypocrite, huh.
just like what phil spencer said in 2016
Platinum's in bed with everyone.